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  • Topic of the Week
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    2003 年 4 月 18 日 (No.089)
    1. poster(s) 海報 8. picture frame 相框 16. coaster(s) 杯墊
    2. teddy bear 泰迪熊 9. cologne 古龍水 17. key chain(s) 鑰匙圈
    3. perfume 香水 10. bow 蝴蝶結 18. tin of cookies 罐裝餅乾
    4. gift card(s) 賀卡 11. diary 日記本 19. box of chocolates
      (附在禮物上的) 12. wrapping paper 包裝紙   盒裝巧克力
    5. Scotch tape 透明膠帶 13. fountain pen 鋼筆    
    6. postcard(s) 明信片 14. cigar(s) 雪茄    
    7. mug 馬克杯 15. monogrammed stationery 印有名字縮寫的信封和信紙
    1. anniversary gift 週年紀念賀禮
    2. wedding gift 結婚賀禮
    3. graduation gift 畢業賀禮
    4. housewarming gift 喬遷賀禮
    5. necklace 項鍊
    6. bracelet 手鐲
    7. tie clip 領帶夾
    8. cuff link(s) 袖扣
    9. 24-karat gold 純金
    10. decanter 附蓋子的玻璃瓶(可盛酒或擺在餐桌上當作裝飾)
    11. cutlery set 餐具組
    12. set of tea cups 茶杯組
    13. set of crystal glasses 水晶玻璃杯組
    14. bath and beauty basket 沐浴美容用品禮籃
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I'm looking for a gift for my husband. 我在找要送我先生的禮物。
    I don't know what to get her. 我不知道要送她什麼東西。
    I know the perfect gift for him! 我知道一個最適合他的禮物了!
    Would you like that gift wrapped? 您要把那件禮物包起來嗎?
    I am just looking around the store, thank you. 謝謝,我只是逛逛。
    Do you have any anniversary gift ideas? 你想到要送什麼週年紀念禮物了嗎?
    I love this gift that you gave me! 我好喜歡你送我的這件禮物喔!
    Oh! You shouldn't have! 哦!你真是太客氣了!
    It's just perfect! 這正是我想要的!
  • 成語 Idioms
  • don't look a gift horse in the mouth 別挑三揀四(別挑剔別人送的禮物)
    這句話的字面意思是「別檢查別人送的馬的嘴」,檢查馬嘴是要數馬的牙齒數,藉此知道馬的年齡和價值,但既然馬是免費得來的,就不該過於計較。don't look a gift horse in the mouth 這句話便是勸人「不要挑剔別人餽贈的禮物」。
      Your parents gave you a new cell phone, but you want a more expensive one? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
    Dialogue 1 
    Tiffany and her boyfriend, Sammy, are going to Sammy's family's house. They are in a gift shop looking for presents to give to his family.
    Tiffany: I hate shopping at the last minute. 蒂芬妮: 我好討厭在最後關頭才來買東西。
    Sammy: Don't worry. There are lots of great gifts here. We'll find something in no time. 山米: 放心,這裡有一堆很棒的禮物。我們很快就會找到適合的了。
    Tiffany: Let's go look at the gift cards. That's a good start. 蒂芬妮: 我們去看看賀卡吧。從選卡片開始應該錯不了的。
    Sammy: OK, Tiffany, but you know how hard my mom is to shop for. 山米: 好吧,蒂芬妮,不過妳知道買東西給我媽是很難的。
    Tiffany: I know. I don't think she liked the teddy bear I gave her last time. 蒂芬妮: 我知道。她不是很喜歡我上次送她的泰迪熊。
    Sammy: Look! I think we should give my parents a set of crystal glasses like this. 山米: 看!我覺得我們應該送我爸媽一套像這樣的水晶玻璃杯。
    Tiffany: I like that set, too, but take a look at the price! It is so expensive! 蒂芬妮: 我也喜歡那套,可是看看那價格吧!好貴喔!
    Dialogue 2 
    Tiffany is looking at a nice cutlery set and talking with a store employee.
    Tiffany: This cutlery set is beautiful. How much is it? 蒂芬妮: 這套餐具組好漂亮。多少錢?
    Employee: It's fifty dollars, not including tax. It's thirty percent off this week. 店員: 五十元,未稅。本週打七折。
    Tiffany: That still sounds a bit expensive. 蒂芬妮: 聽起來還是有點貴耶。
    Employee: If you think this cutlery set is too expensive for your budget, we have a great set of tea cups over here. 店員: 如果您覺得這套餐具組超過預算,我們這兒還有一套很棒的茶杯組。
    Tiffany: Wow! Those cups are beautiful and much more affordable. I'll take that set. 蒂芬妮: 哇!那些茶杯好漂亮,價格也合理多了。我要那一套好了。
    Employee: Excellent choice, and all purchases come with complimentary gift wrapping. 店員: 您的眼光真好,所有購買的貨品我們都會免費為您包裝的。
    Tiffany: Please use that wrapping paper with the little birds on it. The gift is for my boyfriend's mom, and she loves birds. 蒂芬妮: 麻煩你用那張小鳥圖案的包裝紙來包。這禮物是要送我男朋友的媽媽的,她很喜歡鳥。
    Employee: I'll also add a nice red bow on top. Everyone loves gifts with bows on top. 店員: 我還會在上面加個漂亮的紅色蝴蝶結。大家都喜歡有蝴蝶結裝飾的禮物。
    Fill  in blank
    a. teddy bear b. cutlery set c. wrapping paper d. coaster e. cigars
    f. picture frame g. perfume h. decanter i. monogrammed stationery j. mug
      This is a large, round cup that you can use to drink tea or coffee.
      Wrap your gifts and presents in this type of paper.
      Women can spray this on themselves to smell good.
      This special type of paper has the letters of someone's name on it.
      You can put a picture of someone you love in one of these.
      Both kids and adults like this type of stuffed animal.
      Place your beverage on this to protect your table.
      This type of bottle is used to hold whiskey and other expensive alcohols.
      You can smoke these, and they are bigger than cigarettes.
      This contains knives, forks, and spoons.