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    2003 年 6 月 27 日 (No.099)
    如贈品送完,LiveABC 保留贈品替換權利
    價值 990
    1. television set (TV) 電視機 7. video-game controller 13. love seat 雙人座椅
    2. center speaker   電玩遊戲搖桿 14. subwoofer 重低音喇叭
      中央聲道喇叭 8. speaker stand 喇叭架 15. boom box 手提音響
    3. CD/DVD/VCD player 9. television stand 電視架 16. video-game console
      光碟機 10. power strip (plug strip)   電視遊樂器
    4. VCR 錄放影機   插座組;排插 17. remote control (remote)
    5. amplifier 擴大機 11. cord 電線   遙控器
    6. main speaker 12. surround-sound speaker 18. coffee table 茶几
      左右聲道喇叭   環繞聲道喇叭
    19. recliner (armchair) 躺椅
    1. flat-screen TV 平面電視
    2. plasma TV 電漿電視
    3. cable television 有線電視
    4. digital cable 數位有線電視
    5. satellite television 衛星電視
    6. satellite dish 衛星接收器
    7. TV program schedule 電視節目表
    8. channel surf 瀏覽電視頻道
    9. headphones 耳機
    10. rewind button 倒帶鍵
    11. fast forward button 快轉鍵
    12. pause button 暫停鍵
    13. play button 播放鍵
    14. stop button 停止鍵
    15. eject button 退帶鍵
    16. VHS tape/cassette (videotape) 錄影帶
    17. record player 電唱機
    18. vinyl record 黑膠唱片
    19. cordless/wireless 無線
    20. hi-fi (high fidelity) 高傳真(音響設備)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Your new TV has crystal-clear picture quality. 你的新電視畫質很清晰。
    Please pass me the remote control. 請把遙控器遞給我。
    I just bought some new stereo equipment. 我剛買了些新的音響設備。
    My surround-sound speaker system was expensive, but worth it.
    Plug that cord into the power strip. 把那條電線插到插座組裡。
    You can only play DVDs on a DVD player, not a VCD player. 
    你只能用 DVD 光碟機播放 DVD,不能用 VCD 光碟機放。
    Watching TV is my favorite pastime. 看電視是我最喜歡的消遣。
    I keep my video game console on top of my TV. 我一直都把電視遊樂器放在電視上。
    My brother gave me a cordless video-game controller for Christmas.
    I receive over four hundred channels because I have satellite TV.
    Satellite TV is far superior to cable TV. 衛星電視遠比有線電視來得進步多了。
    I don't think you connected that cord correctly. 我想你接錯線了。
    Why is your TV's picture so fuzzy and full of static?
    Don't forget to rewind that videotape before you return it.
    Fast forward through this part of the movie; I've already seen it.
    Pause the movie for a minute; I have to go to the bathroom.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • music to my ears 正合我意
    music 指「悅耳的聲音」,引申為「令人愉快的消息」,music to (someone's) ears 是表示「對(某人)來說是好消息」之意。
      We don't have to come to work tomorrow? That's music to my ears.
    Dialogue 1 
    Freddy and his wife, Laura, are talking together in the car on the way to buy some new home entertainment equipment.
    Freddy: Today is the big day! After months of saving, we can finally buy the new pieces of stereo equipment that we need. 佛瑞迪: 今天是個大日子!存了好幾個月的錢,我們終於可以添購一些需要的音響設備了。
    Laura: You're right, honey. We're going to buy a new plasma TV, a new DVD player, and a surround-sound speaker system. 蘿拉: 老公,你說的對。我們要買一台新的電漿電視、新的 DVD 光碟機,還有一套環繞音響系統。
    Freddy: I've been searching the ads in the newspapers for months to find the best prices on the best brands. 佛瑞迪: 我找了幾個月的報紙廣告,才找到這些頂級品牌的最好價格。
    Laura: Patience and careful planning are definitely important when it comes to making major purchases. 蘿拉: 說到大採購,耐心和詳細規劃絕對是很重要的。
    Freddy I even checked to make sure that the new equipment we want will be compatible with the stereo equipment we already have. 佛瑞迪: 我甚至還確認了我們想要的新設備和原有的音響設備是相容的。
    Laura: With our new plasma TV, we'll be able to watch movies in perfect digital quality. 蘿拉: 有了新的電漿電視,我們就能欣賞到最高數位品質的電影了。
    Freddy: And with surround-sound speakers, we'll feel like we're actually in a movie theater!
    佛瑞迪: 有了環繞聲道喇叭,我們就會像是置身在電影院裡了呢!
    Laura: Are we there yet? I can't wait to make our purchase and bring all of our new stuff home! 蘿拉: 還沒到嗎?我可是急著趕快買好,把所有新設備帶回家呢!
    Dialogue 2 
    Freddy and Laura have arrived at the home electronics store. Laura is talking to a salesperson while Freddy is looking around.
    Laura: Excuse me, my husband and I just bought a new plasma TV, a DVD player, and a set of surround-sound speakers. What cords and cables do we need to connect them? 蘿拉: 請問一下,我和我先生剛買了一台新的電漿電視、一台 DVD 光碟機和一套環繞聲道喇叭,我們需要用什麼電線和纜線來連接呢?
    Salesperson: Which brand of equipment did you buy? 店員: 你們買的是哪個牌子?
    Laura: All of the items that we bought today are LIVE Hi-Fi. 蘿拉: 我們今天買的東西都是活用高傳真牌的。
    Salesperson: In that case, you will need to buy two audio-visual cords and some speaker wire.
    店員: 那樣的話,你們就要買兩條視訊線和一些喇叭線。
    Laura: Oh, and I think we'll also need to pick up an extra plug strip or two. 蘿拉: 哦,我想我們還需要另外買一兩個插座組。
    Salesperson: Good idea. We have a great selection of cords, cables, and wires for you to choose from. 店員: 好主意。我們有很齊全的電線、纜線和導線供你們選擇。
    Laura: I also wanted to ask about your extended-warranty plan. How much does that cost? 蘿拉: 我還想請問一下有關你們的延長保固方案,費用是多少?
    Salesperson: We charge ten percent of the final cost of the item--excluding tax--and that will enable you to purchase two additional years of warranty coverage.
    店員: 是商品售價的百分之十,不含稅,這樣你就能買到兩年額外的保固期。
    Laura: That sounds reasonable. I'd like to sign up for that deal, then. I want to be prepared if anything bad happens to our precious new equipment.
    蘿拉: 聽起來挺合理的,那我要參加。我要作好準備,免得我們寶貝的新設備發生什麼不幸。
    Fill  in blank
    a. love seat b. coffee table c. record d. power strip e. recliner
    f. TV stand g. remote h. wireless i. video-game controller j. digital cable
      One person can sit in this type of chair and watch TV comfortably.
      Use this word to describe something if it has no cords or wires.
      People often have one of these types of tables in their living room.
      This is a type of black disc, and it is older than tapes and CDs.
      Many people buy one of these and put their TVs on it.
      This is the newest type of digital television service in the United States.
      Use one of these if you need to plug many electric cords into a socket.
      This is what you hold in your hands and use to play video games.
      Two people can sit on this small type of sofa.
      Use this to change the channel without getting up from your chair.