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    2003 年 5 月23 日 (No.094)
    1. The Pyrenees Mountains 6. bull 公牛 12. Spanish guitar
      庇里牛斯山脈 7. olive oil 橄欖油   西班牙吉他
    2. bullfight 鬥牛 8. soccer ball 足球 13. flamenco dancing
    3. matador 鬥牛士 9. chorizo 西班牙辣味香腸   佛朗明哥舞蹈
    4. sangria 桑格里厄汽酒 (是用大蒜和紅椒味的臘腸) 14. paella 西班牙海鮮飯
    (一種葡萄酒加果汁的汽酒) 10. tapas 開胃菜;下酒菜 (加了番紅花、肉與海鮮之
    5. Salvador Dali painting 11. castanet(s) 響板   西班牙飯食)
      達利的畫(西班牙著名超現實主義畫家) 15. euro 歐元
    1. plaza 廣場
    2. church 教堂
    3. cathedral 大教堂
    4. siesta 午睡
    5. fiesta 聖典(在西班牙尤指宗教節日的)
    6. sherry 雪莉酒(原產於西班牙南端的一種烈性白葡萄酒 )
    7. saffron 番紅花
    8. anchovies 鯷魚
    9. Pablo Picasso 畢卡索
    10. Basque Provinces 巴斯克區
    11. Iberian Peninsula 伊比利半島
    12. Seville 塞維亞(西班牙南部城市)
    13. Madrid 馬德里
    14. Barcelona 巴塞隆納
    15. Antoni Gaudi 安東尼高第(西班牙知名建築師)
    16. Spanish Royal Family 西班牙皇室
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • This architecture is unique. 這棟建築物很特別。
    How do you say this word in Spanish? 這個字西班牙語怎麼說?
    I can only speak a little bit of Spanish. 我只會說一點西班牙語。
    Let's go see a soccer game tonight. 我們今晚去看足球賽吧。
    I only have a couple of euro coins left. 我只剩下幾塊歐元而已。
    The exchange rate isn't very good here. 這裡的匯率不是很划算。
    Let's go hiking in the Pyrenees Mountains. 我們去爬庇里牛斯山吧。
    I want to take a siesta. 我想要午睡。
    Are there any nice beaches around here? 這附近有漂亮的海灘嗎?
    This paella is delicious! 這個海鮮飯真好吃!
    I love the flavor of rice cooked with saffron. 我喜歡加了番紅花的米飯。
    Please pour me a glass of sangria. 請給我一杯紅酒。
    Let's take a flamenco dance class. 我們去上佛朗明哥舞蹈課吧。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • take the bull by the horns 不畏艱難;勇往直前
    horn 是「牛角」,take the bull by the horns 字面是「抓住公牛的雙角」,可引申指「勇敢地克服困難」之意。
      We need to take the bull by the horns and solve this problem quickly.
    Dialogue 1 
    John and Anne are vacationing in Spain. Today, they are walking along the beautiful streets of Barcelona.
    John: I need to go to the bank and change some money. 約翰: 我得去銀行換些錢。
    Anne: Why didn't you do it at the hotel? 安: 你為什麼不在旅館換呢?
    John: Because the exchange rate isn't very good there. 約翰: 因為那邊的匯率不是很划算。
    Anne: OK. Did you bring our phrase book? I want to look something up. 安: 好吧,你有帶外語旅遊手冊嗎?我要查些字。
    John: I don't need a phrase book. I know a little Spanish. 約翰: 我不需要外語手冊,我會說一點西班牙語。
    Anne: Really!? You didn't tell me that! 安: 真的嗎?你沒告訴我你會說!
    John: I wanted to surprise you. My grandmother is from Spain. She taught me when I was little. 約翰: 我想給妳驚喜啊,我的祖母是西班牙人,我小時候她教過我。
    Anne: Wow, John! This vacation is going to be so much more fun now. 安: 哇,約翰!這個假期一定會更好玩了。
    John: My grandma and I would always chat while she was cooking, so I know lots of food words. I'm still going to need a lot of practice, but it'll be fun. Let's go! 約翰: 當我祖母做菜時,我都會和她聊天,所以我知道很多食物的單字。我還需要多練習,不過一定會很好玩。我們走吧!
    Dialogue 2 
    John and Anne are taking a cooking class and learning how to make paella.
    Anne: I've always wanted to learn how to make paella. It's my favorite Spanish dish. 安: 我一直很想學做海鮮飯。這是我最喜歡的西班牙料理。
    John: The best part about this class is that we get to eat what we cook! 約翰: 這門課最棒的地方是我們可以吃我們自己做的菜!
    Anne: All of this wonderful food sure is making me hungry. 安: 這些豐盛的佳肴讓我食指大動。
    John: The faster we finish, the faster we can eat! Now, I already added the saffron to the rice. 約翰: 我們愈快做好,就能愈快吃到!現在,我已經把番紅花加進飯裡了。
    Anne: And I'm almost finished chopping up these red bell peppers. Where's the seafood? 安: 我也差不多把紅椒切好了。海鮮在哪裡?
    John: It's over here in this pot. We've got clams, fish, and shrimp. 約翰: 在這個鍋子裡,我們有蛤蜊、魚和蝦子。
    Anne: Now, let's mix it all together, add some more spices, and let it cook. 安: 現在,我們把這些拌在一起,加些香料,煮一會兒。
    John: I'll pour two glasses of sangria for us to enjoy with our meal. 約翰: 我來倒兩杯紅酒,和晚餐一起享用。
    Anne: I only hope our paella tastes as good as it smells! 安: 我只希望我們的海鮮飯吃起來像聞起來那麼香!
    Fill  in blank
    a. flamenco dancing b. euro c. saffron d. bull e. soccer ball
    f. sangria g. anchovies h. tapas i. matador j. paella
      This is the word for a male cow.
      This spice is an important ingredient in Spanish cooking.
      You drink this beverage made of red wine and fruit juice with a meal.
      These fish are small, salty, and quite tasty.
      This is a famous type of dancing that originated in Spain.
      You make this dish by mixing seafood and vegetables with saffron rice.
      This word is another name for a bullfighter.
      Spanish people like to eat these small, often cold dishes before a meal.
      People use this type of ball to play the most popular sport in Spain.
      This is the type of money used in Spain.
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