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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
    2003 年 7 月 25 日 (No. 103)
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    語等各種字庫之英文測驗,方便攜帶,是輕鬆學習的好幫手。 (價值 990 元 )
    1. Mars 火星 8. Earth 地球 13. satellite 衛星;人造衛星
    2. space station 太空站 9. space shuttle 太空梭 14. alien 外星生物
    3. planet 行星;星球 10. comet 彗星 15. astronaut 太空人
    4. Saturn 土星 11. the Sun 太陽 16. star 星星;恆星
    5. asteroid 小行星(尤指在火 12. UFO 17. space suit 太空衣
      星和木星軌道間運行的)   (unidentified flying object) 18. spacewalk 太空漫步
    6. meteor/shooting star 流星   幽浮(不明的飛行物體,    
    7. the Moon 月球   俗稱飛碟)    
    1. galaxy 銀河;星系
    2. universe 宇宙
    3. rocket 火箭
    4. spaceship 太空船
    5. spacecraft 太空飛行器
    6. orbit 軌道
    7. countdown (n.) 倒數計時;讀秒
    8. count down (v.) 倒數計時;讀秒
    9. liftoff (n.) 發射;升空
    10. lift off (v.) 發射;升空
    11. space debris/junk 太空殘骸/垃圾(包含廢棄的衛星、火箭碎片、塗料殘渣等)
    12. telescope 望遠鏡
    13. constellation 星座
    14. night sky 夜空
    15. North Star 北極星
    16. satellite dish 衛星天線
    17. cosmonaut (Russian astronaut) 俄羅斯的太空人
    18. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美國太空總署
    19. space program 太空計畫
    20. solar eclipse 日蝕
    21. lunar eclipse 月蝕
    22. atmosphere 大氣(層)
    23. full moon 滿月
    24. crater 火山口;隕石坑
    25. gravity 地心引力;重力
    26. zero gravity 無重力
    27. extraterrestrial (alien) 外星生物
    28. Venus 金星
    29. Jupiter 木星
    30. Pluto 冥王星
    31. Milky Way galaxy (our galaxy) 銀河系
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • There's a full moon out tonight. 今晚是滿月。
    It's a beautiful, starry night tonight. 今晚是個滿天星辰的美麗夜晚。
    What do you see looking through your telescope? 你在望遠鏡裡看到了什麼?
    Did you see that shooting star? 你看到那顆流星了嗎?
    I enjoy studying astronomy. 我喜歡研究天文。
    I like to find constellations in the night sky. 我喜歡在夜空中尋找星座。
    Let's watch the space shuttle launch on TV. 我們來看太空梭升空的電視轉播吧。
    They're starting the countdown: ten, nine, eight...
    Liftoff! 發射!
    Do you believe that aliens and extraterrestrials exist? 你相信有外星人嗎?
    I wonder if there really is life on other planets.
    Today, satellites are an important part of daily life.
    NASA launched a new satellite today. 今天太空總署發射了一個新的衛星。
    That new satellite will be used to study Mars. 那個新的衛星將用於研究火星。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • once in a blue moon 難得
    blue moon 是比喻「很難得發生的事情」,故 once in a blue moon 可指「千載難逢地;極其難得」。
      I only get the chance to go out to a nice restaurant once in a blue moon.
    Dialogue 1 
    Dale and Sue are spending the weekend camping. Tonight, they are sleeping under the stars.
    Dale: Wow! The sky is really clear tonight, and there's a full moon out. 戴爾: 哇!今晚的天空一點雲彩都沒有,還有滿月。
    Sue: And look at all the stars. I love staring up into the night sky. 蘇: 看那些星星,我很喜歡仰望夜空。
    Dale: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an astronaut? 戴爾: 妳有沒有想過當太空人會是什麼樣子啊?
    Sue: I guess it must be exciting, but it's also pretty dangerous, don't you think? 蘇: 我猜一定很刺激,不過也很危險,對不對?
    Dale: Sure. But I would still jump at the chance to go into space. 戴爾: 當然啦,可是我還是會緊抓住去太空的機會。
    Sue: You know, I think I would make a good astronaut. I'm fit and smart, and I am an engineer. 蘇: 你知道,我覺得我可以成為一名優秀的太空人。我身體健康,頭腦聰明,又是個工程師。
    Dale: I think you'd make a great astronaut. But do you think there might be life on other planets? 戴爾: 我也這麼認為,妳想其他星球上可能有生物嗎?
    Sue: I don't think so. If there was life out there, we would have found it by now. 蘇: 我不認為有,如果有的話,我們應該早就發現了。
    Dale: Not necessarily. The universe is huge and we've only recently begun to explore it. 戴爾: 不見得,宇宙這麼廣大,而且我們也是到最近才開始宇宙的探測。
    Sue: I'm just not convinced. I don't believe in UFOs, aliens, and all that stuff. 蘇: 我就是不信。我不相信有飛碟、外星人那些玩意。
    Dialogue 2 
    Suzy enjoys using her telescope to study space. Tonight, she is showing her telescope to her boyfriend, Carl.
    Suzy: So, here it is. What do you think? 蘇西: 在這兒,你覺得怎麼樣?
    Carl: It's bigger than I expected. You must have spent quite a bit of money on this. 卡爾: 比我想像的還大,妳一定花了不少錢吧。
    Suzy: Actually, my uncle gave it to me. He used to work for NASA. 蘇西: 其實,是我叔叔送我的,他以前在太空總署工作。
    Carl: Wow! That must have been an amazing job. Did he ever tell you anything about aliens? 卡爾: 哇!那一定是份很棒的工作,他有沒有告訴過妳外星人的事呢?
    Suzy: Well, most of the work he did was top secret. He couldn't talk about it. 蘇西: 他大部分的工作都是最高機密,不能跟別人說的。
    Carl: Let me take a look. Is that bright light a planet? 卡爾: 讓我瞧瞧,那個亮光是個星球嗎?
    Suzy: It's probably Jupiter. Jupiter is especially bright at this time of year. 蘇西: 可能是木星吧,每年這個時候木星就會特別亮。
    Carl: Wow! Look at the Moon! I can see craters. And are those mountains?
    卡爾: 哇!看看月亮!我可以看到坑洞,那些是山脈嗎?
    Suzy: Most likely. The Moon's surface is covered with mountains just like Earth's. 蘇西: 很可能是,月球的表面像地球一樣,滿覆著山岳。
    Carl: I also remember hearing someone say that all the other planets in our galaxy also have moons of their own. 卡爾: 我記得有人說銀河系的其他星球也有他們自己的月球。
    Suzy: That's right. You sure do know a lot about astronomy for a beginner.
    蘇西: 沒錯,就一個初學者來說,你的天文知識還真不少。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. the Sun b. UFO c. space suit d. satellite e. telescope
    f. constellation g. Earth h. astronaut i. launch j. zero gravity
      This device is used to study and observe stars and planets.
      We all live on this planet.
      This word means an unidentified flying object in the sky.
      This word means when a spaceship lifts off and flys.
      Astronauts must wear this when they leave their spacecraft in space.
      This is the name for a group of stars that form a certain shape.
      Our planet orbits around this star.
      This term means when people are in space and they do not feel weight.
      This type of machine orbits Earth and is used for sending information.
      This is the word for people who explore space from the United States.
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