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    2003 年 5 月 2 日 (No.091)
    互動光碟版 (雜誌 + 電腦互動光碟 + 朗讀 CD) < 我要訂閱 >
    訂閱一年 12 期 原價 4,320  週年特惠價 1,990
    訂閱兩年 24 期 原價 8,640  週年特惠價 3,880
    互動光碟版 (雜誌 + 電腦互動光碟 + 朗讀 CD) < 我要訂閱 >
    訂閱一年 12 期 原價 4,320  週年特惠價 1,990
    訂閱兩年 24 期 原價 8,640  週年特惠價 3,880

    < 10 重優惠完整介紹 >

    < 我要訂閱 >
    1. massage 按摩 7. massage table 按摩床 13. robe 浴袍
    2. massage oil 按摩油 8. towel 毛巾 14. facial 臉部美容
    3. aromatherapy 芳香療法 9. wash cloth 洗臉巾 15. sauna 三溫暖;蒸氣浴(室)
    4. masseuse 女按摩師 10. hydrotherapy 水療法 16. steam 蒸氣
    5. white sheet 白色被單 11. hot spring(s) 溫泉 17. wooden bench 木凳
    6. client 顧客 12. mask treatment 面膜    
    1. rejuvenate (使)恢復青春活力;(使)返老還童
    2. revitalize 使……恢復元氣
    3. revive (使)重生;(使)恢復生機
    4. relaxation 放鬆;鬆弛
    5. lotion 乳液
    6. manicure 手部美容(包括潤膚、修指甲、上指甲油等)
    7. pedicure 足部美容(包括按摩、修趾甲、上趾甲油等)
    8. fruit body treatment 水果美容
    9. back scrubber 刷背浴巾(兩端附拉環的)
    10. body wrap 全身裹敷
    11. juice bar 果汁吧
    12. changing room 更衣室
    13. swimming pool 游泳池
    14. weight room 健身房
    15. foot massage 腳底按摩
    16. exfoliation 去角質
    17. loofah 絲瓜瓤
    18. pumice stone 輕石;浮石(磨去腳部粗皮用)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I have a stiff neck. 我的脖子僵硬。
    Is that muscle sore? 那邊的肌肉會痠痛嗎?
    You're very stiff! 你的身體好僵硬!
    You're very tense! 你的肌肉繃得好緊!
    I really need a massage. 我真的需要按摩一下。
    Just sit back and relax. 只要坐著放輕鬆就好。
    The water is too hot! 水太燙了。
    This water is freezing! 這水好冰!
    Ouch! That hurts! 哎唷!好痛!
    Please don't press so hard. 請不要那麼用力按。
    Hang your clothes up here. 把你的衣服掛在這兒。
    Your towel is over there. 你的毛巾在那兒。
    I feel great! 我覺得好舒服!
    I feel sleepy. 我覺得好睏。
    I feel rested and refreshed. 我覺得精力充沛,神清氣爽。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • rub (someone) the wrong way 惹惱(某人)
    rub 是「摩擦;撫摸」的意思,這個成語是說在撫摩動物的毛皮時,如果撫摸的方向不對,反而會讓動物不舒服而惱怒起來,因此 rub (someone) the wrong way 就是「惹(某人)生氣」的意思。
      Peter is a tough person to be around; he always rubs people the wrong way.
    Dialogue 1 
    Gavin and Sonya are spending a day at a spa.
    Gavin: I guess this is where we split up. 蓋文: 我想我們要在這裡分開了。
    Sonya: Yep. The ladies' section is over here and the men's is across the hall. 桑雅: 對。女生區在這裡,男生區在大廳的另一邊。
    Gavin: Wait a minute. I think I forgot our membership card. 蓋文: 等等。我好像忘記帶我們的會員卡了。
    Sonya: I've got it right here. Don't worry. 桑雅: 在我這裡。別擔心。
    Gavin: Great! Are you going to get a massage? 蓋文: 太好了!妳要按摩嗎?
    Sonya: No, not today. I'm just going to soak in the hot spring and sit in the sauna. 桑雅: 不,今天不要。我只要泡溫泉和做蒸氣浴。
    Gavin: I am going to get a massage, but I also want to sit in the sauna. 蓋文: 我要按摩,不過我也要做蒸氣浴。
    Sonya: No problem. I'll wait for you at the juice bar and we'll sit in the sauna together. 桑雅: 沒問題。我在果汁吧等你,然後我們一起去做蒸氣浴。
    Dialogue 2 
    Gavin is lying on the massage table. A masseuse, Anne, is talking with him.
    Gavin: I have a really stiff neck. 蓋文: 我的脖子好僵硬。
    Anne: Let me see. Is your neck sore when I rub here? 安: 我看看。按摩這裡的時候,你的脖子會痠痛嗎?
    Gavin: Ouch! It sure is. 蓋文: 哎唷!真的好痛。
    Anne: I think I'll start massaging your back first, and then I'll work up to your neck. 安: 我會先按摩你的背部,再來按你的脖子。
    Gavin: I'd also appreciate it if you could spend some extra time on my shoulders. 蓋文: 如果妳可以順便幫我按摩肩膀的話,我會很感謝的。
    Anne: No problem. You're tense all over. What do you do for a living? 安: 沒問題。你全身都繃得好緊。你是做什麼工作的?
    Gavin: Actually, I sit at a desk all day. I'm an accountant. 蓋文: 事實上,我整天都坐在桌子前面。我是個會計。
    Anne: Just relax and I'll turn on some music and start some aromatherapy. 安: 放輕鬆,我會放點音樂,開始芳香療法。
    Gavin: Thanks. I'm starting to feel better already. 蓋文: 謝謝。我已經覺得好多了。
    Fill  in blank
    a. steam b. client c. robe d. pumice stone e. towel
    f. facial g. aromatherapy h. exfoliation i. wooden bench j. pedicure
      You put this piece of clothing on when you are walking around a spa.
      This is a type of beauty treatment that smells good.
      You sit on this when you are in a sauna.
      This is what you call the person receiving a massage.
      Use this to dry your body off when you are wet.
      This is when someone cleans your feet and cuts your toenails.
      Use this special type of stone on your feet to make them softer.
      This is when you remove dead skin from your body.
      Someone helps you do this at a spa to clean your face.
      A sauna is filled with this.
  • 20 部實況拍攝短劇

  • 72 篇活用英語會話
  • 120 句常用生活例句
  • 80 個重要片語、成語
  • 這套產品收集了 20 個日常生活最常用到的會話主題,整理了 100 多句最常用的句子,編成了 20 段小話劇,全部請外籍老師演出,劇情非常幽默,讓人邊看邊笑,不知不覺就把這些英語記起來。
    <更多介紹> <我要購買>
    內容精選自讀者評等第一名的Live 互動英語「活用小會話」•