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    2003 年 5 月30 日 (No.095)
    1. eagle 老鷹;鵰 7. binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡 14. owl 貓頭鷹
       (體型較大的鷹) 8. waterproof jacket 防水夾克 15. prey 獵物
    2. hummingbird 蜂鳥 9. kestrel 紅隼;茶隼 16. hawk 鷹(體型較小)
    3. red-winged blackbird   (一種小型獵鷹) 17. scope 望遠鏡
       紅翅黑鸝 10. crane 18. tripod (照相機、望遠鏡
    4. goose 11. falcon 獵鷹   等的)三腳架
    5. egg(s) 12. birder 賞鳥人;獵鳥者    
    6. nest 13. bird book 介紹鳥類的書;鳥類圖鑒
    1. birding 賞鳥;捕鳥
    2. fleece pullover 套頭羊毛衣
    3. down jacket 絨毛外套
    4. camouflage clothing 偽裝服
    5. hiking boot(s) 登山鞋
    6. backpack 背包
    7. sunglasses 太陽眼鏡
    8. pocketknife 萬用小刀
    9. feather(s) 羽毛
    10. family (動植物分類的)科
    11. genus (動植物分類的)屬
    12. species (動植物分類的)種
    13. rare 稀有的
    14. common 常見的
    15. endangered 瀕臨絕種的
    16. bird(s) of prey 猛禽;肉食性鳥類
    17. waterfowl 水鳥
    18. perching bird(s) 在樹上棲息的鳥
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Pass me the binoculars. 請把望遠鏡遞給我。
    Don't make any sudden movements. 別突然亂動。
    Stop making so much noise. 別那麼大聲。
    Don't frighten away the birds. 別把鳥兒嚇跑了。
    Let's set up our scopes here. 我們把望遠鏡架在這吧。
    Listen to that bird's beautiful song. 聽聽那鳥兒悅耳的歌聲。
    Look! That owl caught a mouse! 瞧!那隻貓頭鷹抓到一隻老鼠了。
    Those geese are flying in a "V" formation. 那群鵝成 V 字形飛翔。
    I spotted that bird high in a tree. 我發現了在樹上高處的那隻鳥。
    I like to watch eagles soar high in the sky. 我喜歡看老鷹在天空翱翔。
    Many birds migrate twice a year. 許多鳥一年遷徙兩次。
    My family and I are going on a bird-watching trip next month.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 已到手成定局的比較牢靠
      That man wants to buy my car for ten thousand dollars, and I think I'll take his offer. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    Dialogue 1 
    Sally and Freddy enjoy bird-watching. They are discussing their summer vacation.
    Freddy: Well, here's the brochure-Papua New Guinea! 佛瑞迪: 這裡有巴布亞紐幾內亞的手冊。
    Sally: Ooh! Papua New Guinea is a bird-watcher's paradise! 莎莉: 喔!巴布亞紐幾內亞是賞鳥者的天堂!
    Freddy: This is going to be a trip of a lifetime for both of us. 佛瑞迪: 這會是讓我們永生難忘的旅行。
    Sally: Now, we have to figure out what gear we're going to take. 莎莉: 現在,我們得想清楚要帶什麼裝備。
    Freddy: We'll definitely need to bring our camera equipment, bird books, and special clothing. What else? 佛瑞迪: 我們肯定要帶相機配備、鳥類圖鑑和特定的服裝。還有嗎?
    Sally: Let's not forget our binoculars, extra film, and that lightweight backpack you just bought. 莎莉: 別忘了望遠鏡、備用底片,還有你剛買的輕便背包。
    Freddy: Great! Now, we just have to decide the dates and we're all set. 佛瑞迪: 太好了!現在,我們只需要決定日期,就都準備好了。
    Sally: Let's go in a couple of months when it gets cooler. You know I love bird-watching, but I hate humidity. 莎莉: 我們等過幾個月天氣較涼爽時再去。你知道的,我喜歡賞鳥,可是討厭潮溼。
    Dialogue 2 
    Sally and Freddy are now trekking through a jungle in Papua New Guinea.
    Freddy: We've walked far enough. Let's set up our tripods and scopes here. 佛瑞迪: 我們走的夠遠了,在這裡架三腳架和望遠鏡吧。
    Sally: The birding here is even better than the brochures said it would be. 莎莉: 在這裡賞鳥比在手冊上說的地點還要好。
    Freddy: Shh! Don't move a muscle! I saw something up in that tree. 佛瑞迪: 噓!別動!我看見樹上有東西。
    Sally: What is it Freddy? Is it a bird? Is it a monkey? 莎莉: 佛瑞迪,是什麼東西啊?是鳥嗎?還是猴子?
    Freddy: It is one of the most endangered birds in the world! 佛瑞迪: 那隻鳥是世界上瀕臨絕種鳥類之一!
    Sally: Where? Where? Quick! Pass me the binoculars. 莎莉: 在哪在哪?快!把望遠鏡拿給我。
    Freddy: Do you see it? It's a type of hummingbird. 佛瑞迪: 妳看到了嗎?是蜂鳥的一種。
    Sally: I see it! I can't believe we came across such a rare species on our first day! 莎莉: 我看見了!沒想到我們第一天就碰見這麼稀有的鳥類。
    Freddy: Well, you know what birders say: bird-watching is a wonderful hobby, but it depends mostly on luck. 佛瑞迪: 嗯,妳知道賞鳥者都怎麼說的:賞鳥是個很棒的嗜好,不過賞鳥大多還是得靠運氣。
    Fill  in blank
    a. down jacket b. tripod c. falcon d. eagle e. prey
    f. scope g. owl h. hiking boots i. nest j. hummingbird
      This type of bird is the fastest bird in the world.
      This is what you call a small animal killed by a bird of prey.
      Wear this special kind of shoes when you go on nature walks.
      Place your camera, scope, or binoculars on this to hold it still.
      This type of bird is active at night and sleeps during the day.
      Birds lay their eggs and raise their babies in this.
      This is America's national bird.
      You wear this type of feather-filled jacket to keep warm.
      This type of bird is one of the smallest in the world.
      Like a pair of binoculars, this is used to see far away.
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