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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 10 月 24 日 (No. 116)
      週年慶特惠價1,990元  (立即省890元)
      週年慶特惠價3,880元  (立即省1880元)
      週年慶特惠價1,590元  (立即省570元)
      週年慶特惠價2,990元  (立即省1330元)
    CNN互動英語 Live互動英語
    1. hatchback 掀背車(通常 7. four-door sedan 四門房車 12. limo (limousine)
      是兩門的車子,車尾上的 8. station wagon (estate car)   加長型禮車;高級房車
      門可以向上掀起)   旅行車(前者為美式用語; 13. tow truck 拖吊車
    2. convertible 敞篷車   後者為英式用語) 14. Jeep 吉普車
    3. pickup truck 載貨卡車 9. minivan 迷你廂型車 15. van 廂型車
    4. semi (semitrailer) 半拖車 10. sport-utility vehicle (SUV)    
    5. sports car 跑車   越野休旅車    
    6. two-door sedan 雙門房車 11. mobile home/motor home/RV 露營拖車;露營休閒車
    1. four-wheel drive vehicle 四輪傳動車
    2. four-by-four (4 x 4) 四輪傳動車
    3. luxury car 高級車;豪華汽車
    4. gas station 加油站
    5. ambulance 救護車
    6. fire truck/fire engine 消防車
    7. police car 警車
    8. bus 公車
    9. garbage truck 垃圾車
    10. taxi 計程車
    11. delivery truck 送貨車
    12. motorcycle 機車
    13. garage 車庫
    14. mechanic's 修車廠
    15. repair shop 修車廠
    16. gas mileage 車子每哩的耗油量
    17. fender bender 小車禍;輕微擦撞
    18. accident 意外事故
    19. car insurance 車險
    20. car dealership 汽車經銷商
    21. break down [v.](汽車)拋錨;(機器)停止運轉
    22. breakdown [n.](汽車)拋錨;(機器)故障
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I just bought a new car! 我剛買了一輛新車!
    Did you test-drive the car before you bought it? 你車子買之前有沒有試車?
    I like the way this car handles. 我喜歡這輛車開起來的感覺。
    I bought a station wagon instead of a minivan. 我買的是旅行車,而不是迷你廂型車。
    SUVs are becoming more and more popular. 越野休旅車越來越受歡迎了。
    My car gets good gas mileage. 我的車很省油。
    I got into a fender bender on my way home from work last night.
    My car is in the shop. 我的車送修了。(shop 在俚語中可等於 repair shop
    I really like your new four-wheel drive truck. 我很喜歡你這台新的四輪傳動卡車。
    Wow! My car is really running low on gas. 哇!我的車快沒油了。
    My car insurance rate went up last year after I got into an accident.
    I wish I could afford a four-door luxury car. 要是我買得起一輛四門的高級房車就好了。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • drive a hard bargain 達成對自己有利的協議或交易
    drive a hard bargain 字面上指「以好價錢買進(或賣出)」的意思,可以引申為「在交易或協商中,採取強勢的態度或堅決的立場,以達成對自己有利的協議」。
      I got a good price on my new car because I knew which car I wanted, and I drove a hard bargain with the salesperson.
    Dialogue 1 
    Abbie and her husband Ted have just left a supermarket. They are trying to find their car in the parking lot.
    Abbie: I forgot where you parked the car. Do you see it? 艾碧: 我忘記你把車停在哪裡了,你有看到嗎?
    Ted: I don't remember, either. Is it over there next to that big white van? 泰德: 我也不記得了,是不是停在白色大廂型車旁邊的那一輛?
    Abbie: No, that's not our car. How about over by that limo, or by that silver SUV? 艾碧: 不,那不是我們的車,停在加長型禮車旁邊的那一輛是不是?還是銀色越野休旅車旁邊的那一輛?
    Ted: Nope, neither of those is our car. Boy, I wish we could remember where I parked. The ice cream is beginning to melt. 泰德: 不,那兩輛都不是我們的車。唉,要是我們記得車停在哪裡就好了。冰淇淋開始融化了。
    Abbie: OK, let me think for a minute. I remember seeing a big green four-by-four when I got out of the car. 艾碧: 好吧,讓我想一下。我記得下車時有看到一輛綠色大台的四輪傳動車。
    Ted: Yeah, and I remember seeing a red convertible sports car when I got out of the car. 泰德: 對喔,而我記得我下車時,有看到一輛紅色的敞篷跑車。
    Abbie: Um, Ted, look behind you. I just realized that our car is behind us. We've been standing in front of it all along. 艾碧: 嗯,泰德,看看你後面,我剛剛才發現我們的車在我們後面,我們一直都站在車前面。
    Dialogue 2 
    Ed is helping his friend Andrea pick out a new car.
    Andrea: Thanks for coming with me, Ed. I really appreciate your help. 安德列雅: 艾德,謝謝你跟我一起來,我真是感激不盡。
    Ed: I'm always happy to help. Now, you said that you wanted to look at two-door sedans, right? 艾德: 我很高興幫得上忙。嗯,妳說妳想要看雙門房車,對吧?
    Andrea: That's right. A small four-door sedan would be OK, but I definitely want something small and easy to park. 安德列雅: 對呀。小型的四門房車也可以,不過我一定要方便停車的小型車。
    Ed: And don't forget that smaller cars get much better gas mileage. 艾德: 還有啊,小車比較省油。
    Andrea: I don't think I could ever afford to have an SUV. Most of them get terrible gas mileage, and they are expensive to fix. 安德列雅: 我想我永遠也買不起越野休旅車。大部分的越野休旅車耗油量大得嚇死人,維修費用也很貴。
    Ed: Have you thought about getting a two-door hatchback sedan? It has a nice big trunk that is easy to load. 艾德: 妳有沒有考慮過買輛雙門掀背式房車?這種車的行李箱很不錯喔,空間大,放東西很方便呢。
    Andrea: That's a great idea. Let's go check out that one over there! 安德列雅: 好主意。我們就去那邊看看那輛雙門掀背車吧!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. SUV b. gas station c. limo d. tow truck e. gas mileage
    f. motor homes g. pickup truck h. fender bender i. sports car j. semi
      This is an extra-long type of luxury car.
      Many Americans drive and live in these on their vacations.
      This type of car is fast, good-looking, and expensive.
      Be careful driving near this very large type of vehicle on the freeway.
      If your car breaks down, one of these vehicles can help you move your car.
      This is the place to go if you want to add gas to your car.
      This type of car accident is usually not very serious.
      You put stuff in the open back of this vehicle and it usually has seats for only two people.
      This is a four-door, often four-wheel-drive, vehicle that is very popular.
      This number can tell you how fast each type of car burns or uses gasoline.