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    2003 年 6 月 13 日 (No.097)
  • 25 篇情境會話課程
  • 45 個片語、句型精解
  • 150 段常用語短句範例
  • ◎ 學好英語,行行出狀元
    本書以 18 個行業來編輯教學課程,包括主廚、醫生、律師等熱門職業,讓您在面對各種情境時能輕鬆應對自如。
    限時優惠至 7 月 31日
    <更多介紹> <我要購買>
    1. bookend 書架;書擋 7. hardback book 精裝本 13. highlighter 螢光筆
    2. magnifying glass 放大鏡 8. dust jacket 書套 14. Post-it 便利貼
    3. bookshelf 書櫃 9. reading glasses 老花眼鏡 15. cover 封面
    4. reader 閱讀者 10. reading chair 閱讀椅 16. magazine 雜誌
    5. newspaper 報紙 11. reading light 閱讀燈    
    6. bookmark 書籤 12. paperback book 平裝本    
    1. dictionary 字典;辭典
    2. thesaurus 同義語辭典;分類辭典
    3. title 標題
    4. table of contents 目錄
    5. page
    6. preface 序;前言
    7. chapter (書中的)章;回
    8. appendix 附錄
    9. index 索引
    10. spine 書脊;書背(書本的裝訂處,通常印有書名、作者、出版機構等)
    11. bibliography 參考書目
    12. fiction 小說
    13. plot (小說的)情節
    14. nonfiction 非小說類的文學作品(如傳記、散文等)
    15. light reading 休閒讀物
    16. best-seller 暢銷書
    17. best-seller list 暢銷書排行榜
    18. book club 讀書俱樂部(加入的成員可用較便宜的價格購書)
    19. monthly magazine 月刊
    20. weekly magazine 週刊
    21. subscription 訂閱
    22. used bookstore (secondhand bookstore) 二手書店
    23. manual 說明書
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • He's a real bookworm. 他真是個書呆子。
    I adored that novel! 我好喜歡那部小說喔!
    That book is a great read. 那本書很好看。
    I can't put this book down! 這本書讓我欲罷不能!
    That book put me to sleep. 那本書讓我昏昏欲睡。
    That novel is based on a true story. 那部小說是根據真實故事而來。
    I subscribe to that magazine. 我訂了那本雜誌。
    I bought this book on-line. 我在網路上買了這本書。
    I bought this book used. 這本書我買的是二手舊書。
    This novel received considerable critical acclaim. 這部小說大獲好評。
    This novel was panned by the critics. 這部小說受到評論家的嚴厲批評。
    That book is going to be made into a movie. 那本書將被改編成電影。
    What are you reading now? 你在看什麼書?
    I wear glasses. 我戴眼鏡。
    I'm nearsighted. 我有近視。
    I'm farsighted. 我有遠視。
    I read that book cover to cover. 我把那本書從頭讀到尾。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • dog-eared 頁角折捲的
    dog-ear 是指「書頁因常翻動而捲起來的頁角」,可能因形狀似狗的耳朵而得名。dog-eared 是形容詞,表示「(因常翻動而)頁角折捲起來的」。
      I don't want to buy this book. Many of the pages are dog-eared.
    Dialogue 1 
    Tara is having lunch in her company's cafeteria. She is sitting with her friend, Alan.
    Tara: What are you reading, Alan? 泰拉: 亞倫,你在看什麼書?
    Alan: Oh, it's just a novel I picked up at the bookstore. 亞倫: 哦,是我在書店買的小說。
    Tara: Is it any good? 泰拉: 好看嗎?
    Alan: It's been a great read so far. I can't put it down. 亞倫: 這本書一路讀來都很精彩,讓我欲罷不能。
    Tara I don't read novels much. I'm more of a magazine person myself. 泰拉: 我不常看小說,比較常看雜誌。
    Alan: Do you subscribe to any magazines? Subscriptions are getting cheaper and cheaper these days. 亞倫: 妳有訂雜誌嗎?最近訂雜誌是越來越便宜了。
    Tara: Actually, I subscribe to three different magazines. That way, I always have something to read.
    泰拉: 事實上,我訂了三本不同的雜誌,所以總是有東西可看。
    Alan: Well, I'd be happy to lend you this novel when I finish it. 亞倫: 嗯,等我看完這本小說,我很樂意借妳看。
    Dialogue 2 
    Paula and Harry are preparing for their summer vacation to Fiji.
    Paula: I plan on taking a few good books with me on this vacation. 寶拉: 這次渡假我打算帶幾本好書一起去。
    Harry: Sure thing. We can just sit around the hotel pool and relax. 哈利: 好啊。我們可以坐在旅館的游泳池旁,好好放鬆休息。
    Paula: I'm going to buy some books on-line. Let me know which books you'd like to order. 寶拉: 我要在網路上買一些書,你可以告訴我你想買哪些書。
    Harry: OK. You know that I am a big fan of legal thrillers.
    哈利: 好啊,妳知道我最愛看以法庭故事為題材的小說了。
    Paula: We'll have to order these books today in order for them to arrive in time. 寶拉: 要能及時收到書,我們得今天就訂購。
    Harry: Do you have an account with that on-line bookseller? 哈利: 妳在那家網路書店有帳號嗎?
    Paula: Of course I do. I always buy my books on-line. 寶拉: 當然有啊。我的書都是在網路上買的。
    Harry: Well, I still like to shop at our local used bookstore.
    哈利: 嗯,我還是喜歡在我們附近的二手書店買書。
    Fill  in blank
    a. reading light b. magazine c. dust jacket d. thesaurus e. spine
    f. dictionary g. title h. magnifying glass i. hardback book j. bookmark
      This is what you call the piece of paper that covers a hardback book.
      Use this type of book to find the meanings of words.
      Use this type of book to find words with similar meanings.
      Some people who have difficulty reading use one of these instead of glasses.
      This is what you call the name of a book.
      This is the hard part of a book where the pages are sewn or glued together.
      You use this type of light while you are reading.
      Use this to save your place in a book.
      This type of book is usually more expensive than a paperback book.
      This type of publication is most often sold in weekly and monthly editions.