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    2003 年 4 月 25 日 (No.090)
    CNN 專題報導21位風雲人物,跟世界名人學英語,世紀典藏,全力推薦:

    1.布希 2.馬英九 3.朱利安尼 4.小泉純一郎 5.東尼•布萊爾 6.陳水扁 7.毛澤東 8.胡錦濤 9.吉米•卡特 10.江澤民 11.柯林頓 12.科菲•安南 13.葛林斯潘 14.華倫巴菲特 15.麥克傑克森 16.珍妮佛•羅培茲 17.喬治•哈里遜 18.珍娜•傑克森 19.史蒂芬•史匹柏 20.大衛•貝克漢 21.姚明

    1. car wreck 車輛撞毀 7. IV 靜脈注射;點滴 14. firefighter 消防員
    2. fire truck 消防車 8. victim 受害人;罹難者 15. police car 警車
    3. skid mark(s) 煞車痕跡 9. police officer 警察 16. ambulance 救護車
    4. witness 目擊者 10. neck brace 護頸 17. gurney
    5. paramedic 救護員; 11. oxygen mask 氧氣罩   (推送病人的)輪床
      醫務輔助人員 12. first-aid kit 急救箱 18. perimeter tape 警戒線(帶)
    6. stethoscope 聽診器 13. bystander(s) 旁觀者;看熱鬧的人
    1. siren 警笛;警報器
    2. emergency light(s) 緊急照明燈
    3. emergency vehicle(s) 緊急救援車輛
    4. emergency service(s) 緊急救援服務
    5. emergency personnel 救難人員
    6. medevac helicopter 救難直升機
    7. accident report 事故報告
    8. witness statement 目擊者證詞
    9. injury 傷害
    10. collision 碰撞;相撞
    11. trauma (精神)創傷
    12. blood transfusion 輸血
    13. unconscious 昏迷的;不省人事的
    14. pulse 脈搏
    15. defibrillator 心臟電擊器(用來使心跳恢復規律狀態)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Call 9-1-1! 快報警!
    I want to report an accident. 我要通報一場事故。
    I just witnessed an accident. 我剛剛親眼看到一場意外。
    The accident occurred at the end of Main Street. 事故發生在大街底。
    Are you OK? 你還好吧?
    Do you need any help? 你需要幫忙嗎?
    Stay calm. 保持鎮定。
    An ambulance is on the way. 救護車快來了。
    I'm OK. 我沒事。
    I am lucky I wasn't more badly hurt. 我運氣好,沒什麼嚴重的傷。
    I lost control of my car. 我沒法控制車子。
    My arm really hurts; I think it is broken. 我的手臂真的很痛,我想是骨折。
    Please call my family and tell them that I am OK.
    He escaped with only some minor cuts and bruises.
    I'm a bit shaken up, but I'll be OK. 我有點被嚇到了,但我會恢復的。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • add insult to injury 雪上加霜
    insult 是「侮辱」,injury 是「傷害」,add insult to injury 這句成語是指傷害別人後又侮辱對方,或使一個惡劣的情況變得更糟。類似中文成語「落井下石」、「雪上加霜」。
      The woman's boyfriend arrived late to the dinner with her parents, and to add insult to injury, he was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
        那個女人的男友和她父母一起吃飯不僅遲到,更糟糕的是,他竟然只穿 T 恤和短褲。
    Dialogue 1 
    Susan fell off of her bike and hurt her leg. Jimmy, a paramedic, was driving by and he stopped to help.
    Jimmy: Stay calm and don't move. 吉米: 保持鎮定,不要亂動。
    Susan: Oh! My leg hurts. I think it's broken. 蘇珊: 哦,我的腿好痛。我想是骨折。
    Jimmy: Let me take a look at it. Does it hurt here? 吉米: 讓我仔細看看。這裡痛嗎?
    Susan: No. But it hurts when I try to stand up. 蘇珊: 不會。可是當我想要站起來時就很痛。
    Jimmy: I think you're OK. But you should have a doctor look you over at the hospital. 吉米: 我想妳沒事。不過妳應該去醫院讓醫生檢查一下。
    Susan: I'll use my cell phone to call my mom. She can meet me at the hospital. 蘇珊: 我會打手機給我媽。她可以去醫院接我。
    Jimmy: You're a lucky girl, Susan. You should be more careful in the future. 吉米: 蘇珊,妳是個幸運的女孩。妳以後應該更小心一點。
    Dialogue 2 
    Ronald has just seen an accident. He is talking to a 9-1-1 dispatcher.
    Dispatcher: Emergency services. How can I help you? 調度員: 緊急救援服務。有什麼事嗎?
    Ronald: I've just witnessed a car accident. Both of the drivers are hurt. 羅納德: 我剛剛目擊一場車禍。兩個司機都受傷了。
    Dispatcher: OK, sir. Stay calm, and give me the location, please. 調度員: 好的,先生。請保持冷靜,告訴我地點在哪裡。
    Ronald: The accident occurred at the intersection of First and Second Streets. 羅納德: 車禍發生在第一街和第二街的交叉路口。
    Dispatcher: Thank you. How many people are involved? 調度員: 謝謝。有幾個人受傷?
    Ronald: About two or three. One of the passengers is unconscious. 羅納德: 兩、三個人左右。其中一個乘客昏迷不醒。
    Dispatcher: That's all the information I need. An ambulance will be there in a couple of minutes. 調度員: 這樣就可以了。救護車幾分鐘後就會抵達現場。
    Ronald: Thank you so much. Good-bye. 羅納德: 非常謝謝你。拜拜。
    Fill  in blank
    a. gurney b. ambulance c. oxygen mask d. car wreck e. IV
    f. first-aid kit g. witness h. perimeter tape i. skid marks j. neck brace
      This goes over your mouth and gives you oxygen.
      This is the person who saw the accident happen.
      You have to lie on this if you are injured.
      This separates the emergency personnel from the bystanders.
      This holds your neck in a safe way after you have been hurt.
      You can put basic medical supplies and tools in this.
      Paramedics and doctors use this to give you extra fluids and medicine.
      Cars make these on the road when they stop really fast.
      Paramedics drive this special type of vehicle.
      This is what happens when a car hits another object and becomes damaged.