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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 8 月 29 日 (No. 108)
    動員龐大的人力物力拍攝成20部英語短劇,(共72段實況影片),全部由美籍演員實況演出,精彩幽默,完整收錄在 VCD 及 CD-ROM ,實為史上絕無僅有的英語會話教材,值得珍藏。
     ◎ 影音 CD 版:定價 550 元,85折特價 323
        ( 書+朗讀 CD )
     ◎ 互動光碟版:定價 1,200 元,85折特價 578
        ( 書+2片互動光碟+朗讀CD )
    更多介紹     我要購買    
    1. sausage(s) 香腸 8. bacon 培根 14. meat hook
    2. scale 9. whole chicken 除去頭部、   用來掛肉類的鉤子
    3. pork chop 豬排   爪子、羽毛、內臟的全雞 15. salami 義式香腸
    4. knife sharpener 磨刀器 10. butcher 肉商;屠夫 16. ground beef
    5. ham 火腿 11. knife (knives)   漢堡肉;牛絞肉
    6. apron 圍裙 12. T-bone steak 丁骨牛排 17. drumstick
    7. rib(s) 肋排 13. leg of lamb 羊腿   雞腿;家禽類腿部
    1. veal/mutton 小牛肉/羊肉
    2. venison 鹿肉
    3. duck 鴨肉
    4. goose 鵝肉
    5. cured meat(s) 醃肉
    6. smoked meat(s) 燻肉
    7. meat tenderizer 用來軟化肉質的酵素粉
    8. slaughterhouse 屠宰場
    9. bologna 波隆那燻腸(以牛肉或豬肉製成,通常會切片作冷盤食用)
    10. carcass 屠宰後去毛皮、內臟的肉食動物軀體
    11. fat 脂肪
    12. cholesterol 膽固醇
    13. mincemeat 絞肉
    14. gristle 軟骨
    15. sinew 
    16. vegan 吃全素的人
    17. vegetarian 素食主義者
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I can help the next customer over here. 下一個客人請到這邊。
    Have you been helped yet? 已經有人招呼您了嗎?
    I would like to buy a pound of chicken wings. 我要買一磅雞翅。
    This steak looks tender and juicy. 這塊牛排看起來鮮嫩多汁。
    How much does this meat cost per pound/kilo? 這種肉一磅/一公斤多少錢?
    How would you like me to cut your meat for you? 您買的肉要怎麼切法?
    Could you slice it for me? 麻煩幫我切片。
    How thick do you want it sliced? 您想要切多厚?
    Please slice my meat into thin strips. 請把我買的肉切成細條。
    This is on special. 這個現在在特價喔。
    I'll be with you in a minute. 我馬上就過來。
    Please take a number. 請拿張號碼牌。
    How do you recommend that I cook this piece of meat?
    This steak tastes dry. 這塊牛排又乾又澀。
    That steak has nice marbling. 這塊牛排肥瘦適中。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • mutton dressed as lamb 故作年輕打扮的老年人
    mutton dressed as lamb 為口語用法,字面意義為「打扮得像小羊的羊」,引申為「故作年輕打扮的老年人」之意,同時暗示這樣的打扮看起來不恰當且有些可笑。
      That woman looks silly in that dress; she looks like mutton dressed as lamb.
    Dialogue 1 
    Jane is speaking to her local butcher, Fred.
    Fred: Good morning, Jane. What can I get for you today? 弗列德: 早啊,珍。妳今天想買什麼?
    Jane: My family and I are having a barbecue tonight, so I would like to buy half a pound of sausages and a pound of ground beef. 珍: 我們家今晚要烤肉,所以我要買半磅香腸跟一磅漢堡肉。
    Fred: Can I interest you in buying some chicken wings? They're on special today. 弗列德: 有沒有興趣買些雞翅啊?雞翅今天特價喔。
    Jane: No thanks. That will be all for today. Oh, do you have any hot sauce? 珍: 不用了,謝謝。我今天就買這些了。喔,你們有沒有賣辣醬?
    Fred: We don't have any hot sauce, but we do have some delicious barbeque sauce. 弗列德: 我們沒賣辣醬,不過我們倒有些美味的烤肉醬。
    Jane: OK. I'll buy a bottle of barbeque sauce instead. 珍: 那好,我就改買一罐烤肉醬。
    Fred: Your total today is twenty-three dollars and sixty cents. 弗列德: 總共是二十三塊六角。
    Dialogue 2 
    Joey and his girlfriend Sarah are in a steak restaurant enjoying a nice dinner together.
    Sarah: How's your steak, Joey? Mine is great. 莎拉: 喬伊,你的牛排味道怎麼樣?我的很好吃喔。
    Joey: Mine is not that good, actually. It's a bit tough. 喬伊: 我的不怎麼好吃,有點硬。
    Sarah: Let me try a bite. Ooh! I see what you mean. 莎拉: 讓我吃一口。喔!我懂你的意思了。
    Joey: Do you think I should send it back? 喬伊: 我該不該把牛排退回去啊?
    Sarah: Absolutely! At twenty bucks per steak, you deserve a great steak. 莎拉: 當然要囉!一塊牛排就要二十塊,你應該要吃到上等的牛排。
    Joey: Oh, that's too much hassle. 喬伊: 喔,那太麻煩啦。
    Sarah: It will only take a little while, and you can keep eating the rest of your dinner. 莎拉: 一下子就好了,而且你可以繼續吃其餘的晚餐啊。
    Joey: OK. When the waiter comes over, I'll tell him. 喬伊: 好吧。等服務生過來的時候,我再跟他說。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. meat hooks b. ground beef c. apron d. T-bone steak e. vegan
    f. salami g. knives h. knife sharpener i. scale j. bacon
      A butcher wears this to keep his clothes clean.
      This is the English word for a person who does not eat meat, fish, or eggs.
      A butcher always tries to keep these sharp.
      This cured meat is popular on sandwiches and as a breakfast food.
      Use this type of beef to make hamburgers.
      Butchers use this to weigh meat.
      This type of dried, Italian sausage has a delicious flavor.
      Butchers hang meat on these.
      This type of steak has a bone shaped like a T in it.
      Use one of these to keep a knife sharp.

