2015 年 11 月 27 日 (No.747)

1. 小數點前面的數字照一般基數的唸法,後面的數字要一個一個分開唸。


36.47 = thirty-six point four seven
308.67 = three hundred eight point six seven

  2. 小數點前面的整數為 0 時,可唸成 zero 或 naught,也可以省略不唸。

0.83 = zero/naught point eight three
= point eight three


3. 小數點後面出現 0 時,可唸成 naught 或 oh。


4.02 = four point naught/oh two

  4.循環小數(repeating decimal)的唸法如下:

1/3 = 0.33333333……. = zero point three repeating
1/7 = 0.142857142857……
= zero point one four two eight five seven repeating


5. 將小數點四捨五入要用動詞 round,例如「將 4.2675 四捨五入到小數點下第三位」的說法是:


4.2675 → 4.268
to round four point two six seven five to three decimal places
= to round four point two six seven five to the nearest thousandths


許多企業有識別商標稱作 logo,根據其希臘文語源 logos 表示「理由;文字;想法」的意思。其他帶有 locu、log(或拼成 logue)、loqu 字根的字大多與言語有關,像 apology(道歉)、dialogue(對話)、colloquial(口語的)便是常見的例子。

  colloquial adj. 口語的;會話的;通俗的

One day, robots will be able to speak in a colloquial manner like humans.



  catalogue  v. 目錄;型錄;編目(亦可寫作 catalog)

Rosemary searched the shoe shop's online catalogue.



  dialogue  n. 對話;交談;對白(亦可寫作 dialog)

The movie Wall-E had very little dialogue.



  eloquence  n. 能言善道;好口才;雄辯
The mayor is famous for her eloquence when she speaks in public.


locution  n. 措辭;慣用語;語法

Tommy spoke German with an accent and the locution of a nonnative

