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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 9 月 12日 (No. 110)
    朗讀版( 書+3片朗讀CD)
    原價 499 元,85折特惠價 424
    原價 880 元,85折特惠價 748

    1. ring stand 夾鉗支架 8. safety glasses 護目鏡 16. stopper (瓶子等的)
    2. microscope 顯微鏡 9. funnel 漏斗   塞子;栓
    3. slide 載玻片(顯微鏡下用 10. test tube 試管 17. graduated cylinder 量筒
      以盛放被觀察物的玻璃片) 11. test-tube rack 試管架 18. Bunsen burner 本生燈
    4. Erlenmeyer flask 錐形燒瓶 12. hot plate 實驗室加熱爐   (實驗室中接有瓦斯管線
    5. beaker 燒杯 13. periodic table 元素週期表   之加熱燈具)
    6. scale 天平;秤 14. safety gloves 安全手套 19. petri dish 培養皿
    7. scientist 科學家 15. lab coat 實驗衣    
    1. lab 實驗室
    2. lab class 實驗課
    3. experiment 實驗;做實驗
    4. hypothesis 假設
    5. thermometer 溫度計
    6. dropper 滴管
    7. mortar and pestle 研缽及研杵(用來將物體研磨成粉的器具)
    8. tongs 夾鉗
    9. distilled water 蒸餾水
    10. alcohol 酒精
    11. acid/base 酸/鹼
    12. substance 物質
    13. enzyme 酵素
    14. chemistry 化學
    15. biology 生物學
    16. physics 物理學
    17. geology 地質學
    18. pH 酸鹼值
    19. H2O 水的化學式
    20. dissection kit 全套的解剖工具
    21. dissect 解剖
    22. scalpel 解剖刀
    23. fire extinguisher 滅火器
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • We are going to do an experiment in science class today.
    Find a lab partner and start working. 找好搭檔,然後開始做實驗。
    I'll be in the lab working all day. 我會在實驗室裡忙一整天。
    It's important to always remember to wear your safety glasses.
    What's your hypothesis? 你的假設是什麼?
    I don't know the pH of this liquid. 我不知道這種液體的酸鹼值。
    I don't know where I went wrong. 我不知道哪裡出錯了。
    Pour some of that liquid into this flask. 把那液體倒一點到這個燒杯裡。
    I need to light my Bunsen burner. 我得把本生燈點起來。
    What element is that on the periodic table? 那是屬於週期表的哪種元素?
  • 成語 Idioms
  • the acid test 驗證;決定性的考驗
    以往的人會用硝酸測試黃金的純度,如果黃金摻雜銅,就會呈現藍色反應。後來 acid test 便引申為「驗證;決定性的考驗」之意。
      Our company spent a lot of money developing this product, but the acid test is whether or not people will buy it.
    Dialogue 1 
    Clark and Vicky are talking after chemistry class.
    Clark: Hey, Vicky! Chemistry class sure was interesting today, wasn't it! 克拉克: 嘿,薇琪,今天的化學課很有趣吧?
    Vicky: You can say that again. 薇琪: 沒錯。
    Clark: I liked the experiment we did where we determined how much fat is in a potato chip. 克拉克: 我喜歡測試一片洋芋片含有多少油脂的實驗。
    Vicky: I never knew so much fat could be in such a small potato chip. 薇琪: 我從來不知道一小片洋芋片會有這麼多油脂。
    Clark: You'd better believe it! And then Suzy accidentally burned some of her hair on a hot plate. 克拉克: 這可絕對錯不了!後來蘇西還不小心被加熱爐燒到頭髮。
    Vicky: I guess she wasn't listening when the chemistry teacher told all the girls with long hair to tie their hair back. 薇琪: 我想當化學老師要長頭髮的女生都把頭髮綁到後面時,她沒在注意聽。
    Clark: At least everyone made sure to put on his or her safety glasses. 克拉克: 至少大家都戴上護目鏡了。
    Dialogue 2 
    Mr. Powers, a science teacher, is talking to the class. Sara, a student, asks some questions.
    Sara: Mr. Powers, what are we going to do in lab class today? 莎拉: 鮑爾斯老師,今天課堂上要做什麼實驗?
    Mr. Powers: Today, we will be dissecting a frog. Everyone, please get out your dissection kits. 鮑爾斯老師: 今天我們要解剖青蛙,請大家把解剖工具組拿出來。
    Sara: My kit seems to be short a scalpel. Where can I get a new one? 莎拉: 我的工具組似乎少了解剖刀,哪裡有新的解剖刀呢?
    Mr. Powers: You'll find more scalpels in that drawer over there. Be careful. Scalpel blades are extremely sharp. 鮑爾斯老師: 妳可以在那邊的抽屜裡找到新的解剖刀。小心,解剖刀很利喔。
    Sara: I'm glad our frogs are already dead. I don't think I could do this if they were still alive. 莎拉: 還好青蛙都已經死了。如果牠們還活著,我絕對不敢下手。
    Mr. Powers: Yes! By dissecting a frog, you can observe the basic organs inside an animal's body. Isn't biology great?! 鮑爾斯老師: 藉由解剖青蛙,大家可以觀察到動物體內的基本器官。生物學很了不起吧?


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. safety glasses b. scalpel c. fire extinguisher d. thermometer e. scale
    f. microscope g. dropper h. periodic table i. graduated cylinder j. tongs
      Use this special tool to grab and hold hot test tubes, beakers, and flasks.
      You can use this to measure the temperature of something.
      Use this to find the weight of something.
      This is used when you want to use small amounts of a liquid.
      Use this special glass tube to measure an amount of a liquid.
      Use this type of small, sharp knife to cut or dissect something.
      If there is a fire in a laboratory, this is used to put out the flames.
      This is a chart listing all of the names and properties of elements.
      Wear these to protect your eyes when you are doing lab work.
      This piece of equipment lets you see extremely small things.
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