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    2003 年 8 月 22 日 (No. 107)
    動員龐大的人力物力拍攝成20部英語短劇,(共72段實況影片),全部由美籍演員實況演出,精彩幽默,完整收錄在 VCD 及 CD-ROM ,實為史上絕無僅有的英語會話教材,值得珍藏。
     ◎ 影音 CD 版:定價 550 元,85折特價 323
        ( 書+朗讀 CD )
     ◎ 互動光碟版:定價 1,200 元,85折特價 578
        ( 書+2片互動光碟+朗讀CD )
    更多介紹     我要購買    
    1. Highland cow 高地牛 5. sheep 綿羊 11. village 村莊
    2. Loch Ness Monster 6. fly-fishing 用假蠅鉤釣魚 12. bagpipe 風笛
      (Nessie) 尼斯湖水怪 7. Scottish terrier 蘇格蘭小獵犬 13. sporran (蘇格蘭人繫在
    3. Loch Ness 尼斯湖 8. castle 城堡   短裙前的)毛皮袋
      (在蘇格蘭西北部) 9. bagpiper 風笛演奏者 14. tartan (蘇格蘭)有花格
    4. heather 石南 10. kilt (蘇格蘭男子穿的)   圖案的毛織物
        (一種杜鵑花科植物)   短褶裙    
    1. Edinburgh 愛丁堡(蘇格蘭首府)
    2. Glasgow 格拉斯哥(蘇格蘭最大城)
    3. Aberdeen 亞伯丁
    4. The Highlands 蘇格蘭高地
    5. Gaelic 蓋爾語(蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭等地使用的語言);蓋爾語的
    6. Celtic 賽爾特人的(古代歐洲民族);賽爾特語的
    7. haggis 羊雜腸(用羊的內臟與脂肪、香料等煮成的蘇格蘭食物)
    8. Isle of Skye 斯凱島(位於蘇格蘭西北部之島嶼)
    9. Scotch whisky (scotch) 蘇格蘭威士忌
    10. Scottish shortbread (蘇格蘭)牛油甜酥餅
    11. porridge 麥片粥
    12. marmalade 橘子醬
    13. black pudding/sausage 血腸(用動物血、脂肪及穀物製成的粗黑香腸)
    14. fish and chips 魚配薯條(英式速食)
    15. venison  鹿肉
    16. Scottish Games 在美加地區舉行的蘇格蘭傳統技藝競賽
    17. clan 宗族
    18. tweed 粗花呢
    19. Andrew Carnegie 安德魯.卡內基(美國鋼鐵業大亨)
    20. Robert Burns 羅伯.伯恩斯(十八世紀著名詩人)
    21. Sean Connery 史恩.康納萊(知名演員,曾主演早期007系列電影)
    22. Alexander Graham Bell 亞歷山大.葛拉漢.貝爾(電話發明者)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Let's go visit that castle. 我們去看看那座城堡吧。
    What clan are you from? 你是那一族的人?
    Haggis is Scotland's national dish. 羊雜腸是蘇格蘭的傳統食物。
    Let's take a walk in the Highlands. 我們到高地散步吧。
    The heather is beautiful at this time of year. 每年到了這個時候,石南都開得好美。
    That's a beautiful little village. 那是個美麗的小村莊。
    Look at that herd of sheep. 看看那群綿羊。
    I like spreading marmalade on my toast. 我喜歡在吐司上抹橘子醬。
    I want to go fly-fishing in Scotland. 我喜歡在蘇格蘭釣魚。
    That tweed jacket you are wearing looks good. 你穿的粗呢夾克很好看。
    Let's have fish and chips for lunch. 我們午餐吃炸魚配薯條吧。
    Scotland is famous for its high-quality whiskey. 蘇格蘭以高品質的威士忌酒聞名。
    Scottish men often wear kilts on special occasions.
    I do not believe that the Loch Ness Monster exists. 我不相信有尼斯湖怪獸。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • scot-free 逃脫懲罰
    中世紀英文的 scot 為「稅金」之意。free 指「不受……影響的;免於……的」,例如 alcohol-free 就是「不含酒精的」,而 duty-free 就是「免稅的」。 scot-free 為副詞,字面意義為「不需交稅的」,引申為「逃脫懲罰」。
      The police officer let Gordon go without giving him a ticket; Gordon got off scot-free.
    Dialogue 1 
    Graham and Fiona are taking a walk in the Highlands.
    Graham: I love walking through the hills covered in heather. 葛拉漢: 我好喜歡走在開滿石南的山裡。
    Fiona: It is very beautiful at this time of year. 費歐娜: 每年到這個時候,風景就變得好美。
    Graham: It's cold, too, but this tweed jacket I am wearing is really warm. 葛拉漢: 天氣也變冷了,不過我穿的這件粗呢夾克挺保暖的。
    Fiona: There's a herd of sheep up ahead. 費歐娜: 前面有一群綿羊呢。
    Graham: I see a couple of Highland cattle, too. 葛拉漢: 我還看到了幾頭高地牛。
    Fiona: There's a big castle right over the hill. Let's stop and rest there. 費歐娜: 就在山的那頭有座大城堡,我們到那兒休息吧。
    Graham: That sounds great to me. 葛拉漢: 好主意。
    Dialogue 2 
    Graham and Fiona have finished their afternoon hike and now they're at a restaurant having dinner.
    Graham: My haggis is delicious. How's your venison? 葛拉漢: 我的羊雜碎好吃極了。妳的鹿肉味道如何?
    Fiona: It's delicious, as well, and the meat is so juicy and tender. 費歐娜: 也很好吃喔,肉質多汁又鮮嫩。
    Graham: Would you like my black pudding? I don't care for it. 葛拉漢: 我不喜歡吃血腸,妳要不要吃?
    Fiona: Sure! I love black pudding. And for dessert, we can have some Scottish shortbread. 費歐娜: 當然好啊!我超愛吃血腸的。還有,我們甜點可以吃牛油甜酥餅。
    Graham: I think I'll pass on the shortbread and have some oatcakes with cheese. I'll also have a small glass of Scotch whiskey. 葛拉漢: 我不想吃牛油甜酥餅,我要吃起司燕麥餅,還要喝一小杯威士忌。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. marmalade b. bagpiper c. kilt d. sheep e. Highland cow
    f. haggis g. castles h. Scotch whisky i. Loch Ness Monster j. heather
      This is a special kind of cow that you might see in Scotland.
      Scottish men wear this special piece of clothing on important occasions.
      There are many of these large stone buildings in Scotland.
      If you take a walk in the Highlands, you will see this purple flower.
      This person plays a famous Scottish instrument.
      This is the name of a traditional Scottish dish.
      Some people say that this creature lives in Loch Ness.
      Scottish people spread this orange-flavored jam on toast and eat it for breakfast.
      You will see herds of these white animals all over Scotland.
      Many people like to drink this type of alcohol made in Scotland.

