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    2004 年 6 月 2 日 (No. 164)

    基於道德理由 底特律動物園還象自由(2004/5/21)
    Detroit zoo to free elephants on ethical grounds
    美元失守 日圓、歐元上揚 (2004/5/24)
    Dollar loses ground to yen, euro
    高球生涯歷低潮 選手韓盼東山再起(2004/5/20)
    Han looking to jump-start her golf game
    District courts wrap up recount
    米開朗基羅大衛像清洗完畢 生日前清新亮相(2004/5/25)
    Michelangelo's David spruced up ahead of birthday
    福斯相中《歡樂一家親》主角新節目 ( 2004/5/20 )
    Fox picks up "Frasier" star's new show
    on... grounds 基於……的理由
    ground 除了「範圍;領域;基礎」的意思外,亦可表「理由;動機」,而 on... grounds 就是在說明某事物是「基於……的原因」。較常見的有 :on ethical/moral/religious grounds(基於倫理/道德/宗教的理由)等。
    Bob would not serve in the military on religious grounds.
    lose ground to 失守
    此語源自軍事用語,指部隊「失守」,領土被敵人佔領,後來可被引申用在不同的領域,通常指在商場上「失利;失守;表現不如……對手」,相反詞為 gain ground on/upon(有所進展;攻克某地)。
    In recent years, U.S. manufacturers have been losing ground to Asian manufacturers.
    jump-start 緊急充電;刺激
    jump-start 原指汽車電瓶沒電時,以 jumper cable(跳接線)「緊急充電」的動作,目的在使汽車恢復電力。後來亦可被用來指「刺激;啟動;發動」的意思。
    The government decided to reduce interest rates as a way to jump-start the economy.
    wrap up 結束
    wrap up 的字面意思是「(將某物)包裹起來」,其實就是指某事物「結束;定案」的意思。相反詞為 open up
    The speaker wrapped up his presentation by thanking those in attendance.
    spruce up 打扮整齊
    spruce 當動詞用時可表「打扮整齊」,可用來指人或建築物等修飾整齊。
    Many buildings on the waterfront have been spruced up.
    pick up 挑選
    pick up 有「拾起」的意思,此外,也可指在眾多選擇中「挑選」出一項的意思。
    The network did not pick up the new show.
        Ultimate Frisbee 飛盤爭奪賽 
    If you think Frisbees are limited to a day at the beach or a game of fetch with your dog, a couple of hours of playing ultimate Frisbee will free you of your misconceptions.
    Ultimate Frisbee is a fast-paced, noncontact sport, which mixes the best features of soccer, basketball, and football.
    You need speed, stamina, and the ability to think on your feet to move the disc down the field.
    Few sports provide as good of a workout as this one does and as much fun.
    Ultimate players emphasis sportsmanship over competition, and even at the international level, all games are self officiated.
    So for a good workout and a lot of fun, give Ultimate Frisbee a shot.
    For more information check out www.whatisultimate.com.
    free someone of one's misconception 破除某人的錯誤觀念
    free 當動詞用時,有「釋放;解除」的意思,而 misconception 就是「誤解;錯誤觀念」之意,free someone of one's misconception 整句的意思是「破除某人的錯誤觀念」的意思。
    The article freed many people of the misconception that "cancer equals death."
    noncontact 不須相互碰觸的
    所謂的 noncontact 就如同字面意思所表示的「不須接觸、碰觸」,也就是指運動員或參賽者不須相互接觸的比賽。相反的,也有所謂的 contact sport,如:籃球、橄欖球、足球等,都屬此類,且由於所謂的「碰觸」,通常指力道較大的衝撞,因此也有相當的危險性。
    As people age, they become increasingly interested in noncontact sports.
    think on one's feet 反應靈敏
    on one's feet 就是指某人「站著」,而 think on one's feet 就是指某人可以一邊行動、一邊思考,也就是指其「反應靈敏」的意思。
    My boss is looking for someone who can think on his feet to take over the Beijing office.
    give something a shot 試試看
    shot 在口語用法中有「嘗試」的意思,在這裡當名詞用,常與動詞 give 合用,表「試試看」的意思。另一個類似用法為 give something a try
    May usually doesn't eat seafood, but she decided to give it a shot today.
    pick up after oneself 物歸原位
    pick up 有「撿起來」的意思,而 pick up after oneself 就是東西使用完後歸回原位的意思。
    My husband is very messy. He never picks up after himself.
    Nigel is arguing with his wife, Trisha, about housework.
    Nigel: I am sorry for not picking up after myself, but I'm so tired when I get home from work. 耐裘: 很抱歉我沒有把東西放回原位,但我下班回到家已經很累了。
    Trisha: You're not the only one who has a job! You may be busy at work, but you certainly aren't pulling your weight around the house. 翠莎: 你並不是這個家裡唯一有工作的人!你的工作也許很忙,但你不能不家裡應盡的責任
    Nigel: OK, here's the deal. I promise to put all my books and magazines back on the shelf when I'm finished with them. 耐裘: 好,不如這樣吧,我答應妳,我以後看完書和雜誌後,一定會把它們放回書架上。
    Trisha: You said that the last time, and you went back to your old ways after three days. 翠莎: 你上次也是這麼說的,但三天後你就故態復萌了。
    Nigel: I know, but this time, I promise to change my ways. I know how much it bothers you. 耐裘: 我知道,但這一次我一定會改的。我知道這件事非常困擾妳。
    Trisha: It does, Nigel. It really does. Anyway, I am glad we can talk about these things without having a fight. 翠莎: 確實是,耐裘。總之,我很高興我們是好好地談這件事,而不是用吵架的方式。
    Nigel: Me too, Trisha. 耐裘: 我也這麼認為,翠莎。
    pull one's weight 盡自己的本分
    此語的字面意思是把自己的重量加諸在自己身上,源自於划船 (rowing) 活動,因為在划船時,如果有人沒有盡力划,就沒有「盡到自己的本分」,也就會造成其他人的負擔。常用於否定句。
    The young man was asked to leave the company because he wasn't pulling his weight.
    here's the deal 不如這樣吧
    Here's the deal -- I'll wash the dishes, and you dry them.
    go back to one's old ways 故態復萌
    old ways 在這裡指某人原本的態度或行為,而 go back to one's old ways 就是中文所謂的「故態復萌」,也就是恢復了原本的壞習慣。相反詞為 turn over a new leaf、next line change one's ways 等。
    It wasn't long after Bill got a ticket that he was back to his old ways -- speeding down the highway.
    True or False
    If you "pull your weight," you work as hard as everyone else.
    Football is a "noncontact" sport.
    If you "give something a shot," you shoot it with a gun.
    You can improve the appearance of something by "sprucing it up."
    When a TV network "picks up" a new show, they never broadcast it.
    Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

    a. lost ground to b. wrapped up c. went back to his old ways d. picking up after himself e. jump-start

    The woman said she was tired of her husband not __________.
    Tom __________ and started to smoke again.
    The man __________ the meeting with a joke.
    The NT dollar has ________ the British pound over the past few years.
    The government offered a tax rebate to _________ the economy.