線上大賣場 www.LiveABC.com

  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2004 年 6 月 18 日 (No. 150)


    1. SIM card 用戶識別卡 6. text message 文字訊息 12. settings 設定
    2. headset 頭戴式耳機 7. phone book 電話簿 13. menu 選單
    3. charger 充電器 8. directional arrow(s) 方向鍵 14. power switch 電源開關
    4. digital camera 數位相機 9. keypad 鍵盤 15. pound key 井字鍵
    5. flip cover 折疊機身; 10. star key 米字鍵    
      掀蓋式機型 11. display screen 螢幕;面板    
    1. cell phone/ mobile phone/ cellular phone 手機;大哥大
    2. wireless 無線的
    3. antenna 天線
    4. ring tone 鈴聲音樂
    5. snap-on cover 可換式外殼
    6. belt clip(掛在皮帶上用的)手機夾
    7. leather case 手機皮套
    8. reception  收訊
    9. signal 信號;訊號
    10. no signal 沒有訊號
    11. battery 電池
    12. memory card 記憶卡
    13. data cable 資料傳輸線
    14. hands free (adj.) (adv.) 免持聽筒
    15. recharge (v.) 充電
    16. accessories 手機配件
    17. features 功能
    18. Internet access (n.) 上網功能
    19. tri-band 三頻
    20. Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) 無線上網傳輸設定
    21. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) 多媒體訊息服務
    22. Short Messaging Service (SMS) 簡訊服務
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I can't get a signal in this area. 在這一帶收不到訊號。
    Don't talk on your cell phone while you are driving! 開車的時候不要講手機!
    There are some really cute snap-on covers for cell phones.
    My cell phone is almost out of power. 我的手機快沒電了。
    I need to recharge my phone. 我的電話要充電了。
    Send me a text message when you decide what time you want to go out.
    Cell phones in Asia are even more advanced than in America.
    My phone has Internet access. 我的手機有上網功能。
    It's cheaper to call my home phone rather than my cell phone.
    With a tri-band cell phone, you can use your phone on all three global networks.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • hold the phone 等一下;考慮一下
    字面上的意思是「拿著電話」,本來是指請對方等一下,不要掛斷,後來引申為「等一下;讓我想一想」,也可說成 wait a minute 或是 let me think about it。此片語常用在祈使句中。。
      Hold the phone, I'm not ready to go ahead with the project yet.
    Dialogue 1 
    Ethan is going to a cellular phone shop to look for a new cell phone.
    Saleslady: Good afternoon, can I help you? 售貨小姐: 午安,我能為您服務嗎?
    Ethan: Yes, I want to get a new cell phone. 伊森: 嗯,我要買一支新手機。
    Saleslady: What kind of features are you looking for? 售貨小姐: 請問您的手機要具備哪些功能?
    Ethan: Well, first of all, I want something that is light and gets good reception. 伊森: 嗯,首先,我要輕一點而且收訊良好的。
    Saleslady: Our LiveABC FX2004 model will get a strong signal everywhere. 售貨小姐: 我們LiveABC FX2004 這款手機在任何地方收訊都很好。
    Ethan: What is included with that model? 伊森: 這款機型包含什麼功能?
    Saleslady: It has a color display screen, Internet access, and a wide variety of ring tones. 售貨小姐: 它有彩色螢幕、上網功能,還有多種音樂鈴聲。
    Ethan: What about accessories? I travel a lot for work, and often need to use my cell phone in the car. 伊森: 那配件呢?我的工作需要到處跑,而且我常需要在車上使用電話。
    Saleslady: It comes with a charger that you can plug in at home or in your car. We also sell headsets so you can talk on the phone hands free while you're driving. 售貨小姐: 它有附贈充電器,您在家裡或車上皆可插上使用。我們也有賣耳機,所以您在開車的時候,可以使用免持聽筒裝置講電話。
    Ethan: That sounds great. I'll take it! 伊森: 聽起來不錯,我要買一支!
    Dialogue 2 
    Ethan and his friend Trish are talking about Ethan's new cell phone.
    Trish: Let me see your new cell phone. I've been thinking about getting one too. 翠薰︰ 讓我看看你的新手機。我也想要買一支。
    Ethan: I got a great deal. It came with lots of features, including Internet access and a user-friendly display screen and menu. 伊森: 我買到好貨。它有好多功能,包括上網,還有貼心的螢幕和選單設計。
    Trish: How can you access the Internet with your phone? 翠薰: 你要怎麼用手機上網?
    Ethan: It's a wireless connection. The phone also includes a data cable that I can hook up to my computer so I can download new ring tones and even MP3s. 伊森︰ 它有無線上網功能。這支手機也有附資料傳輸線,我可以接在我的電腦上,所以我可以下載新的手機鈴聲,甚至連 MP3 音樂都可以。
    Trish: Wow! What an awesome cell phone, but I don't really like that color. 翠薰: 哇!好棒的手機,但是我實在不太喜歡那個顏色。
    Ethan: That's OK, you can buy a snap-on cover if you don't like the color. 伊森︰ 沒關係,如果妳不喜歡它的顏色,妳可以去買可換式外殼把殼換掉。
    Trish: What other accessories did you get? I know you love to spend money! 翠薰: 你還買了什麼其他配件?我知道你很愛花錢!
    Ethan: I also got a belt clip, a headset, and a memory card. 伊森︰ 我還買了掛在皮帶上的手機夾、頭戴式耳機,還有記憶卡。
    Trish: The keypad looks pretty complicated. How do you use it? 翠薰: 鍵盤看起來好複雜。這個要怎麼用?
    Ethan: It's actually pretty easy. You use the directional arrows to navigate the menu, then press the key in the center to select what you want, like your phone book or settings. 伊森︰ 使用方式其實很簡單。妳用方向鍵來瀏覽選單,然後按中間的這個鍵去選擇妳要進入的項目,像是電話簿或是其他設定。
    Trish: That doesn't sound too bad. I think I'll go buy one today, but I want to get one with a digital camera. I can't wait to start taking silly pictures of you and sending them to all of our friends, just by using my cell phone. 翠薰: 聽起來還不賴。我想我今天也會去買一支,不過我要買有數位相機功能的。我已經等不及單單只用我的手機拍些你的蠢照片,然後寄給我所有的親朋好友。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. data cable b. text message c. SIM card d. keypad e. charger
    f. headset g. digital camera h. signal i. settings j. directional arrows
      This stores your number and other information inside your phone.
      If your battery is out of power, you need one of these.
      You can send one of these to someone if you don't feel like calling.
      Some phones have this feature which allows you to take pictures.
      This is where you adjust ring volume, ring tone, and other functions.
      You need this to connect your phone to your computer.
      These help you to navigate the menu on your cell phone.
      You must use this if you want to talk on your phone while driving.
      This is where you dial a phone number.
      If you are out-of-range, you can't get one of these.
