線上大賣場 www.LiveABC.com

  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
    2003 年 7 月 18 日 (No.102)
    如贈品送完,LiveABC 保留贈品替換權利
    變化而變換顏色,是實用又具風格的配件。( 價值 350 元)
    語等各種字庫之英文測驗,方便攜帶,是輕鬆學習的好幫手。 (價值 990 元 )
    1. boarding gate 登機門 8. plane ticket 機票 13. duty-free shop 免稅商店
    2. departure area 出境處 9. check-in counter 14. flight attendant 空服員
    3. X-ray machine X光檢測機   登機報到櫃台 15. luggage carousel
    4. flight-information board 10. security guard 警衛   行李輸送帶
      航班顯示表 11. immigration 出 / 入境檢 16. carry-on luggage
    5. metal detector 金屬探測器   查站(負責檢查入境者的護   隨身行李
    6. passport 護照   照及有關文件) 17. passenger 乘客
    7. boarding pass 登機證 12. baggage tag 行李標籤    
    1. pilot 駕駛員
    2. copilot 副駕駛
    3. jet lag 時差(坐飛機旅行時,因時差引起的疲勞和錯亂感)
    4. customs/immigration form 海關/出入境申報單
    5. visa 簽證
    6. life vest 救生衣
    7. customs 海關
    8. domestic terminal 國內線航廈
    9. international terminal 國際線航廈
    10. luggage cart 行李推車
    11. skycap 機場行李搬運員
    12. taxi station 計程車站
    13. short/long-term parking 短/長期停車
    14. economy class 經濟艙
    15. business class 商務艙
    16. first class 頭等艙
    17. control tower 管制塔台(指揮空中交通的設施)
    18. direct flight 直飛
    19. stopover 中途停留
    20. layover 短暫停留
    21. runway 跑道
    22. taxi (v.) 飛機在地面滑行
    23. overhead compartment 座位上方的置物櫃
    24. shuttle bus 機場的接駁巴士
    25. landing 降落
    26. takeoff 起飛
    27. rental car 租來的車
    28. turbulence 亂流
    29. emergency exit 緊急逃生口
    30. tray table 餐桌
    31. headset 耳機
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I'd like a window/an aisle seat. 我要靠窗/走道的座位。
    Fasten your seatbelt, please. 請繫緊安全帶。
    Put your seat in the upright position, please. 請把座位放直。
    Could I have a blanket, please? 請給我一張毛毯。
    This is a no-smoking flight. 飛行中請勿吸菸。
    I am sitting next to the emergency exit. 我坐在緊急逃生口旁邊。
    I'd like a glass of water, please? 請給我一杯水。
    This seat does not have a lot of legroom. 這個座位可以放腿的空間好窄。
    I seem to have misplaced one of my bags. 我好像把袋子放錯地方了。
    Would you like the chicken or fish? 你要雞肉還是魚肉?
    I'm a vegetarian. 我是個素食者。
    (Would you like) coffee or tea? 你要咖啡還是茶?
    (Would you like) red or white wine? 你要紅酒還是白酒?
    Did you have a good flight? 飛行順利嗎?
    Thank you for flying LiveABC Airlines. 感謝您搭乘 LiveABC 航空。
    I had a rough flight. 這次飛行不太順利。
    We experienced some bad turbulence on our flight. 飛行途中我們遇到一些亂流。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • better to be safe than sorry 安全比後悔好
      I always fasten my seat belt when I ride in a car. It's better to be safe than sorry.
    Dialogue 1 
    Tess and Gary are at the airport.
    Tess: We're too early. The flight doesn't leave for another three hours. 泰絲: 我們太早到了,還要三小時飛機才起飛。
    Gary: I always like to arrive early just in case we encounter any problems. No one likes to miss a flight. 蓋瑞: 我向來喜歡早點到,以防萬一碰到問題,沒有人喜歡錯過飛機。
    Tess: So what do we do now? 泰絲: 那我們現在要幹嘛?
    Gary: The check-in counter isn't open yet. Let's grab a cup of coffee and buy a couple of magazines. 蓋瑞: 登機報到櫃台還沒開始作業,我們去喝杯咖啡,買幾本雜誌看吧。
    Tess: OK, but let's get one of those luggage carts over there first. The security regulations say that our luggage must be with us at all times. 泰絲: 好啊,不過我們先去那邊拿行李推車,安全規定說行李隨時都要帶在身邊。
    Gary: You go ahead and get a table. I'll put our luggage on the cart and bring it along in a minute. 蓋瑞: 妳先去佔位子,我去把行李放到車上,待會推過去。
    Tess: What do you want? I'll order for us. 泰絲: 你要吃些什麼?我先去點餐。
    Gary: I'll have a cup of coffee and a plain bagel. 蓋瑞: 我要一杯咖啡和一份原味貝果。
    Tess: What if they don't have any bagels? 泰絲: 萬一他們沒有貝果怎麼辦?
    Gary: Oh, anything's fine. You know what I like. 蓋瑞: 喔,什麼都可以,妳知道我喜歡吃什麼。
    Dialogue 2 
    Tess and Gary are now waiting to check in.
    Tess: We're next in line. Do you have our tickets and passports ready? 泰絲: 我們是下一個,你準備好我們的票和護照嗎?
    Gary: Here they are. I hope we can get some seats with extra legroom. 蓋瑞: 在這裡,希望我們能有寬敞放腿空間的位子。
    Tess: I can always ask, but I think our flight's full. I can't promise anything. 泰絲: 我可以問問看,不過我想我們的班機客滿了,我不能保證會有。
    Gary: Wow! Look at all those pieces of carry-on luggage that guy has! 蓋瑞: 哇!瞧瞧那人拿著那麼多行李!
    Tess: I doubt airline staff will let him carry all of them on the plane. Each passenger is limited to only two pieces. 泰絲: 我懷疑航空公司人員會讓他全部帶上飛機去。每位乘客規定只能帶兩件行李。
    Gary: It always amazes me how much luggage people take with them on vacation. 蓋瑞: 大家渡假時還是帶著大包小包的行李,總是讓我覺得好奇怪。
    Tess: I know. It's ridiculous and totally unnecessary. 泰絲: 是啊,很可笑,而且根本就沒必要。
    Gary: Well. I'm glad we've only got a couple of small bags. I always pack light.
    蓋瑞: 嗯,真高興我們只有幾個小袋子,我總是裝備輕便。
    Tess: I couldn't agree more. Oh! It's finally our turn. I'll be sure to request a window seat for you. I know you like to check out the scenery during takeoffs and landings.
    泰絲: 你說的對極了。喔,終於輪到我們了。我會替你要個靠窗的位子,我知道你喜歡在起飛和降落時看風景。
    Fill  in blank
    a. immigration b. pilot c. baggage tag d. X-ray machine e. luggage cart
    f. runway g. duty-free shop h. carry-on luggage i. luggage carousel j. departure area
      This machine checks your luggage before it goes on the plane.
      A plane takes off and lands on this.
      This is the person who flies the plane.
      You don't have to pay tax if you buy things at this type of shop.
      After their flight lands, people pick up their luggage on one of these.
      It is important to put one of these labels on each one of your bags.
      You get your passport checked at this place when you arrive at your destination.
      Passengers can relax in this area before boarding their flight.
      This makes moving your luggage around an airport much easier.
      This is a smaller bag that you can take on a plane with you.
     原價4,320元 週年慶優惠價1,990
     原價8,640元 週年慶優惠價3,880
     原價3,840元 週年慶優惠價1,690
     原價7,680元 週年慶優惠價3,290