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  • Topic of the Week:
  • Extra Stuff
  • Practice Dialogue
  • Test Yourself
    2003 年3 月21 日 (No.085)
    ...  學生另有優惠 立即訂閱        優惠活動截止日期:2003年3月31日 ...
    1. tow truck 拖車 (用來拖走 7. jumper cable(s) 跨接線(兩端裝有夾頭,電瓶電量不足時可用
      拋錨或發生車禍的車輛)   以接其它電力充足車輛的電)
    2. warning triangle 8. jack 起重器;千斤頂 12. pedestrian 行人
      三角警示標誌 (更換車輪時用的) 13. hood 引擎蓋;車蓋
    3. toolbox 工具箱 9. mechanic(修車的)技工 14. car battery 汽車電池
    4. flashlight 手電筒; 10. shoulder 路肩(公路邊緣 15. engine 引擎
      手提照明燈   的車道,供汽車在緊急情況 16. flat tire 爆胎
    5. wrench 扳手   下停車用) 17. oil 機油
    6. spark plug(s) 火星塞 11. road flare(s) 照明火把 18. spare tire 備胎
    1. jump start 助推起動汽車(不使用起動器)
    2. radiator 散熱器
    3. transmission (汽機車的)傳動裝置;變速器
    4. emergency light(s) 緊急照明燈
    5. snow chains 防滑鏈(在雪地上為了防止車輪打滑所用的鐵鏈)
    6. gas cap 油箱蓋
    7. repair shop 修車行
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Can you give me a jump start? 你能幫我發動車子嗎?
    Do you have any jumper cables? 你有跨接線嗎?
    My car's battery is dead. 我的車沒電了。
    My car stalled. 我的車熄火了。
    My car won't start. 我的車沒法發動。
    Turn off the ignition. 把車熄火。
    My car overheated. 我的車過熱。
    My car is stuck in the mud. 我的車陷在泥濘裡。
    We're out of gas. 我們沒油了。
    What's that funny noise? 那是什麼聲音呀?
    Let's lift the hood and take a look. 把引擎蓋打開,檢查一下吧。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • give someone a break 別再煩某人
      You're blaming me for the bus being late? Give me a break!
    Dialogue 1 
    Debby and Philip are driving home after having dinner at a restaurant.
    Philip: That meal was fantastic! Hey, what's that funny noise? 菲利普: 晚餐真棒!嘿,那是什麼聲音呀?
    Debby: Gosh! It sounds like something is wrong with your car. 黛比: 天啊!聽起來你的車子好像有問題。
    Philip: That's weird. I just got it repaired. 菲利普: 那就怪了,我才剛修過車。
    Debby: You know Phil, you really need to get a new car. 黛比: 菲爾,你知道嘛,你真的該換新車了。
    Philip: You're right, but new cars are so expensive. 菲利普: 你說得對,可是新車好貴。
    Debby: I know. I just want to get home in time for my favorite TV show. 黛比: 我知道。我只是想趕回家看我最喜歡的電視節目。
    Dialogue 2 
    Helen's car has just broken down and it's sitting on the shoulder. Louis, a mechanic, has arrived to help.
    Helen: Boy, am I glad to see you! 海倫: 喔,真高興見到你!
    Louis: What seems to be the problem, ma'am? 路易: 小姐,請問是什麼問題呢?
    Helen: Well, I was driving along and my car started to overheat. 海倫: 嗯,我正在開車,然後車子過熱。
    Louis: No problem. Let me lift the hood and take a look. 路易: 沒問題。讓我打開引擎蓋檢查一下。
    Helen: What do you think the problem might be? 海倫: 你覺得可能是什麼問題呢?
    Louis: Ah! Your radiator overheated. I'll add some more water. That should solve the problem. 路易: 呃!妳的散熱器過熱。我會加些水。這樣應該可以解決問題。
    Helen: Great! I'll be back on the road in no time! 海倫: 太好了!我馬上就可以上路了!
    Fill  in blank
    a. hood b. spark plugs c. warning triangle d. toolbox e. mechanic
    f. flashlight g. jumper cables h. flat tire i. jack j. spare tire
      This device helps you see in the dark.
      You keep tools in this special kind of box.
      You use these to give your car's battery power from another car.
      This is the name of the extra tire most cars have.
      You open this and lift it up to start working on your car's engine.
      You will need to change your tire if you get one of these.
      This type of machine can be used to lift your car up.
      This person can help you fix your car.
      These small parts help your car's engine safely burn gasoline.
      You put this in the road to let everyone know they must drive carefully.
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