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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 10 月17 日 (No. 115)
    定價:1,200元  特惠價:680
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    1. hacksaw 弓鋸 6. electric drill 電鑽 12. circular saw 圓鋸機
    2. handsaw(以單手握取 7. file 銼刀 13. ladder 梯子
      使用的)短鋸;手鋸 8. hammer 槌子;榔頭 14. plunger 通馬桶用的吸盤
    3. screwdriver 螺絲起子 9. crescent wrench 活動扳手    
    4. pliers 鉗子 10. nail 釘子    
    5. needle-nose pliers 尖嘴鉗 11. screw 螺絲釘    
    1. tile(牆、地面鋪設的)瓷磚
    2. wood 木材
    3. cement 水泥
    4. concrete 混凝土
    5. carpet(s) 地毯
    6. glass 玻璃
    7. pipe(s) 管子
    8. plumbing(建築物內的)水管設施;水管工程
    9. paint 油漆
    10. sandpaper 砂紙
    11. sand [v.] (用砂紙或機器)將……的表面磨光滑
    12. sheetrock/drywall(建材)石膏板
    13. remodel [v.] 裝潢;改建
    14. renovate [v.] 整修
    15. household project 室內整修工程
    16. do-it-yourself (DIY) project 自己動手裝修的工程
    17. home-improvement project 室內整修工程
    18. repair(s) [n.](常用複數)修理;修補
    19. repair [v.] 修理;修補
    20. fix [v.] 修理
    21. plunge [v.] 通馬桶
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Please hand me the hammer. 請把槌子拿給我。
    I can't find my screwdriver. Have you seen it? 
    Use this crescent wrench to tighten that bolt. 用這支活動扳手把那個螺栓拴緊。
    This screw is difficult to screw in. 這個螺絲好難拴進去喔。
    The edge on that piece of metal is rough. Use a file to make it smooth.
    I want to remodel my bathroom next summer. 我明年夏天想要改建浴室。
    I spent all day Saturday fixing my toilet. 我星期六整天都在修理馬桶。
    Use this plunger to plunge the toilet. 用這個通馬桶的吸盤通馬桶。
    The plumbing in my old house was not good. 我舊房的水管鋪設地很糟。
    I want to paint the walls in my room a different color. 
    Use this saw to cut that piece of wood. 用這把鋸子鋸那塊木材。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • tools of the trade 賴以為生的工具;吃飯的傢伙;生財的工具
    trade 在此指「行業」,尤其是需要特殊手工技巧的職業,因此 tools of the trade 便是指「賴以為生的工具;吃飯的傢伙」的意思。
      Grace is a professional musician, so her fingers are the tools of her trade.
    Dialogue 1 
    It is the weekend, and Nicole and Robert are at home doing a home-improvement project.
    Nicole: I'm all ready to begin repairing our toilet. Where should we begin? 妮可: 我完全準備好要開始修理馬桶了,我們要從哪裡開始?
    Robert: Well, the first thing we need to do is turn off the water. Use this crescent wrench to do that. 羅伯特: 嗯,我們得先要把出水口關起來,用這支活動扳手弄吧。
    Nicole: OK, and then I'll take the lid off the toilet and try to figure out why it's not flushing properly. 妮可: 好,然後我要把馬桶蓋子拿開,找找看是什麼原因讓馬桶無法正常沖水。
    Robert: Hey! I think I found the problem. This part is not moving the way it should. 羅伯特: 嘿!我想我找到問題了。這個部份活動不太正常。
    Nicole: I see what you mean. Use this screwdriver to tighten that screw. 妮可: 我懂了,用這支螺絲起子把那個螺絲拴緊。
    Robert I think that should do it. Let's turn the water back on and try to flush the toilet. 羅伯特: 我想那樣應該就行了,我們把水打開沖看看吧。
    Dialogue 2 
    Thomas is helping his daughter Lilly make a wooden table for her room.
    Lilly: Dad, I've collected everything I think we'll need: some wood, a skill saw, some sandpaper, a drill, some screws, and a screwdriver. 莉莉: 爸,我把我覺得用得上的東西都整理好了︰一些木材、圓鋸機、砂紙、鑽孔機、幾顆螺絲釘、還有螺絲起子。
    Thomas That's pretty much everything. Let's begin by measuring and cutting each piece. 湯馬斯: 那樣就差不多了,我們先量這些木頭再開始鋸。
    Lilly: I don't feel comfortable using the circular saw or the drill. 莉莉: 我不太敢用圓鋸機或鑽孔機。
    Thomas: No problem. I will use those tools. You just get ready to sand the surfaces of the wood with sandpaper. 湯馬斯: 沒問題,那些工具讓我來用,妳只要用砂紙把木頭表面磨平就好了。
    Lilly: I don't want to sand right away. I want to wait until we've screwed all of the screws into the wood and then begin. 莉莉: 我不想馬上磨木頭,我想等我們把所有的螺絲釘都拴上以後再開始。
    Thomas: That's a good idea. We should be done by late this afternoon. Tomorrow we can paint it. 湯馬斯: 好主意。我們傍晚前應該就可以完成,明天我們就可以上漆了。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. tile b. carpet c. hacksaw d. hammer e. file
    f. screw g. plunger h. ladder i. drill j. needle-nose pliers
      Use this tool to hit nails into wood.
      You will need a screwdriver to screw this into wood.
      If you have to work in a high place, you will need one of these.
      This soft material is used to cover floors.
      Use this simple metal tool to make a rough edge smooth.
      A pair of these will help you grab small things.
      If your toilet won't flush, you can try to fix the problem with this.
      The walls inside your bathroom are probably covered with this.
      Use this tool to make a hole in something.
      This type of saw is mostly used to cut metal.
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