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    2003 年 4 月 4 日 (No.087)
    1. ticket machine 售票機 7. loudspeaker 擴音器 13. security camera
    2. information booth 服務台 8. ticket turnstile   監視攝影機
    3. elevator 電梯   驗票迴轉閘門 14. escalator 電扶梯
    4. subway schedule 地鐵時刻表 9. passenger(s) 乘客 15. billboard 廣告牌
    5. information attendant 10. automatic door(s) 自動門 16. platform 月台
      服務台人員 11. route map 路線圖    
    6. barrier 圍欄 12. ticket sensor 車票感應器
    1. stored-value ticket 儲值票
    2. single-journey ticket 單程票
    3. safety guard 警衛;安全人員
    4. central station/main station 總站
    5. train tunnel 電車隧道
    6. public phone 公共電話
    7. public announcement 公告
    8. arrival time 到站時間
    9. departure time 發車時間
    10. exit 出口
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • Swipe your stored-value ticket over the sensor. 在感應器上刷你的儲值票。
    The next train will depart in five minutes. 下班車五分鐘後發車。
    The next train will arrive in two minutes. 下班車兩分鐘後到站。
    Please stand clear of the automatic doors. 請不要站在自動門旁邊。
    Does this train go to Taipei? 這班車是往台北的嗎?
    Do I transfer here to get to Taipei? 去台北是在這裡換車嗎?
    What is this train's final destination? 這班車的終點站是哪裡?
    That ticket machine is out of order. 那台售票機故障了。
    Please stand to the left/right. 請靠左邊/右邊站。
    The train is just pulling in. 列車剛好進站了。
    The train will be here any minute. 列車隨時都會到。
    Should I get off here? 我該在這裡下車嗎?
  • 成語 Idioms
  • standing room only 擁擠不堪
    room 在這裡是「空間」,因此 standing room 是指「站立的空間」,standing room only 可表示「只剩站位;只剩站票」,或形容「擁擠到只剩立足的空間」。
      During rush hour, it is standing room only on the city's buses and trains.
    Dialogue 1 
    Carl is visiting his friend, Fiona, who lives in a city. They are in a subway station.
    Fiona: First, you'll need to buy a ticket. 費歐娜: 首先,你需要買張車票。
    Carl: What about you? Don't you need one? 卡爾: 妳呢?妳不用買嗎?
    Fiona: I've got a stored-valued ticket. Here, I'll help you buy a ticket. 費歐娜: 我有一張儲值票。來,我來教你買票。
    Carl: I don't have any change. 卡爾: 我沒零錢耶。
    Fiona: No problem. That machine over there can give you change. 費歐娜: 放心。那邊那台機器可以讓你換零錢。
    Carl: Wow! This subway system is both modern and convenient. 卡爾: 哇!這個地鐵系統真是現代又便利啊。
    Dialogue 2 
    Claire is in a subway station. She is speaking to an attendant at the information booth.
    Attendant: How can I help you, miss? 站務員: 小姐,請問有什麼事嗎?
    Claire: Here's my ticket. Which platform should I go to? 克萊兒: 這是我的票。我該去哪個月台呢?
    Attendant: Take the escalator down to platform two. The train will arrive in five minutes. 站務員: 坐電扶梯下去到第二月台。列車五分鐘後會到站。
    Claire: Thanks. By the way, what time does the last train go back? 克萊兒: 謝謝。對了,最後一班車是幾點回來?
    Attendant: Since tonight is a Saturday, the last train departs at 12:30 A.M. 站務員: 今天是星期六,所以最後一班車是在晚上十二點半發車。
    Claire: Thank you very much for your help. 克萊兒: 謝謝你幫忙。
    Attendant: You're welcome. Have a nice day. 站務員: 不客氣。祝您有個美好的一天。
    Fill  in blank
    a. escalator b. passengers c. safety camera d. subway schedule e. billboard
    f. ticket sensor g. ticket machine h. platform i. route map j. loudspeaker
      Read this to learn when trains depart for different places.
      This type of camera is used to monitor safety.
      You can take this instead of an elevator.
      You insert money into this machine to buy your ticket.
      Subway stations are filled with this kind of advertisement.
      You might hear an announcement coming from one of these.
      Swipe your stored-value ticket over this to pay your money.
      This type of map shows you where subway trains go.
      This is what people who ride subway trains are called.
      Passengers stand on this while they are waiting for a train.

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