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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2004 年 3 月 19 日 (No. 137)


    1. jelly bean 軟心糖果豆 6. gummy candy 橡皮軟糖 11. candy cane 拐杖糖
      (外層略硬而內層為軟   (常做成小熊或小動物狀的 12. truffle 球狀巧克力
      質的豆狀糖果)   膠質耐嚼軟糖)   (常包有甜酒)
    2. gumdrop 軟糖 7. chewing/bubble gum 口香糖 13. chocolate/candy bar
      (外層裹有細糖粉者) 8. marshmallow 棉花軟糖   巧克力棒/糖果棒
    3. butterscotch 奶油糖   (質軟而Q,常呈小方塊狀)
    14. gum ball 口香糖球
    4. mint 薄荷糖 9. lollipop/sucker 棒棒糖 15. box of chocolates
    5. candy heart 心形軟糖 10. cotton candy 棉花糖   盒裝巧克力
      (上面常有寫字)   (蓬鬆如棉花團狀)    
    1. bonbon 夾心糖
    2. licorice 甘草糖
    3. caramel 焦糖
    4. rock candy 冰糖
    5. toffee 太妃糖(英式說法)
    6. taffy 太妃糖(美式說法)
    7. wrapper 包裝紙
    8. flavor 口味
    9. sweet(s) (n.) 糖果;蜜餞
    10. sweet (adj.) 甜的
    11. soft (adj.) 軟的
    12. chewy (adj.) 有嚼勁的
    13. hard (adj.) 硬的
    14. cavity 蛀牙
    15. dentist 牙醫
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • This candy tastes delicious. 這糖果很好吃。
    I love to eat candy. 我喜歡吃糖果。
    I don't like that kind of candy. 我不喜歡那種糖果。
    Can I have some more of that candy, please? 請問,我還可以再多吃一點那種糖嗎?
    Would you like to try a piece of this candy? 你要不要吃吃看這種糖果?
    Would you like a piece/stick of gum? 你要來一片/一塊口香糖嗎?
    These bonbons are delicious. 那些夾心糖好好吃。
    I can't get the wrapper off this piece of candy. 我沒辦法把這顆糖的包裝紙剝掉。
    This type of candy is very chewy. 這種糖果很耐嚼。
    I ate a candy bar as a snack. 我吃了一條糖果棒當點心。
    I ate a handful of jelly beans. 我吃了一把糖果豆。
    My tooth hurts. I think I have a cavity. 我牙痛,我想我有顆蛀牙。
    Let's put some marshmallows on top of the cake. 我們在蛋糕上放點棉花軟糖吧。
    Eating a mint after you eat will give you fresh breath.
    I like to hang candy canes on the Christmas tree. 我喜歡把拐杖糖掛在聖誕樹上。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • be like taking candy from a baby 輕而易舉;非常簡單、輕鬆
      This job is so easy that it will be like taking candy from a baby.
    Dialogue 1 
    Barry and Tonya are in a candy store.
    Barry: I love going to candy stores. Candy comes in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. 貝瑞: 我喜歡去糖果店。店裡的糖果有好多種顏色、形狀,而且各種大小都有。
    Tonya: And the best part about candy stores is that everything in them can be eaten! 譚雅: 糖果店最棒的地方就是店裡的每樣東西都可以吃!
    Barry: I am going to start shopping over here. I want to buy several bags of candy. 貝瑞: 我要從這邊開始逛。我想買好幾袋糖果。
    Tonya: I don't really need to shop. I know exactly what I want to buy. 譚雅: 我不需要到處逛。我很清楚我要買什麼。
    Barry: What's that? 貝瑞: 妳要買什麼?
    Tonya: I want to buy a box of chocolates. I am a huge chocolate fan. Every box is filled with delicious surprises. 譚雅: 我要買一盒巧克力。我熱愛巧克力。每一盒裡都充滿了美味的驚喜。
    Barry: Why are boxes of chocolates filled with surprises? 貝瑞: 為什麼盒裝巧克力裡會充滿驚喜呢?
    Tonya: Because you never really know what each piece of chocolate is going to taste like until you bite into it! 譚雅: 因為你要等到一口咬下去時才會知道每一塊巧克力的味道!
    Dialogue 2 
    Barry and Tonya are still in the candy store. Valentine's Day is coming up and Barry is asking Tonya for some advice.
    Barry: Tonya, I need your help with something. 貝瑞︰ 譚雅,我有件事要請妳幫忙。
    Tonya: Sure, Barry. You look worried. What's up? 譚雅: 貝瑞,沒問題。你看起來有心事。怎麼回事?
    Barry: Well, Valentine's Day is next week. I want to buy some nice candy for my girlfriend, but I have no idea what to get her. 貝瑞: 呃,下禮拜就是情人節了。我想買些好吃的糖果送我女朋友,但是我完全不曉得該買什麼給她。
    Tonya: OK, um, you could get her a box of candy hearts. You know, the little hearts with the words on them. 譚雅︰ 好,嗯,你可以買一盒心形糖果給她。你知道的嘛,就是那種上面有寫字的心形小糖果。
    Barry: I could, but don't you think she deserves something a little better? 貝瑞: 我是可以買啦,可是妳難道不認為她應該收到更好一點的東西嗎?
    Tonya: You're exactly right. Why don't you get her a gift box that has many different flavors of jelly beans? 譚雅︰ 你說得很對。你何不買一盒有很多不同口味的糖果豆禮盒給她呢?
    Barry: No, that's still not right. Oh! I've got it! I am going to give her chocolate. 貝瑞: 不行,那還是不適合。喔!我想到了!我要送她巧克力。
    Tonya: What? I don't get it. You are going to give her a candy bar? 譚雅︰ 什麼?我不懂耶。你要送她糖果棒嗎?
    Barry: No, silly, I want to give her a box of chocolates! 貝瑞: 不是啦,傻瓜,我要送她一盒巧克力!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. cavity b. box of chocolates c. wrapper d. candy cane  e. gummy candy
    f. cotton candy g. jelly bean h. flavor i. sucker j. candy hearts
      This is another name for a lollipop.
      These small, heart-shaped candies have writing on them.
      When you buy this candy, it comes in a big fluffy ball.
      You can buy this type of candy in cute little bear shapes.
      If you eat too much candy, you might get one of these in your teeth.
      This is the taste of food that you eat.
      This small, colorful type of candy is shaped like a bean, and it is hard on the outside and
        soft on the inside.
      Boys often give girls this type of candy on Valentine's Day.
      This is what you call the piece of plastic on the outside of many kinds of candy.
      People like to eat this red and white type of candy at Christmastime.
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