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    2004 年 12 月 8 日 (No. 191)

    Linux 火狐網路瀏覽器進逼微軟 IE 市場版圖(2004-26-11)
    Firefox nipping at the heels of Microsoft IE
    美感恩節假期 商家大賺數十億(2004-11-29)
    Shops rake in billions over holiday
    Moon gas may bail out energy-sapped earth
    平息美方質疑 陳總統淡化臺獨言論(2004-12-01)
    President tones down independence rhetoric to appease U.S.
    European Central Bank warns growth in Europe is stalling
    網羅強森代價高 洋基退出交易談判(2004-12-02)
    Yanks pull out of talks for Randy Johnson
    nip at the heels 緊咬著……不放
    nip 有「咬住、捏住」之意,nip at the heels 字面上的意思即為「緊咬著(跟前)……不放」,為新聞英語常見用語。
    Our small cafe has been nipping at the heels of the large coffee chains.
    rake in 賺進大筆鈔票
    rake 作動詞用時為「(用耙子)耙」,農夫在收成時,通常會用耙子將大把大把的農作物掃進來,後來引申為「賺進大筆鈔票」之意。
    The pharmaceutical company has been raking in cash since its cancer drug was approved.
    bail out 「幫助(某人;某事)脫離困境」
    bail 指罪犯用來交保的「保釋金」;罪犯在罪刑尚未確定,如先被監禁在看守所,會暫時失去人身自由;此時,若有親友擔任保人或繳交保釋金,便可使其恢復自由,所以 bail sb/sth out 便可引申為「幫助(某人;某公司)脫離困境」。
    The government had to bail out several failed banks.
    tone down 緩和;淡化
    tone 原指「(樂器、歌聲的)音調;音色」,也可當作一個人講話時的「語調」,一個人想低調求和或緩和氣氛時,勢必會降低講話的語調以示禮貌,所以 tone down 引申為「緩和;淡化」之意。
    Television networks have been toning down the amount of sex and violence in their programming.
    stall 停滯不前
    stall 原指「(引擎或機械因動力不足而)熄火」,一國的經濟(或一件事物的發展)若如一台熄火的引擎般,勢必是遭遇到重大困難而「停滯不前」。
    Peace talks stalled after negotiators could not reach an agreement on several key points.
    pull out of 使……(從麻煩地點或麻煩時刻)撤離
    pull 有「拖、拉」之意,將某物從其原先的地方「拉出」,即引申為「使……(從麻煩地點或麻煩時刻)撤離」。
    North Korea pulled out of talks on its alleged nuclear weapons program.
        Bush Appoints CEO of Kellogg to Commerce Post
    U.S. president George W. Bush has picked Carlos Gutierrez, CEO of cereal giant Kellogg, to be the secretary of commerce.
    Bush heralded Gutierrez as a true American success story.
    A Cuban immigrant, Gutierrez started working as a truck driver at Kellogg peddling Frosted Flakes in Mexico, eventually working all the way up to CEO.
    In his new role in Commerce, Gutierrez would be responsible for improving America's beleaguered manufacturing sector.
    U.S. manufacturers have seen the loss of 2.7 million jobs in less than five years as the country's trade deficit has risen to record highs.
    Gutierrez would also be a key player in the Bush administration's mandate for changes in Social Security and the tax system.
    The 51-year-old Gutierrez has done a respectable job at the helm of Kellogg, overhauling the company's operations and revamping such brands as Special K.
    Since he became CEO in 1999, Kellogg's sales have soared by 43 percent, leading to a 131 percent boost in earnings per share.
    cold turkey 突然一下子地;不拖泥帶水地
    cold turkey 在俚語中是表示「突然一下子地」,與 suddenly 的意思相似。前面常接有停止意味的動詞,如 stopquitstop cold turkey quit cold turkey 表「突然一下子就停止或戒掉」,後面常接菸、酒、毒品等不好的習慣,例:stop smoking cigarettes cold turkey「突然一下子就戒菸。」
    Chad quit smoking cold turkey rather than use nicotine patches.
    Two coworkers are talking. One does not look well.
    Stuart: Cough! Cough! 史都特: 咳!咳!
    Mary: Hey, Stuart. You look like hell. I told you to quit the cigarettes. 瑪莉: 嘿,史都華。你看起來糟透了!我早告訴過你該戒煙了。
    Stuart: I did. I quit cold turkey last Thursday. 史都特: 我戒了!上星期四我說戒就戒掉了。
    Mary: So that's why you look like a train hit you? 瑪莉: 那就是為什麼你看起來好像是被火車輾過一樣嗎?
    Stuart: Exactly. It's been five days, three hours, 17 minutes and I'm not going back. 史都特: 答對了!已經持續了五天、三個小時又十七分鐘。我不會再走回頭路了!
    Mary: Keep it up. You can pull through. 瑪莉: 繼續保持,你一定撐得過去
    look like hell 看起來糟透了
    You really look like hell. Didn't you get any sleep last night?
    look like a train hit (someone) 看起來像是被火車撞到了
    Have you been drinking again? You look like a train hit you.
    it has been (days, hours, minutes, seconds) 已經過了……天……小時……分……秒
    A : How long has it been since she left you?
      B: Three weeks, six days, ten hours, seven minutes and forty-two seconds.
    pull through 撐得過去
    pull through 直譯是「拉過去」,有「撐過難關」的意思,常用於形容病人「脫離險境」或「康復」。
    He is very sick, but he will pull through.
    True or False
    If someone looks like hell, he or she seems healthy.
    If you pull out of something, you remove yourself from it.
    Raking in something means getting a lot.
    If something stalls, it is progressing normally.
    Bailing out means to rescue or assist someone.
    Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

    a. pull through b. raking in c. cold turkey d. toned down e. look like hell

    Drinking again? You _________.
    His accident wasn't too serious and doctors say he will _________.
    She quit eating chocolate _________.
    Jim _________ some of the more explicit parts of his student film.
    If our new product is a hit, we'll be _________ profits.