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    2003 年 4 月 11 日 (No.088)
    < 更多介紹 >
    1. dry cleaning 乾洗後的衣物 7. passport 護照 14. room service
    2. briefcase 公事包 8. cell phone 行動電話;手機   客房送餐服務
    3. carry-on suitcase 手提行李 9. family photo 家庭照 15. notebook computer
    4. promotional materials 10. reading lamp 檯燈   筆記型電腦
      推廣資料;宣傳資料 11. eye mask 眼罩 16. notepad 便條本
    5. name card 名片 12. alarm clock 鬧鐘 17. PDA 個人數位助理
    6. loose change 13. power converter 18. guidebook 導覽手冊
      (口袋或皮包裡的)零錢   電源轉換器;變壓器    
    1. jet lag 時差問題
    2. local time 當地時間
    3. Greenwich mean time (GMT) 格林威治時間
    4. culture shock 文化衝擊
    5. travel insurance 旅遊平安保險
    6. diarrhea 腹瀉
    7. Internet access 網路連線
    8. wake-up call 電話叫醒服務
    9. conference 會議
    10. conference call 電話會議
    11. exhibition 展覽
    12. trade show 貿易展覽
    13. sample product 樣品;樣本
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I'm going to be late. 我快遲到了。
    My flight has been delayed. 我的班機誤點了。
    I missed my connecting flight. 我錯過轉接班機了。
    What health precautions should I take? 我該做哪些健康的預防措施呢?
    I think I have food poisoning. 我想我是食物中毒了。
    How do I get to San Francisco? 我要怎麼去舊金山?
    Is this your first trip to San Francisco? 這是你第一次去舊金山旅行嗎?
    Does this hotel have a business center? 這家飯店有商務中心嗎?
    I'll be in meetings all day. 我整天都要開會。
    I'd like to reschedule our meeting. 我想重排開會的時間。
    Are there any good restaurants around here? 這附近有什麼不錯的餐廳嗎?
  • 成語 Idioms
  • on the road 旅行
    on the road 是「從事長程旅行」,尤其指經常出差的業務員,或巡迴各地表演的樂團、劇團等。
      As a salesperson, I am always on the road meeting customers and selling products.
    Dialogue 1 
    Sarah is talking with her boss, Peter, about an upcoming business trip.
    Peter: Are you excited about your trip? 彼得: 妳期待妳的旅行嗎?
    Sarah: I am, actually. I've never been to Taipei before. 莎拉: 說真的,我很期待。我從來沒去過台北。
    Peter: You'll enjoy it. The Taiwanese people are very friendly. 彼得: 妳會喜歡那裡的。台灣人都非常友善。
    Sarah: I can't wait to try the food and see the sights. 莎拉: 我迫不及待地想嚐嚐那裡的食物,還有去觀光了。
    Peter: Hey! Don't forget that you're going there on business. 彼得: 嘿!別忘了妳是去那裡出差辦事的。
    Sarah: I know. But I'll still have time in the evenings to explore the city. 莎拉: 我知道啊。可是我晚上還是有空去市區遊歷的嘛。
    Peter: In fact, you can stay a couple of extra days, if you want. 彼得: 其實,如果妳要的話,妳可以多待個幾天。
    Dialogue 2 
    George is talking with a fellow passenger, Francis, on a business flight.
    George: Are you going to the bicycle exhibition? 喬治: 妳是去參加自行車展嗎?
    Francis: Yes, I am. Will your company have a booth there? 法蘭西絲: 對。你的公司會在那裡設攤嗎?
    George: Yes, my company will. We'll be at booth sixty-three, hall G. 喬治: 會。我們會在 G 館的第六十三號攤位。
    Francis: Great! We're at booth seventy in the same hall. 法蘭西絲: 太好了!我們在同一館的第七十號攤位。
    George: I'm George Smith, by the way, from the American Bicycle Company. 喬治: 對了,我是喬治史密斯,在美國自行車公司服務。
    Francis: Francis Chen. Here's my business card. 法蘭西絲: 我是法蘭西絲陳。這是我的名片。
    George: Thanks. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other over the next few days. 喬治: 謝謝。接下來這幾天我們肯定會常常見面的。
    Fill  in blank
    a. eye mask b. guidebook c. briefcase d. alarm clock e. dry cleaning
    f. notepad g. notebook computer h. power converter i. PDA j. business card
      You can write down notes and ideas on this.
      Use this if you want to sleep on the plane.
      Give this to other businesspeople when you meet them.
      Set this before you go to sleep to help you wake up in the morning.
      This small device will let you use electricity in a foreign country.
      This electronic device is larger than a cell phone but smaller than a PC.
      You can take this type of computer with you on business trips.
      This book will help you get around in a foreign place or country.
      Put all of your important files and paper in this stylish type of case.
      This is what you call clothes that have been washed in a special way.
    (原 Life TALK 美語會話脫口說全新改版)