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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
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    2003 年 10 月 31 日 (No. 117)
      週年慶特惠價1,990元  (立即省890元)
      週年慶特惠價3,880元  (立即省1880元)
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      週年慶特惠價2,990元  (立即省1330元)
    CNN互動英語 Live互動英語
    1. dump truck (車身可向後 7. construction worker 11. cement truck 水泥車
      傾斜的)傾卸卡車   建築工人 12. walkie-talkie
    2. backhoe 挖掘裝載機 8. surveying level(測量工地   無線電對講機
    3. welding torch 焊接槍   地面水平的)水準儀 13. blueprint(s)/plan(s)
    4. excavator 怪手;挖土機 9. welder 焊接工   藍圖;平面圖
    5. front-end loader 堆土機 10. tower crane 吊塔 14. safety barrier 安全圍籬
    6. hard hat(建築工人戴的)工地帽    
    1. construction company 建設公司
    2. construction project/job 建設工程
    3. engineer 工程師;技師;機師
    4. architect 建築(設計)師
    5. foundation 地基
    6. structure 建築結構
    7. employee trailer 以車子拖動的活動辦公室
    8. equipment 設備
    9. heavy machinery 重型機器
    10. supplies 必需品;供給物
    11. material(s) 材料
    12. concrete 混凝土
    13. labor 勞工;工人階級
    14. budget 預算
    15. under budget 在預算之內
    16. over budget 超出預算
    17. on schedule 按時;依照預定的進度
    18. behind schedule 落後(進度)
    19. safety regulation(s) 安全規定
    20. construct 建造
    21. build 建造
    22. demolish 拆毀(建築物)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Always be careful when you're walking near a construction site. 
    Watch out for that cement truck. 注意那輛水泥車。
    You must wear a hard hat if you go to a construction site. 
    The construction company is building a new stadium on this site.
    That old building is scheduled to be demolished. 那棟老舊的建築預定要拆除。
    We can communicate with our walkie-talkies. 我們可以用對講機連絡。
    Never look directly at the light of a welding torch. It will hurt your eyes. 
    You can often see tower cranes on top of buildings that are being built.
    That new construction project is behind schedule and over budget.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • have (one's) work cut out for (one) 碰到棘手的難題
    cut out 在此是「剪裁(衣服)」的意思,這句片語字面上是「把(做衣服要的布料)都剪裁好了」。縫製衣服是件很麻煩的事,因此這句片語便引申為「面對棘手的難題;要處理很多的麻煩事」。
      Finishing that report is going to be challenging, so it looks like you have your work cut out for you.
    Dialogue 1 
    Bob and Darla are engineers working together on building a new building.
    Darla: I'm pleased that this project is ahead of schedule and under budget. 達拉: 這項工程目前進度超前,而且花費也低於預算,我真是高興。
    Bob: Yes, but you need to remember that we still have a long way to go to complete this building. 巴伯: 對啊,不過妳得記住到完工前我們還有好長的路要走。
    Darla: We are pouring the concrete for the foundation today, right? 達拉: 我們今天要把混凝土灌到地基裡,對吧?
    Bob: You got it. Several supply shipments will be arriving this afternoon, too. 巴伯: 沒錯,還有幾車的物料會在今天下午運達。
    Darla: Both the backhoe and the front-end loader arrived yesterday. 達拉: 挖掘裝載機跟堆土機昨天都到了。
    Bob: Don't forget about the welders. They will be here tomorrow. 巴伯: 別忘了還有焊工,他們明天會到。
    Darla: Come with me. I want to ask you some questions about the blueprints in the employee trailer. 達拉: 跟我過來,到活動辦公室那裡,我要問你一些關於藍圖的事。
    Dialogue 2 
    Andy and his wife Rose are sitting in a coffee shop and looking across at a construction site.
    Andy: That new building has been built so quickly. 安迪: 那棟新大樓蓋得好快。
    Rose: I know. They demolished the old building less than a month ago and now the new one is already taking shape. 羅絲: 對呀。他們還不到一個月前才把那棟舊的拆除,現在新的這棟已經成形了。
    Andy: I like watching the tower cranes move slowly through the sky. 安迪: 我喜歡看著吊塔慢慢地在天際間移動。
    Rose: There are a lot of jobs that I would love to do, but operating a crane like that is not one of them. 羅絲: 有很多事我都很想做,不過像那樣操作吊塔,我則一點興趣也沒有。
    Andy: I'm with you. I would much rather operate one of those backhoes or front-end loaders. 安迪: 我也這麼覺得。我比較想去操作一台挖掘裝載機或是堆土機。
    Rose: There are so many cement trucks all working to pour the foundation. 羅絲: 好多台水泥車都在灌漿呢。
    Andy: I wonder how long it will take the construction company to complete the building. 安迪: 不知道建設公司會花多久時間才能蓋好這棟建築。
    Rose: We'll have to keep watching to find out. 羅絲: 我們等著看就知道了。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. demolish b. walkie-talkies c. concrete d. blueprint e. surveying level
    f. tower crane g. hard hat h. welder i. cement truck j. safety barrier
      Engineers and architects often use this special kind of document.
      You must wear this when you are walking around a construction site.
      This special tool lets you measure and check how flat a place is.
      People use these at construction sites to communicate.
      This tells you where it is safe and unsafe to go on a construction site.
      You might see one of these on top of a new big city building.
      This person uses special tools to connect pieces or steel together.
      If you do this to a building, you completely destroy it.
      This type of truck is filled with either cement of concrete.
      You pour this to make the foundation of a building.
    本書包含基礎、中級、進階三級循序漸進課程,內容皆經嚴格挑選,符合語言聽力訓練級進式訓練模式。各級課程涵蓋『政治、財經、科技、體育、娛樂、生活』六大領域,全面提升讀者英語聽解能力 。
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