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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 12 月 19 日 (No. 124)


    訂閱一年12期 / 1,490元 (定價3,000元,打5折)
    訂閱二年24期 / 2,790元 (定價6,000元,打4.7折)
    訂閱一年12期 / 1,790元 (定價4,320元,打4.1折)
    訂閱二年24期 / 3,490元 (定價8,640元,打4折)
    1. happy 快樂的;高興的 6. furious 憤怒的; 11. frightened 害怕的;
    2. excited 興奮的;激動的   勃然大怒的    受驚嚇的
    3. confident 有信心的; 7. depressed 沮喪的;抑鬱的 12. pleased 愉悅的;滿意的
      充滿自信的 8. confused 疑惑的;混亂的 13. tired 累的;疲勞的;厭倦的
    4. amazed 訝異的;驚奇的 9. embarrassed 困窘的; 14. stressed 有壓力的
    5. nervous 緊張的;   侷促不安的 15. shocked 震驚的;震撼的
      情緒不安的 10. disappointed 失望的    
    1. emotion(s) 情緒;情感
    2. feeling(s) 感受;感覺
    3. emotional 情緒性的;感情用事的;容易動感情的;訴諸感情的
    4. cheerful 歡欣鼓舞的;感到振奮、愉快的
    5. delighted 欣喜的;快樂的
    6. eager 渴望的;熱切的
    7. thrilled 興奮激動的
    8. astounded 震驚的
    9. surprised 驚喜的;驚訝的
    10. worried 擔憂的;悶悶不樂的
    11. sad 傷心的;憂愁的;悲哀的
    12. down 憂鬱的;情緒低落的
    13. puzzled 困惑的;迷惑的
    14. uncomfortable 不舒服的;不安的
    15. humiliated 丟臉的;感到羞辱的
    16. frustrated 失意的;受挫的
    17. scared 恐懼的;驚恐的
    18. terrified 受驚嚇的;恐懼的
    19. content 滿足的;滿意的;心滿意足的
    20. exhausted 累壞了的;精疲力竭的
    21. experience a(n) feeling/emotion 經歷一種感受
    22. have a(n) feeling/emotion 有一種感覺
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • He felt very nervous before the big test. 大考之前他覺得非常緊張。
    I felt incredibly angry when the man stole my money.
    After hiking all day, Mark felt tired. 經過一整天的健行,馬克覺得疲憊。
    She is pleased with the grade she got in the class. 
    I was shocked when I heard the bad news. 我聽到那個壞消息時感到十分震驚。
    The difficult question made me feel confused. 這個困難的問題讓我覺得困惑。
    My sister was disappointed when I decided not to go to her party.
    She felt frightened walking home alone in the dark. 她害怕在黑暗中獨自走回家。
    He felt confident after playing well in three soccer games.
    My mother felt really tired after a long and busy day at work.
    Some people are more emotional than others. 有些人比其他人還要情緒化。
    My friend said something that made me feel uncomfortable.
    My classmate and I are eager to go on our trip. 我和我同學十分渴望我們的旅行。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • down in the dumps 情緒低落;悶悶不樂
    down 當形容詞時,有「情緒低落的;鬱鬱寡歡的」的意思,dumps 為名詞,是一個口語的說法,同樣也表示「垂頭喪氣;陰鬱」。因此,down in the dumps 就用來形容一個人「失意;意志消沈;抑鬱落寞」的樣子。
      Susan felt down in the dumps after she lost her job and her boyfriend left her.
    Dialogue 1 
    Peter feels upset. Julia goes over to see him.
    Peter: Hi, Julia. Thanks for coming over. I feel so depressed. 彼得: 嗨!茱麗亞。謝謝妳過來。我覺得好沮喪喔。
    Julia: I came over as soon as I heard the message that you left on my answering machine. What's up? 茱麗亞: 我一聽到你在我答錄機上的留言就馬上趕過來了。怎麼啦?
    Peter: Well, I did really poorly on a test today. Now, I'll get a lower grade in the class. Getting a lower grade might hurt my chances of getting into college. 彼得: 嗯,我今天考試考得有夠糟的。我一定會是班上分數比較低的。考低分可能會影響我上大學的機會。
    Julia: Wow, that is pretty serious, Peter. 茱麗亞: 哇,彼得,那的確很嚴重。
    Peter: I feel angry, sad, frustrated, and frightened all at the same time. I am also disappointed. 彼得: 我一時情緒交錯,感到憤怒、傷心、沮喪而且害怕。我也覺得失望。
    Julia: Disappointed? I don't quite understand. 茱麗亞: 失望?我不太懂。
    Peter: What I mean is that I am disappointed in myself. I really should have studied harder for the test. 彼得: 我的意思是我對自己感到很失望。我實在應該更認真準備這個考試的。
    Julia: The most important piece of advice I can give you is that you need to put this behind you. Learn from your mistakes and move on. 茱麗亞: 我能給你的最重要的建議就是︰你必須忘記這次考試結果。從錯誤中學習,繼續努力。
    Dialogue 2 
    Tina is very excited. She has some good news to tell her brother, Chuck.
    Tina: Chuck! Chuck! I have some wonderful news to share with you! 緹娜: 恰克!恰克!我有一個超棒的消息要跟你分享!
    Chuck: Calm down, Tina! Come sit down over here and talk to me. 恰克: 緹娜,冷靜點!來這邊坐下再告訴我。
    Tina: I can't sit down at an exciting time like this! What I want to tell you is that Lewis, my boyfriend, proposed to me and I said yes! 緹娜: 我沒辦法在這麼興奮的時候坐下!我要告訴你的是,我的男友路易斯向我求婚,而我答應了!
    Chuck: That's fantastic news, Tina! I'm so happy for you! How did he propose to you? 恰克: 緹娜,那真是個大好消息啊!我真為妳高興!他是怎麼向妳求婚的?
    Tina: Well, he took me to a little romantic restaurant on the other side of town. After dinner, he walked over to my chair, got down on one knee, and proposed to me. 緹娜: 嗯,他帶我到城的另一邊一個浪漫的小餐廳。吃完晚餐後他走到我的座位旁,單膝跪地向我求婚。
    Chuck: How did you feel at that moment? 恰克: 妳當時的感覺如何?
    Tina: Well, I was shocked at first. There were so many emotions racing through my heart. I felt frightened and scared, but I also felt incredible love and happiness. 緹娜: 嗯,剛開始我嚇了一大跳。那一瞬間有很多種情緒快速在我心裡閃過。我覺得害怕又驚惶,可是又感到難以想像的快樂和被愛的感覺。
    Chuck: Boy, I can only imagine how magical that moment must have been. Well, what are you waiting for?! Show me the ring he gave you. 恰克: 天哪,我只能想像那一刻該會是多麼美妙。嗯,妳還在等什麼?!快給我看他送妳的戒指。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. frightened b. amazed c. happy d. embarrassed e. furious
    f. confident g. nervous h. confused i. exhausted j. worried
      You feel this way if you are really mad at someone.
      This is another way of saying that you feel shocked or astounded.
      If you don't understand something, you might feel this way.
      You feel this way when you feel good.
      You might feel this way if your dog is missing.
      You feel this way if someone scares you.
      Successful people often feel this way.
      Many people feel this way before a test.
      You might feel this way if you make a mistake and others see you.
      A person feels this way when he or she is very tired.
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