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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 8 月 8 日 (No. 105)
    外籍老師錄製,約 135 分鐘,讓您隨時可看、可聽
    * 學力測驗必備利器,輕鬆加分
    * 依字母順序排列,查閱輕鬆
    * 各例句中英對照,清晰明白
    30 天內讓您英語聽力脫胎換骨
    * 基礎、中級、進階三級循序漸進
    * 聽懂CNN---- 溝通無障礙,具備競爭力

    1. blindfold 蒙眼布;眼罩 6. confetti 13. icing/frosting 糖衣;糖霜
    2. streamer 彩帶   (用來撒的)五彩碎紙 14. cupcake 杯子蛋糕
    3. pin the tail on the donkey 7. banner 15. pinata 彩罐(裝有糖果
      驢尾巴   (寫有標語的)布製橫幅   或禮物,高吊起來,讓蒙
      (一種摸彩遊戲,玩遊戲的 8. party hat   著眼睛的人用棒子打碎)
      人被蒙住眼睛,原地轉幾圈   派對帽(圓錐狀的) 16. bow 蝴蝶結
      ,然後把手上拿的驢尾巴圖 9. balloon 氣球 17. present/gift 禮物
      案釘在一張沒有尾巴的驢子 10. candle 蠟燭 18. ribbon 緞帶
      的圖畫上,誰把尾巴釘到 11. birthday cake 生日蛋糕 19. ice cream 冰淇淋
      最接近正確的位置就贏了) 12. sprinkle(s) 20. pizza 披薩
    4. soda 蘇打汽水   撒在糕點上的小糖條    
    5. party favor(派對上的)小禮物    
    1. gift certificate 禮券;兌換券
    2. wrapping paper 包裝紙
    3. birthday card 生日卡
    4. party supplies 派對用品
    5. costume 服裝;戲服
    6. toy 玩具
    7. party activities 派對活動
    8. party games 派對遊戲
    9. face painting 彩繪臉譜
    10. clown 小丑
    11. magician 魔術師
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Happy Birthday! 生日快樂!
    Blow out the candles on your cake! 把蛋糕上的蠟燭吹熄吧!
    Don't forget to make a wish! 別忘了許願喔!
    I am fifteen years old today. 我今天滿十五歲。
    I turned sixteen last year. 我去年滿十六歲。
    Let's all sing "Happy Birthday" to Mark. 我們一起來為馬克唱「生日快樂歌」吧。
    My birthday is next week. 我的生日在下星期。
    I would like to invite you to my birthday party. 我想請你來參加我的生日派對。
    How old are you? 你幾歲?
    What kinds of presents did you get for your birthday? 你生日時收到什麼樣的禮物?
  • 成語 Idioms
  • come of age 到達成熟階段
    come of age 可指「(人)成年;到達法定年齡」,或表示「(事物)發展到達成熟的階段」。
      Using computers to do many things has come of age around the world.
    Dialogue 1 
    Julia and Greg are at the mall shopping for a birthday present to give to their friend Joe.
    Julia: Joe is such a hard person to shop for. 茱莉亞: 買東西送喬還真難。
    Greg: I know. Joe is a great friend and I really want to get him a great gift. 葛瑞格: 我知道,喬是個很好的朋友,我很想買個很棒的禮物給他。
    Julia: Do you think that Joe would like some music CDs? 茱莉亞: 你覺得喬會想要音樂 CD 嗎?
    Greg: I don't know what kind of music he likes. Why don't we get him some new clothes? 葛瑞格: 我不知道他喜歡哪種音樂耶,我們送他幾件新衣服如何?
    Julia: We could do that, but I don't know what size he wears. It would be a hassle if we bought him some clothes in the wrong size and he had to take them back. 茱莉亞: 可以啊,可是我不知道他穿幾號衣服呀。假如我們買錯尺寸,害他還得把衣服拿回去退的話,就太麻煩了。
    Greg: Let me think... Does he like video games? 葛瑞格: 我想想看……他喜歡電玩嗎?
    Julia No, not really. Joe's favorite thing to do is go jogging. 茱莉亞: 不,不怎麼喜歡。喬最喜歡的是慢跑。
    Greg: Joe already has everything he needs to go running, and he just bought new running shoes. 葛瑞格: 凡是跑步需要的用品,喬都已經有了,而且他才剛買了新跑鞋。
    Julia: I've got it! Let's get him a gift certificate. That way, he can come to the mall and buy whatever he wants. 茱莉亞: 我想到了!我們買張禮券給他,這樣他就可以來購物中心買他要的東西了。
    Dialogue 2 
    Julia and Greg are at Joe's birthday party celebrating and having fun.
    Julia: This is a great birthday party, and you look great in that party hat, Greg. 茱莉亞: 葛瑞格,這個生日派對太棒了,你戴那頂派對帽很好看。
    Greg: The birthday cake is especially good. I'm going to go back and get another piece. 葛瑞格: 這個生日蛋糕尤其好吃,我要回去再拿一塊。
    Julia: Don't eat too much. We are going to start the games and activities in a couple minutes. 茱莉亞: 別吃太多,我們幾分鐘後就要開始遊戲活動了。
    Greg: I have been really looking forward to hitting the pinata. It is filled with lots of yummy candy. 葛瑞格: 我好想打那個彩罐,裡面裝滿了好吃的糖果。
    Julia: And I want to play pin the tail on the donkey. 茱莉亞: 我想玩驢尾巴遊戲。
    Greg: Joe told me that he will be giving out some great prizes for both of those games. 葛瑞格: 喬告訴我,他會在這兩個遊戲裡給大家很棒的獎品呢。
    Julia: Joe also said that he will wait until the end of the party to open his gifts. I saw a stack of envelopes over by the other gifts. I think some other people got gift certificates for Joe, too. 茱莉亞: 喬還說他要等到派對結束才會拆禮物,我看到那些禮物旁邊擺著一堆信封,我想有些人也送禮券給喬。
    Greg: I guess we're not the only ones that think gift shopping for Joe is a major challenge.
    葛瑞格: 大概不只有我們覺得送禮物給喬是件困難的事吧。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. bow b. candle c. confetti d. sprinkles e. balloon
    f. party hat g. blindfold h. wrapping paper i. pinata j. cupcake
      You blow this up and tie a string to it.
      Put this over your eyes when you are playing pin the tail on the donkey.
      These are small colorful pieces of candy on a birthday cake.
      You tie one of these with a ribbon and put it on top of a gift.
      Kids hit this with a stick to break it and get the candy inside.
      Wrap a present or gift in this kind of colorful paper.
      You have one of these on your cake for every year of your age.
      You wear this on your head at birthday parties.
      Some people like to eat one of these small cakes at birthday parties.
      You can throw these small pieces of paper into the air to celebrate.
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