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    2003 年 6 月 20 日 (No.098)
  • 25 篇情境會話課程
  • 45 個片語、句型精解
  • 150 段常用語短句範例
  • ◎ 學好英語,行行出狀元
    本書以 18 個行業來編輯教學課程,包括主廚、醫生、律師等熱門職業,讓您在面對各種情境時能輕鬆應對自如。
    限時優惠至 7 月 31日
    <更多介紹> <我要購買>
    1. the Parthenon 帕德嫩神殿 7. olive 橄欖 14. gyro
    2. the Olympic Games 奧運 8. statue 雕像   希臘捲餅;肉片包
    3. ouzo 茴香酒 9. souvlakia 希臘烤肉串 15. olive tree 橄欖樹
    4. bouzouki 布祖基琴 10. pita bread 口袋餅 16. stuffed bell pepper
       (希臘弦琴) 11. feta cheese 希臘羊乳酪   鑲甜椒
    5. column 柱子 12. moussaka 希臘茄汁肉 17. fig 無花果
    6. the Aegean Sea 愛琴海 13. Mount Olympus 奧林帕斯山
    18. Greek fisherman's hat
    1. Athens 雅典
    2. the Acropolis 雅典衛城
    3. Santorini Island 聖托里尼島(位於愛琴海上,以美景著稱)
    4. Crete 克里特島(位於愛琴海上)
    5. the Greek alphabet 希臘字母表
    6. Plato 柏拉圖
    7. Homer 荷馬(古希臘詩人)
    8. democracy 民主;民主政治
    9. Greek gods 希臘諸神
    10. Greek mythology 希臘神話
    11. Zeus 宙斯(天帝)
    12. Poseidon 波塞頓(海神)
    13. Apollo 阿波羅(太陽神)
    14. Aphrodite 愛芙洛蒂(愛神,羅馬神話中稱為維納斯)
    15. island-hop 跳島式旅行(連續遊玩數個島嶼)
    16. Greek salad 希臘沙拉
    17. Greek Orthodox Church 希臘正教教堂
    18. baklava 果仁千層酥
    19. lamb (mutton) 羊肉
    20. calamari 墨魚;花枝
    21. tzatziki (cucumber and yogurt dip) 沙基奇(小黃瓜配優格沾醬)
    22. spanakopita (spinach and cheese pie) 希臘餡餅(菠菜起士派)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Let's go island-hopping! 我們來一個島、一個島好好的玩一番吧!
    This gyro is delicious. 這份捲餅真好吃。
    Please pass me the bowl of tzatziki. 請把那碗沙基奇遞給我。
    Let's rent a scooter and spend the day exploring.
    When does the next ferry leave? 下班渡船什麼時候開?
    Let's spend a day at the Acropolis. 我們去雅典衛城玩一天吧。
    That looks delicious! 那看起來好好吃喔!
    Athens will host the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.
    I enjoy learning about Greek mythology. 我喜歡研究希臘神話。
    Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love. 愛芙洛蒂是希臘的愛神。
    Let's have a glass of ouzo with our meal. 用餐時,我們來一杯茴香酒吧。
    I enjoy eating baklava for dessert. 我喜歡果仁千層酥作甜點。
    Let's make some pita-bread sandwiches for lunch.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • It's all Greek to me 我一竅不通
    Greek 是指「希臘文」,此成語出自莎士比亞的劇本《凱撒大帝》,描述一名羅馬將領想偷聽機密,但對方說的是希臘語而聽不懂,因此後來 It's all Greek to me 便用來表示「我完全不懂;我一竅不通」。
      Can you help me with these physics problems? It's all Greek to me.
    Dialogue 1 
    Timothy and Jennifer are on vacation in Greece. They have been invited to a local wedding banquet.
    Timothy: Look at all of this food! This truly is a feast! 提摩西: 看看這些料理!好豐盛啊!
    Jennifer: Greece is famous for its culinary delights. 珍妮佛: 希臘是以美食聞名的。
    Timothy: I am going to start by having some Greek salad and one of these lamb gyros. 提摩西: 我要先吃點希臘沙拉,和一份羊肉捲餅。
    Jennifer: I think I'll try one of those stuffed bell peppers and some olives. 珍妮佛: 我要試試鑲甜椒和橄欖。
    Timothy It was really nice of Mr. Costas to invite us to his daughter's wedding. 提摩西: 寇斯達先生人真好,邀我們來參加他女兒的婚禮。
    Jennifer: It sure was, especially since we've only been staying in his hotel a week. 珍妮佛: 是呀,特別是我們在他的旅館也不過才待了一個禮拜而已。
    Timothy: Well, I am going to make sure I try a little bit of everything.
    提摩西: 嗯,我一定要每樣菜都嚐嚐。
    Jennifer: Don't eat too much. After dinner, I want to learn how to do some traditional Greek dancing. Mr. Costas and his wife said they would teach us! 珍妮佛: 別吃太多。飯後,我要來學希臘傳統舞蹈呢,寇斯達先生和他太太說會教我們喔!
    Dialogue 2 
    Timothy and Jennifer are now on the plane returning home from their vacation.
    Jennifer: That was the best vacation I've ever had! 珍妮佛: 這是我有史以來最棒的假期了!
    Timothy: I had a truly wonderful time, as well. Everyone was so hospitable and friendly. 提摩西: 我也玩得很開心。每個人都好周到又好親切呢。
    Jennifer: Yeah! The food, the beaches, and the nightlife were awesome. 珍妮佛: 對呀,那裡的食物、海灘和夜生活都很棒。
    Timothy: I miss Greece already. I want to try and come back next year.
    提摩西: 我已經開始想念希臘了。明年我還要想辦法再來。
    Jennifer: If we come back, we should spend more time island-hopping in the south instead of staying in Athens. 珍妮佛: 如果我們再來的話,應該多花點時間去南邊一個島、一個島好好玩一番,別老待在雅典。
    Timothy: Great idea! You know, there was only one problem with our vacation this time. 提摩西: 好主意!妳知道嗎,我們這次的假期就只有一個問題而已。
    Jennifer: What was that, Timothy? 珍妮佛: 提摩西,什麼問題啊?
    Timothy: We didn't have enough time.
    提摩西: 我們的時間不夠。
    Fill  in blank
    a. lamb b. calamari c. feta cheese d. tzatziki e. Mount Olympus
    f. pita bread g. island-hop h. ouzo i. Aegean Sea j. Greek Orthodox
      This is a well-known Greek cheese.
      You do this when you travel from one Greek island to another.
      This is the most important mountain in Greece.
      This is the English word used to describe squid meat that is eaten.
      A large percentage of Greece's population practices this religion.
      Greek people drink this strong alcoholic beverage with a meal.
      This sea is a beautiful blue and green color.
      This is the most popular kind of meat eaten in Greece.
      You can put many different meats and vegetables into this kind of bread.
      This cool cucumber and yogurt dip tastes great on hot days.