

 2003年2月7日 (No.079)
1. butterfly 蝴蝶 6. ant 螞蟻 12. monkey 猴子
2. mosquito net 蚊帳 7. canteen 軍用水壺 13. compass 指南針
3. machete 開山刀 8. vine 藤蔓 14. binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡
  (中南美土著用來砍樹闢路) 9. sloth 樹懶 15. frog 青蛙
4. jaguar 美洲豹;美洲虎 10. snake    
5. parrot 鸚鵡 11. mosquito 蚊子    
1. bug spray 驅蟲劑
2. jungle trekking 叢林跋涉
3. the Amazon 亞馬遜河
4. chimpanzee 黑猩猩
5. orangutan 紅毛猩猩
6. gorilla 大猩猩
7. guide 嚮導
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Look at the amazing natural beauty! 看看這令人驚嘆的自然之美!
    Let's put on some bug spray. 我們來噴點驅蟲劑吧。
    Watch your step! 小心你的腳步!
    Those plants are poisonous. 那些植物有毒。
    Don't move an inch! 千萬不要動!
    All these mosquitoes are eating me alive! 這些蚊子要把我活活叮死!
    Get down! (身體)蹲下!
    Duck! (頭)低下!
  • 成語 Idiom
  • It's a jungle out there. 世界是殘酷的
    jungle 是「叢林」,未經開發的叢林裡有許多潛藏的危機,所以用來比喻「危險的地方;殘酷、沒有法理的地方」。it's a jungle out there 即形容「現實世界如同叢林一般殘酷,處處充滿危機」。
    Finding a good job is very difficult. It's a jungle out there.
     Dialogue 1.
    Fred and Dolly are on an adventure vacation to the Amazon. They are in the jungle.
    Fred: This is absolutely amazing! The jungle is so full of life! 弗瑞德: 真令人驚奇!叢林裡如此生意盎然!
    Dolly: Look over there. What is that up in the tree? 朵莉: 看那裡。樹上那個是什麼?
    Fred: That's a sloth. It's a slow-moving tree animal! 弗瑞德: 那是樹懶。牠是一種爬行緩慢的樹棲動物!
    Dolly: It looks like it's coming towards us. What should we do? 朵莉: 牠好像往我們這裡爬過來了。我們該怎麼辦?
    Fred: Don't worry. It won't hurt us. It just wants to climb a new tree. 弗瑞德: 別擔心。牠不會傷害我們的。牠只是要去爬一棵新的樹。
    Dolly: It sure is an amazing animal. Let's keep exploring! 朵莉: 真是神奇的動物。我們繼續探險吧!
     Dialogue 2.
    Fred and Dolly are about to leave the jungle when Fred sees something.
    Fred: Get down! I see a gorilla! 弗瑞德: 蹲下來!我看到一隻大猩猩!
    Dolly: Quick! Gimme the binoculars! I want to take a look. 朵莉: 快!望遠鏡給我!我要好好瞧一瞧。
    Fred: Do you see him? Up in that tree over there. 弗瑞德: 妳看到牠了嗎?就在那裡的那棵樹上。
    Dolly: Wait! There is a whole group, and they're in the trees above us. 朵莉: 等等!有一整群呢,牠們就在我們上面的樹上。
    Fred: I knew they lived together, but I never thought I'd see some. 弗瑞德: 我知道牠們群居在一起,但沒想到我可以親眼看到。
    Dolly: Wow! They haven't seen us yet. They're all taking an afternoon nap. 朵莉: 哇!牠們還沒看到我們。牠們全在睡午覺。
    Fred: Let's get back to camp. We don't want to disturb them. 弗瑞德: 回去營地吧。我們不要打擾牠們。
    Fill In the Blanks
    a. machete b. compass c. jaguar d. parrot e. binoculars
    f. mosquito g. vine h. ant i. canteen j. frog
      Monkeys swing on this in the jungle.
      This big cat lives and hunts in the jungle.
      This type of bird lives in jungle trees.
      You will probably get bitten by this insect in the jungle.
      Drink water from this when you are thirsty.
      Use this large knife to cut tree branches in the jungle.
      This cute little creature can live on land and in water.
      Use these to look at something that is far away.
      If you are lost, this will help you find your way.
      This small insect lives in groups and walks all over.
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