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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
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    2003 年 12 月 12 日 (No. 123)
    WTO美語會話全集 / CNN互動英語精選 / 實戰英語系列 / Live互動寶典系列 / 生活英語圖解大百科系列 / 21世紀情境式英語圖解字典+標準英語發音魔法書

    1. glove(s) 手套 7. jacket 夾克 13. overcoat 大衣
    2. sweater 毛衣 8. boot(s) 靴子 14. mitten(s) (拇指分開,
    3. Gore-tex jacket 9. vest 背心   剩下四指連在一起的)
      防水透氣夾克 10. fleece pullover(以塑膠   連指手套
    4. shawl 披肩;披巾   材質合成,外觀類似羊毛 15. scarf 圍巾
    5. ski hat/knit hat   材質)套頭毛衣 16. down jacket
      (針織的)滑雪帽 11. wool sock(s) 羊毛襪   羽絨夾克(背心)
    6. earmuff(s) 禦寒耳罩 12. turtleneck 高領上衣    
    1. leather jacket 皮夾克
    2. long-sleeve shirt 長袖襯衫
    3. flannel shirt 法蘭絨襯衫
    4. sweatshirt (圓領長袖)汗衫;運動服
    5. sweatpants 運動長褲
    6. snowsuit(兒童穿的)禦寒大衣
    7. parka連有頭套的)防寒外套;連帽外套
    8. leg warmer(s)(只套住腿而不包住腳的)暖腿套
    9. slipper(s)室內便鞋(在西方,slipper(s) 通常指有加襯裡、非常暖和、
    10. ski mask 滑雪面罩
    11. wool (n.) 羊毛
    12. woolly (adj.) 羊毛製的
    13. down (n.) 絨毛;羽絨
    14. long underwear 長的內衣褲;衛生衣褲
    15. lined (adj.) 加了襯裡的
    16. lining (n.) 衣服的襯裡
    17. insulated (adj.) 絕緣的;隔熱的(可藉此保暖)
    18. insulation (n.) 絕緣;隔熱
    19. waterproof (adj.) 防水的
    20. water-resistant (adj.) 抗水的
    21. chilly (adj.) 寒冷的
    22. frigid (adj.) 嚴寒的
    23. freezing (adj.) 極度寒冷的
    24. numb (adj.) 麻木的;失去感覺的
    25. frozen (adj.) 冷凍的;凍僵的
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • It's chilly outside. Be sure to bring your jacket. 外面很冷,一定要帶夾克喔。
    My hands are so cold that they feel numb. 我的手都凍僵了。
    Come inside and warm up. 進來取暖吧。
    Check out my new Gore-tex jacket. I got it on sale. 
      瞧瞧我的新 Gore-tex 夾克,我在特價的時候買的。
    My boots are lined with wool. 我的靴子有羊毛襯裡。
    I always wear my warm slippers around the house on cold winter days.
    I wear long underwear under my regular winter clothes when I go skiing.
    My grandma gave me a new flannel shirt for Christmas.
    On really cold days, I put on my down jacket and then put on my parka.
    I prefer gloves over mittens. 比起連指手套,我比較喜歡普通的手套。
    My jacket has a removable hood. 我夾克上的帽子可以拿下來。
    My mom wore an overcoat over her business clothes. 
    I like to wear a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants when I'm relaxing at home. 
  • 成語 Idioms
  • be as cold as ice 像冰一樣冷
      Billy played all morning out in the snow without wearing gloves, so his hands were as cold as ice.
    Dialogue 1 
    Diana and her boyfriend, Simon, are getting ready to go out in the snow.
    Diana: The freshly-fallen snow sure looks beautiful outside! 戴安娜: 外面剛下的雪真是美!
    Simon: It looks both beautiful and cold. Come on, let's put on our warm clothes and go walk around outside. 賽門: 看起來很美也很冷,來,我們穿上保暖的衣服,到外頭走一走吧。
    Diana: Hey! I can't find my wool socks or my earmuffs. 戴安娜: 嘿!我找不到我的羊毛襪,也找不到禦寒耳罩。
    Simon: Your socks are in your boots and your earmuffs are in one of your parka pockets. 賽門: 妳的襪子在妳的靴子裡,耳罩在妳防寒大衣的其中一個口袋裡。
    Diana: Oh, yeah. I forgot. That new Gore-tex jacket you got looks great. But you can't just wear that jacket. What else will you wear? 戴安娜: 對喔,我都忘了。你穿那件新的 Gore-tex 夾克看起來真帥,不過你不能只穿那件夾克,你還要穿什麼?
    Simon: I am going to wear a turtleneck sweater, my down jacket, a wool scarf, and a ski hat. That should be enough. 賽門: 我還會穿高領毛衣、我的羽絨夾克、羊毛圍巾,再戴一頂滑雪帽,那樣應該就夠了。
    Diana: Wow! That might be too much clothing. I'm afraid you might start sweating! 戴安娜: 哇!那樣子可能穿太多了,我怕你會開始流汗呢!
    Dialogue 2 
    Monica and her coworker Patrick are walking to the train station after work.
    Patrick: I'm glad I wore my thick overcoat today. The wind is so strong. 派屈克: 幸好我今天有穿厚大衣,風好大喔。
    Monica: Tell me about it. I regret not putting on my down jacket this morning. 莫妮卡: 對啊,真後悔今天早上沒穿羽絨夾克。
    Patrick: I am wearing a turtleneck. Do you want to borrow my scarf? I'd be happy to lend it to you. 派屈克: 我有穿高領的衣服,要不要我借妳圍巾?我很樂意借妳。
    Monica: Really? That would be great. My neck is freezing. 莫妮卡: 真的嗎?太好了,我的脖子都快凍僵了。
    Patrick: Your leather gloves look warm. Are they lined? 派屈克: 妳的皮手套看起來很保暖啊,裡頭有襯裡嗎?
    Monica: Yes, they are lined with rabbit fur. My hands are probably the warmest part of my body right now. 莫妮卡: 有啊,裡面有兔毛襯裡,現在我的手大概是我全身最暖和的部份。
    Patrick: My ears are numb. If the weather stays this cold, I will definitely need to buy a pair of earmuffs. 派屈克: 我的耳朵都失去知覺了。如果天氣再繼續這麼冷下去,我一定得買副禦寒耳罩。
    Monica: I can help you there. I have an extra pair. I'll bring them to work tomorrow and give them to you. 莫妮卡: 這個我倒幫得上忙,我有多一副耳罩,明天上班時我再帶去給你。
    Patrick: Thanks! My ears will be really grateful! 派屈克: 謝了!我的耳朵真的會感激不盡!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. fleece pullover b. overcoat c. scarf d. glove e. earmuffs
    f. turtleneck g. ski hat h. Gore-tex jacket i. shawl j. hood
      Wear a pair of these to keep your ears warm.
      You can wrap this around your neck on cold days.
      This special type of water-resistant jacket is often worn by hikers.
      Businesspeople often wear this type of long jacket.
      Women wrap this large piece of cloth around their arms and shoulders.
      This type of shirt or sweater has an extra-big collar.
      Many types of jackets have one of these and you can pull it over your head.
      The cloth of this sweater-like piece of clothing is often made of recycled plastic bottles.
      This covers your hand and you can put your fingers into separate parts.
      Many people wear this type of hat when they go skiing.
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