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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
    2003 年 8 月 1 日 (No. 104)
    如贈品送完,LiveABC 保留贈品替換權利
    變化而變換顏色,是實用又具風格的配件。( 價值 350 元)
    語等各種字庫之英文測驗,方便攜帶,是輕鬆學習的好幫手。 (價值 990 元 )

    1. trapeze (空中特技、體操 5. clown 小丑 11. ringmaster 馬戲團領班
      等用的)高空鞦韆 6. unicycle 獨輪車 12. human cannonball
    2. trapeze artist 表演空中特 7. acrobat 特技演員   人體砲彈
      技的演員 8. tightrope 鋼絲 13. whip 鞭子
    3. audience 觀眾 9. circus tent 馬戲團帳篷 14. animal trainer 馴獸師
    4. juggler 玩雜耍的人;精於 10. tightrope walker    
       拋耍特技的人   走鋼絲的特技者    
    1. circus troupe 馬戲團
    2. entertainment 娛樂
    3. excitement 刺激
    4. performer 表演者
    5. act 表演
    6. balloon 氣球
    7. popcorn 爆米花
    8. cotton candy 棉花糖
    9. trampoline 彈簧墊(特技表演時,供作跳躍用)
    10. elephant 大象
    11. tiger 老虎
    12. bear
    13. cage 籠子
    14. ring of fire 火圈
    15. safety net 安全網
    16. costume 戲服
    17. makeup 化妝
    18. prop 道具
    19. circus ring 馬戲場
    20. wagon 篷車
    21. stilt(s) 高蹺
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • The circus has come to town! 馬戲團來鎮上表演了!
    I want to take my family to see the circus. 我想帶家人去看馬戲團表演。
    Did you see that?! 你看到那了嗎?!
    Wow! What an amazing trick. 哇!好厲害的把戲喔。
    Would you like some cotton candy? 你要不要吃棉花糖?
    Is this seat taken? 這位子有人坐嗎?
    The elephants are performing a trick. 大象在表演把戲。
    This circus has lions, tigers, and bears. 這個馬戲團有獅子、老虎和熊。
    That juggling clown is amazing. 那個雜耍小丑好厲害。
    They're getting ready to fire the human cannonball. 他們準備要發射人體砲彈了。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • clowning around 胡鬧
    clown around 是「形容某人像扮小丑一樣胡鬧、耍寶」。
      Stop clowning around and get back to work.
    Dialogue 1 
    Tom is telling his friend Anne that he bought tickets to the circus.
    Tom: Hey, Anne. Check this out! I bought two tickets to the circus. 湯姆: 嘿,安。瞧!我買了兩張馬戲表演的票。
    Anne: The circus? Aren't you a little too old to be going to the circus? I stopped going years ago. 安: 馬戲團?這把年紀看馬戲表演不會有點太老了嗎?我好幾年都沒看了。
    Tom: Are you kidding? I love the circus! Remember the last time it came to town? 湯姆: 開什麼玩笑?我愛死馬戲團了!記得上次他們來鎮上表演嗎?
    Anne: Yeah, that was about three years ago, wasn't it? 安: 記得啊,大概三年前吧,對吧?
    Tom: Yes, and remember when that trapeze artist lost his grip on the handle of the trapeze? Everyone gasped in horror. 湯姆: 沒錯,記得那個空中特技演員抓空鞦韆的時候嗎?每個人都嚇的倒吸一口氣!
    Anne Fortunately, the safety net was there to save him. Oh, and do you remember when the animal trainer made the lions and tigers jump through the rings of fire? 安: 幸好有安全網。喔,你記得馴獸師要獅子和老虎跳過火圈嗎?
    Tom: She also made that big bear balance on a ball while carrying an umbrella. 湯姆: 她還讓那隻大熊拿著傘站在球上。
    Anne: Uh, on second thought, can I go to the circus with you? It sounds like a lot of fun! 安: 呃,再想想,我可以和你一起去看馬戲團嗎?聽起來好好玩!
    Dialogue 2 
    Tom and Anne have taken their seats at the circus.
    Tom: Hey! Stop hogging all the popcorn. I want some, too! 湯姆: 嘿!不要獨佔著爆米花,我也要吃!
    Anne: Shh! Be quiet, Tom. The show's about to start. Oh, look! There are five clowns coming out on a wagon. The clown on the left is juggling three large balls. 安: 噓!湯姆,安靜點。表演要開始了。看!有五個小丑從蓬車出來。喔,左邊的小丑在耍三顆大球。
    Tom: And look at that clown on stilts. He looks like a giant compared to the other clowns. And now he's walking on the tightrope! I can't look! 湯姆: 看那個踩高蹺的小丑,和其他小丑比起來他像個巨人。他正在走鋼絲!我不敢看!
    Anne: Stop covering your eyes, Tom. He's doing fine. Look! 安: 湯姆,不用把眼睛摀住。他沒事啦,瞧!
    Tom: Hey! You're right. He made it to the other side of the rope with no problem at all. 湯姆: 嘿,沒錯。他已經安然無恙地走到繩索的另一頭了。
    Anne: Look at the prancing horses wearing elaborate costumes. They're beautiful! 安: 看那些穿著華麗戲服、昂首闊步的馬群。牠們好漂亮!
    Tom: Maybe you should join the circus, Anne. 湯姆: 安,或許妳應該加入馬戲團。
    Anne: Hey! That's not a bad idea at all!
    安: 嘿!那個主意很不賴!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. unicycle b. trampoline c. clown d. strongman e. animal trainer
    f. cotton candy g. ticket h. safety net i. stilts j. cage
      This male circus performer is very strong.
      This candy looks like a cloud and comes in different colors.
      People can bounce up and down on this.
      If trapeze artists make a mistake, they fall onto this.
      This person has white and red paint on his face and does funny things.
      A person will become very tall if he or she walks around on these.
      This is like a bicycle, but it only has one wheel.
      Circus animals are kept in this when they aren't performing.
      This person trains and performs with dangerous animals.
      You will need one of these to get in to see the circus.
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