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    2003 年 6 月 6 日 (No.096)
    < 更多介紹 >
    1. the outback 澳洲內地 7. eucalyptus tree 尤加利樹 13. joey 幼袋鼠
    2. opal 蛋白石 8. emu 鴯 苗鳥;食火鳥 14. marsupial 有袋動物
    3. Aborigine 澳洲原住民 9. pouch 育兒袋 15. Sydney Opera House
    4. didgeridoo 吹管(澳洲 10. boomerang 迴力鏢   雪梨歌劇院
      原住民的吹奏樂器)   (澳洲原住民的武器) 16. koala 無尾熊
    5. platypus 鴨嘴獸 11. kangaroo 袋鼠(體型較大)  
    6. Ayers Rock 艾爾斯岩 12. wallaby 袋鼠(體型較小)  
    1. barbie (barbecue) 烤肉架
    2. Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁
    3. Aussie Rules (Australian version of football) 澳式橄欖球
    4. tropical rain forest 熱帶雨林
    5. macadamia nut 澳洲胡桃;澳洲堅果
    6. ute (pickup truck/utility vehicle) 小型卡車
    7. sunburn 曬傷
    8. sunscreen 防曬油
    9. zinc oxide (type of thick sunscreen) 氧化鋅膏(一種黏稠的防曬霜)
    10. great white shark 大白鯊
    11. box jellyfish 箱形水母
    12. surfboard 衝浪板
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Oz (slang for Australia) 澳洲(俚語)
    down under (slang for Australia) 澳洲(俚語)
    I'm an Aussie. (I am Australian.) 我是澳洲人。
    G'day. (Good Day) 你好。(澳洲式問候語)
    Fair dinkum? (Really?) 真的嗎?
    No worries. (No problem!) 沒問題。
    How ya doin', mate/love? (How are you doing, friend?) 朋友,你好嗎?
    Let's throw some shrimp on the barbie. (Let's barbecue some shrimp.) 
    Slip, slop, slap! (Protect yourself from the sun.) 穿上,擦上,戴上!
    It's hot all year round. 這裡一年到頭都很炎熱。
    Watch yourself in the sun! 小心晒太陽!
    Is this poisonous? 這個有毒嗎?
    Be careful of the rip. (Be careful of the rip current.) 小心離岸流。
    Note: Many slang English words in Australia are abbreviations of normal English words.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • be burned-out 精疲力竭
    burn out 本指「燒光;燒盡」,用在形容人則引申為「體力耗盡;精疲力竭」之意,多用被動語態。
      The student was burned-out at the end of the semester.
    Dialogue 1 
    Hillary and Robert are backpacking around Australia. Today, they are hiking near Darwin, Northern Territory.
    Hillary: Gee! I'm so thirsty. Can you pass me the water? 希拉蕊: 哎呀!我好渴喔。可以給我水嗎?
    Robert: It's in my backpack. Please help yourself. 羅伯: 在我的背包裡。請自己來拿。
    Hillary: No problem. Turn around and I'll grab it. I didn't think it would get this hot. It is winter! 希拉蕊: 沒問題。你轉過身去,我來拿。沒想到會這麼熱。現在可是冬天耶!
    Robert: It is really important to protect your skin from the sun here in Australia. 羅伯: 在澳洲這裡,防曬真的是很重要。
    Hillary: I know. I put on a lot of sunscreen and zinc oxide this morning. 希拉蕊: 我知道啊。我今天早上才擦了一堆防曬油和防曬霜(氧化鋅膏)呢。
    Robert: I like the government posters that say, "Slip on a T-shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat." 羅伯: 我滿喜歡那張「穿上T恤,擦上防曬霜,戴上帽子」的官方海報。
    Hillary: I also read that it is hot and sunny all year round here in Darwin.
    希拉蕊: 我也看過資料,說達爾文這裡一年到頭都很炎熱、陽光普照。
    Robert: We'll still have a great time, but we just need to be well prepared and careful. 羅伯: 我們還是會玩得很愉快,只是需要準備妥當、多留心一點。
    Dialogue 2 
    Hillary and Robert are snorkeling near the Great Barrier Reef.
    Robert: Wow! There are a lot of tourists out here! 羅伯: 哇!這裡有好多觀光客喔!
    Hillary: That's understandable. This is one of the most famous spots in Australia. 希拉蕊: 可以想見的。這裡是澳洲最有名的景點之一呀。
    Robert: I can't wait to get into the water and see all the wonderful marine life. 羅伯: 我想趕快到水裡去,瞧瞧那些美麗的海中生物。
    Hillary: Me, too, but one thing I don't want to see is a box jellyfish.
    希拉蕊: 我也是,不過我可不想看到箱形水母。
    Robert: Me neither. Or one of those man-eating great white sharks, or... 羅伯: 我也不想。也不要看到那種吃人的大白鯊,或……
    Hillary: Please stop! You're making me nervous! 希拉蕊: 拜託別講下去了!你搞得我好緊張喲!
    Robert: It's OK, Hillary. There are no jellyfish around here, and the water's too warm for great white sharks. 羅伯: 放心啦,希拉蕊。這附近沒有水母出沒,水溫也過高而不適合大白鯊生存的。
    Hillary: That makes me feel better. Now, let's get into the water before we miss all of the action. 希拉蕊: 我覺得好多了。現在我們趕快下水吧,以免錯過所有的好戲。
    Fill  in blank
    a. koala b. Sydney Opera House c. didgeridoo d. platypus e. sunscreen
    f. barbie g. tropical rain forest h. boomerang i. outback j. kangaroo
      Don't forget to rub this on your skin if you are in the sun.
      This is a special type of Australian Aboriginal musical instrument.
      This is Australia's most famous animal, and it doesn't live in trees.
      This specially carved piece of wood comes back to you when you throw it.
      Australians say this word instead of saying "barbecue."
      This is the only animal in the world that has fur and lays eggs.
      This cute little animal moves slowly, sleeps a lot, and lives in trees.
      Many parts of Australia are desert, but some parts are this type of environment.
      This building is one of the most famous buildings in Australia.
      Australians says this word when they are referring to the wilderness.