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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
    2003 年 7 月 4 日 (No.100)
    零售價2,880元 週年慶優惠價1,990
    訂二年, 24期,每期包含:
    雜誌+互動光碟+朗讀 CD
    零售價5,760元 週年慶優惠價3,880
    訂二年, 24期,每期包含
    1. gymnasium 體育館; 8. karate 空手道 15. exercise mat
      健身房 9. punch 拳打;用拳猛擊   練習用墊子
    2. tai chi 太極拳 10. belt 腰帶 16. nunchakus 雙節棍
    3. tae kwon do 跆拳道 11. sparring/training gloves 17. kickboxing ring 搏擊場
    4. body blow(拳擊比賽中對   搏擊練習用手套 18. kickboxing 搏擊
      胸部、腹部的)重擊 12. kick 踢腿   (把空手道和拳擊動作融為
    5. protective body gear 護具 13. punching bag(練習拳擊   一體的武術運動)
    6. throw 摔倒(對手)   用的)吊袋;沙包    
    7. uniform 制服;道服 14. barefoot 赤足    
    1. dojo (日)道場
    2. concentration 集中注意力;專注
    3. focus 注意力
    4. discipline 紀律
    5. physical conditioning 體能鍛練
    6. physical contact 身體碰觸
    7. meditation 沈思;冥想
    8. move 動作
    9. workout 運動;訓練
    10. judo (日)柔道
    11. kung fu 功夫
    12. aikido (日)合氣道
    13. chop (type of punch) 掌劈
    14. tournament/competition 聯賽;錦標賽/競賽
    15. competitor 競爭者
    16. opponent 對手
    17. referee 裁判
    18. spar 揮拳(在拳擊練習或表演中)
    19. bow 鞠躬
    20. face-off 對峙;對抗
    21. technique 技巧;技術
    22. sword
    23. staff (type of weapon) 棍;棒
    24. mouthpiece (mouth guard) (拳擊手戴的)護齒套
    25. sports bag 運動袋
    26. warm up 暖身
    27. pull a muscle 拉傷肌肉
    28. master 師父
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • This technique is challenging. 這種技巧很困難。
    Studying martial arts takes dedication, persistence, and concentration. 
    I'm about to begin my workout. 我要開始練習了。
    You performed that move well. 那個動作你做得很好。
    Do you want to spar with me? 你要和我練習對打嗎?
    Face your opponent and bow. 面向你的對手鞠躬行禮。
    I go to martial arts class three times a week. 我一週上三次武術課。
    Don't forget to warm up. 別忘了暖身。
    I feel a little out of shape. 我覺得我的體力有些差。
    Wow! He's really in good shape. 哇!他的身體很好。
    I am often sore after class. 上完課我常覺得身體痠痛。
    I want to teach you a new move. 我要教你一個新動作。
    Let me demonstrate how to do that move. 我來示範怎麼做那個動作。
    I'm looking forward to next week's martial arts competition. 
    Using nunchakus can be dangerous if you don't use them properly.
    You didn't put on your protective body gear properly. 你的護具沒穿好。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • hit below the belt 以不正當手段攻擊某人
      My coworker made some mean comments about me and I told her that she was really hitting below the belt.
    Dialogue 1 
    Gary is talking with his colleague, Anne, at work.
    Gary: Are you off to the gym, Anne? 蓋瑞: 安,妳要去健身房嗎?
    Anne: Yup! I'm going to my kickboxing class. 安: 對啊!我要去上搏擊課。
    Gary: Really? I've seen that type of martial art on TV. It looks pretty painful! 蓋瑞: 真的嗎?我在電視上看過那種武術,看起來很痛苦耶!
    Anne: It can be, especially in tournaments. I don't compete very often, though. I just do it for exercise. 安: 是會痛啊,尤其在比賽時。不過我不常和別人對打,我只是為了運動。
    Gary I'd love to come some time. I like to find new and interesting ways to stay in shape. Are there any other men in your class? 蓋瑞: 改天我想去看看,我喜歡找些新鮮有趣的方式來保持健康。妳班上有其他男生嗎?
    Anne: There are quite a few, actually. Off the top of my head, I would say that there are seven male students in our class of fifteen. 安: 事實上還真有幾個男生。就我所知,我們班上十五個人中有七個男生。
    Gary: How often do you go to class? 蓋瑞: 妳多久上一次課?
    Anne: I go every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening from seven to nine, but there are classes offered six nights a week. 安: 我每個星期一、三、四晚上去,七點到九點,不過一星期六天都有開課。
    Gary: If I go, I want you to promise that you'll go easy on me.
    蓋瑞: 如果我去的話,妳可要答應我會對我手下留情。
    Anne: OK, I will, but I can't speak for the other students or our teacher! 安: 沒問題,我會的,但我可不能保證其他學生或老師也會喔!
    Dialogue 2 
    It is several weeks later and Gary is talking with his girlfriend, Leslie, one evening.
    Leslie: What's wrong with you, honey? You look beat! 萊絲莉: 親愛的,你怎麼了?你看起來好累的樣子!
    Gary: I'm OK. I went to a kickboxing class with my coworker, Anne, tonight. I'm tired and sore. 蓋瑞: 我沒事,我今天晚上和我的同事安去上搏擊課,搞得我又累又疼。
    Leslie: You should have taken it easy. Did you warm up first? 萊絲莉: 你應該要放輕鬆點,你有先暖身嗎?
    Gary: Yes, but there was a lot of physical contact and sparring during the class. I'm not used to that. 蓋瑞: 有啊,不過課堂上有很多身體的碰撞和對打練習,我還不太習慣。
    Leslie: It will definitely take a while for you to develop the special kind of physical conditioning necessary for martial arts. 萊絲莉: 要鍛鍊出武術所需的體能,一定得花上好一段時間的。
    Gary: The first time you go to any martial arts class is always the most challenging. After that, it becomes easier and much more fun. 蓋瑞: 任何武術課的頭一堂總是最困難的,之後就變得比較容易、而且有趣了。
    Leslie: Where does it hurt the most? 萊絲莉: 你哪裡最痛呢?
    Gary: The front of my thighs and my neck are the sorest. I am going to take a hot shower. That will make me feel better.
    蓋瑞: 我的大腿前側和脖子最痛。我要去洗個熱水澡,這樣就會舒服點。
    Leslie: I know you did your best, but I thought you could handle it--I thought you were in shape.
    萊絲莉: 我知道你盡力了,我還以為你的身體不錯,可以應付的過去呢!
    Gary: I thought I was, too. However, kickboxing is definitely tougher than I expected. 蓋瑞: 我本來也是這麼想的,不過,拳擊比我想像的困難多了。
    Fill  in blank
    a. barefoot b. nunchakus c. exercise mat d. punching bag e. mouthpiece
    f. sports bag g. protective body gear h. opponent i. master j. belt
      Cover the floor with this soft thing when you do exercise.
      Put this into your mouth so that you don't damage your teeth and mouth.
      You must wear this when you practice tae kwon do.
      You swing this type of martial arts weapon with two hands.
      This person can teach you new martial arts moves and techniques.
      In karate, you wear this, and it is in different colors depending on your level.
      This is the word to describe when someone does not wear shoes or socks.
      In a martial arts competition, this is the person you fight against.
      Hit this to practice punching and kicking.
      Carry your martial arts uniform, towel, and equipment in this.
    * 精選整理多元化英檢題型
    * 英檢聽力測驗朗讀CD
    * 電腦題庫測驗互動光碟
    * 測驗試題完整解答
        書+互動光碟+2片朗讀 CD
        原價 380元,85 折特價 323 元
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