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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
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    2003 年 8 月 15 日 (No. 106)
    WTO美語會話全集 / CNN互動英語精選 / 各行各業說英語+主題式英語會話保證班 / 生活英語圖解大百科+標準英語發音魔法書 / LifeTALK實戰英語系列Live互動英語寶典 TV實況英語系列

    1. cloud 7. downpour 傾盆大雨 13. sun 太陽
    2. thunder 8. raincoat 雨衣 14. sunlight 陽光
    3. wind 9. mud 泥巴 15. raindrop 雨滴;雨點
    4. gutter 排水溝 10. rubber boot(s) 橡膠套鞋 16. drizzle 細雨;毛毛雨
    5. breeze 微風 11. umbrella 雨傘 17. splash 潑濺(聲)
    6. lightning 閃電 12. rainbow 彩虹 18. puddle 水坑
    1. storm 暴風雨
    2. pour 下大雨
    3. shower (light rain) 陣雨
    4. thundershower 雷雨
    5. torrential rain 暴雨
    6. gust (of wind) 一陣狂風
    7. storm cloud(s) 暴風雲
    8. rain gear 雨衣
    9. poncho 斗篷;披風
    10. overcoat 外套
    11. flood 洪水
    12. flash flood 大雨過後出現的短暫洪水;暴洪
    13. hail 冰雹
    14. sleet 凍雨;夾帶冰雪的雨
    15. snow
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Do you think it will rain today? 你想今天會下雨嗎?
    It's pouring outside. 外面正在下大雨。
    It's raining cats and dogs. 現在在下大雨。
    It's drizzling. 現在在下毛毛雨。
    I'm soaked! 我全身溼透了!
    I'm drenched! 我全身溼透了!
    The wind is blowing hard. 風好大。
    It's really windy today. 今天的風好大。
    The sun broke through the clouds. 太陽從雲端探出頭來。
    The rain ruined our plans. 那場雨讓我們的計畫泡湯了。
    I hope it stops raining soon. 我希望雨趕快停。
    I like staying home and resting on rainy days. 下雨天時我喜歡待在家裡休息。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • rain or shine 不管天氣如何;在任何情況下
    此句同 whatever the weather,表面上的意思是「不管天氣如何」,亦可引申為「在任何情況下」。
      Katie goes jogging with her dog every morning, rain or shine.
    Dialogue 1 
    Greg wants to go out and play basketball with his friends, but his sister, Marla, tells him that it has started to rain outside.
    Marla: What's up, Greg? 瑪拉: 嘿,葛瑞格。
    Greg: Today's the day, Marla! I've been looking forward to this day all week. I organized a basketball tournament with my friends. 葛瑞格: 瑪拉,就是今天!我盼著今天已經盼了一個禮拜了。我安排了跟朋友比賽籃球。
    Marla: Uh, I hate to rain on your parade, Greg, but look out the window. 瑪拉: 嗯,葛瑞格,很不想掃你的興,不過看看窗外吧。
    Greg: Oh no! It's raining! Now I'll have to postpone the basketball tournament. 葛瑞格: 喔,不,在下雨了!現在我得把比賽延期了。
    Marla: Aw, don't be so down. Now you can clean your room like mom wants you to. 瑪拉: 哎,別這麼難過嘛。現在你可以聽媽的話打掃你的房間了。
    Greg: This is horrible! I can't go play basketball, and now I have to clean my room. It can't get any worse than this. 葛瑞格: 這太慘了!我不能打籃球,現在還得打掃房間。真是慘透了。
    Marla: Hey, cheer up! You can also catch up on other stuff that needs to be done around the house. 瑪拉: 嘿!開心點吧!你還可以補做一些其他該做的雜事啊。
    Greg: Hmm... I guess you're right. I hope the rain lets up soon. I don't like being cooped up for too long. 葛瑞格: 嗯……我想妳說得對。希望雨快點停,我可不喜歡被困在家裡太久。
    Dialogue 2 
    Greg went to clean his room but after several hours, he still hasn't come down. Marla goes to check up on him.
    Greg: Hey! Foul! That's not fair. We get a penalty shot. 葛瑞格: 嘿!犯規!不公平,我們要罰球。
    Marla: What are you doing? I thought you were cleaning your room. 瑪拉: 你在幹嘛?我以為你在打掃房間。
    Greg: I have been cleaning my room. Look! It's spick-and-span. 葛瑞格: 我一直在打掃房間啊。看!多乾淨整齊啊!
    Marla: Then why are you yelling about fouls and penalty shots? 瑪拉: 那你幹嘛鬼叫什麼犯規和罰球?
    Greg: That's because I'm playing basketball. I'm schooling the other team. 葛瑞格: 因為我在打籃球啊,我正在教訓我們的對手呢。
    Marla: Have you gone nuts? It's raining outside, your friends are at home, and you have no basketball hoop. How on earth can you be playing basketball? 瑪拉: 你頭殼壞去啦?現在外面在下雨,你的朋友都在家,你連個籃框都沒有。你要怎麼個打球法?
    Greg: I'm playing basketball online. All of my friends are online, and I can chat with them while we play. Right now, my team is winning. 葛瑞格: 我在玩線上籃球遊戲啦。我的朋友都上線了,我還可以跟他們邊玩邊聊天。目前我們佔上風。
    Marla: Wow! That sounds interesting. I guess with the technology these days, you can still have fun on a rainy day. Hey, can I play?
    瑪拉: 哇,聽起來好有趣。現在有了網路科技,即使在雨天還是有很多樂子。嘿,我可以玩嗎?


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. puddles b. wind c. mud d. rainbow e. thunderstorm
    f. rubber boots g. umbrella h. hail i. lightning j. thunder
      This is a beautiful thing that sometimes appears when it rains.
      Wear these on your feet to stay dry.
      You'll hear this after you see lightning.
      This is formed when water is mixed with sand or dirt.
      When it is cold, these small balls of ice sometimes fall from the sky.
      Water from rain often creates these on the ground.
      This is when it rains especially hard for a short period of time.
      These bright flashes come from the sky when there is a storm.
      This thing opens and closes, and it can protect a person from the rain.
      This can blow the hat off your head if you're not careful.
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