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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2004 年 5 月 7 日 (No. 144)



    1. bridge 架桿器 8.rail 球台外框 15. chalk 巧克
    2. lamp 球檯燈 9. cue ball 母球 16. cushion 顆星;
    3. cue 球桿 10. ball return 回球軌道   球檯邊緣的彈性襯裡
    4. cue rack 球桿架 11. corner pocket 底袋 17. side pocket 中袋;腰袋
    5. striped ball 花色球 12. eight ball 八號球    
    6. cloth/baize 球檯布 13. pool table 球檯    
    7. solid ball 單色球 14. rack 三角框    
    1. pool hall 撞球館;彈子房
    2. American pool 美式撞球
    3. eight ball 八號球遊戲
    4. nine ball 九號球遊戲
    5. billiards 撞球
    6. snooker 英式撞球(常直譯作「司諾克」)
    7. stripe(s) 打花色球的人
    8. solid(s)  打單色球的人
    9. hustle (v.) 扮豬吃老虎
    10. hustler (n.) 扮豬吃老虎的人
    11. house rules (各地或各球館不同的)打球規矩
    12. break (v., n.) 開球;(英式撞球的)連續得分
    13. shot (n.) (推桿或拉桿等)擊球
    14. shoot (some) pool 敲幾桿;打撞球
    15. angle/trajectory 角度/軌跡
    16. pocket (v.) 進袋;落袋
    17. object ball (n.) 目標球
    18. bank (v.) (顆星)灌球
    19. rack the balls (v.) 排球(用三角框把球排好)
    20. topspin 推桿
    21. kiss (n., v.) (打出)組合球
    22. tournament 巡迴賽;錦標賽
    23. league 聯賽
    24. scratch (v.) 母球洗袋;失分球
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Let's go shoot some pool. 我們去打撞球吧。
    Do you want to shoot some pool? 想不想去敲幾桿哪?
    I'll rack the balls up and you break. 我來排球,你來開球。
    Whose turn is it to break? 輪到誰開球了?
    So you're stripes, right? 那你就打花色球囉?
    You're stripes and I'm solids. 你打花色球,我打單色球。
    I need to put some chalk on my cue. 我得給球桿上些巧克。
    I can't believe you just made that difficult shot.
    Watch me make this difficult shot. 看我怎麼打這個高難度的球。
    I think you'll need to use the bridge for that shot. 你這一球可能需要用架桿器。
    I'm playing in a pool tournament this weekend. 我這個週末要參加一個撞球錦標賽。
    You scratched, so it's my turn now. 你的母球洗袋了,所以換我打啦。
    Go for the seven ball instead of the one ball. 不要打一號球,要打七號球。
    Eight ball, corner pocket. 八號球進底袋。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • behind the eight ball 處於非常不利的地位;凶多吉少
    這句成語的字面解釋是「在八號球後方」。the eight ball 即「八號球」,依美式撞球規則,所有球須依一定順序落袋,八號球則須最後落袋,若不小心打到八號球或擊出的球碰到八號球,擊球者便輸了;所以如果要打的球剛好落在八號球後方,為了迴避八號球,擊球難度勢必提高,使擊球者處境艱難,故 behind the eight ball 引申指「處境危險;陷入困境」之意。
      Ed made some bad decisions and now he's really behind the eight ball.
    Dialogue 1 
    Tony is teaching Beth how to play pool.
    Tony: OK, so this long pointy stick is called a cue. And these round things are the balls. 東尼: 好,這支長長的尖頭桿子就叫做球桿。而這些圓圓的東西就是球。
    Beth: Why are the balls different colors and patterns? 貝絲: 為什麼這些球的顏色和樣式不一樣?
    Tony: There are two kinds of balls: stripes and solids. This white ball is the cue ball. You hit it and use it to knock other balls into the pockets. 東尼: 球分為兩種:花色球和單色球。這顆白球就是母球。要打母球,用母球把其他球撞進球袋裡。
    Beth: What about this black one? 貝絲: 那這顆黑色的球呢?
    Tony: You hit that one in last. If you hit it in by mistake, you lose the game. 東尼: 那顆要留到最後才打。萬一不小心打到,這局比賽就輸了。
    Beth: OK. So first we put the balls in this triangle thing, right? Does it matter what order they go in? 貝絲: 好。所以我們要先把球都放到這個三角形的東西裡,對吧?放的時候有什麼特別的順序嗎?
    Tony: Not when you're playing for fun. 東尼: 如果是打好玩的話就沒有。
    Beth: Well, let's play for money then! How about two dollars a game? 貝絲: 那我們來打算錢的!一局球兩塊錢如何?
    Tony: But you're just a beginner! Well, OK, if you insist! 東尼: 可是妳還是新手欸!好吧,如果妳堅持的話!
    Dialogue 2 
    Tony and Beth have played quite a few games of pool.
    Tony: Wow! You're playing really well. It must be beginner's luck. 東尼︰ 哇!妳真的很會打!一定是新手運氣好的關係。
    Beth: Well, I focus on hitting the cue ball at the right angle. 貝絲: 這個嘛,我打母球的時候都會特別注意要用正確的角度。
    Tony: I'm very impressed with the way you banked that last shot. 東尼: 妳上一球的灌球真是叫人大開眼界。
    Beth: That last shot was an accident. I didn't think I could bank it like that. 貝絲︰ 最後那一球是意外。我自己也沒想到會打成那樣。
    Tony: You've only got two more balls to hit in to win another game. 東尼: 妳只剩兩球,打完就又贏一局了。
    Beth: That means you'll owe me ten dollars! 貝絲︰ 那表示你會欠我十塊錢哦!
    Tony: Are you sure you haven't played before? 東尼: 妳以前真的都沒打過?
    Beth: Well... I certainly haven't played here before. I used to play almost every day in high school and in college. 貝絲︰ 這……我以前的確沒有在這裡打過。我以前唸高中和大學的時候幾乎每天都打。
    Tony: Hey, I can't believe you hustled me! You better buy me a soda with all the money I have to give you! 東尼: 嘿,妳竟然扮豬吃老虎騙我!妳最好用我輸給妳的錢買罐汽水請我!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. pockets b. bridge c. cue d. eight ball e. stripes
    f. hustler g. baize h. break i. rack j. chalk
      Along with solids this is the other pattern of pool ball.
      This person pretends not to know how to play pool in order to win.
      You use this wooden stick to hit the cue ball.
      This material is usually green and it covers the pool table.
      You might need to use this to help you make a difficult shot.
      Rub this on the end of your cue to help you play better.
      You use this tool to organize the balls before starting the game.
      You do not want to hit this ball in until the very end of a game.
      This is the very first shot of a game of pool.
      When you play pool, you hit the balls into these.