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    2003 年 9 月 19 日 (No. 111)
    WTO 辦公室英語會話
    原Life Talk實戰英語系列 (辦公室英語會話改版)
    (定價 380 元) 85折特惠價 323
    (定價 680 元) 85折特惠價 578
    WTO 商業英語會話
    原Life Talk實戰英語系列 (商業英語會話改版)
    (定價 380 元) 85折特惠價 323
    (定價 680 元) 85折特惠價 578
    2套合購 。影音CD版:(合購原價760元)  合購優惠價 610 <更多介紹>
    。互動光碟版:(合購原價 1360元)  合購優特惠價 990
            互動版再加送 後掛式耳機麥克風

    1. exchange rate 匯率 7. deposit slip 存款單 12. cash 現金
    2. ATM card 提款卡 8. withdrawal slip 提款單 13. teller 銀行出納員
    3. traveler's check 旅行支票 9. checkbook 支票簿 14. credit card 信用卡
    4. ATM machine 提款機 10. check 支票 15. service counter 服務台
    5. security guard 保全人員;警衛 11. bankbook (passbook) 16. waiting area 等候區
    6. lobby 大廳   存摺    
    1. loan 貸款
    2. credit 信用
    3. currency 貨幣
    4. denomination(貨幣)面額
    5. checking account 支票帳戶
    6. savings account 儲蓄帳戶
    7. interest 利息
    8. interest rate 利率
    9. amount 總計;總和;金額
    10. credit check 信用審核
    11. application form 申請表
    12. safe 保險箱
    13. vault 保險庫;金庫
    14. certificate of deposit (CD) 定(期)存單
    15. security system 保全系統
    16. Visa 威士卡
    17. MasterCard 萬事達卡
    18. American Express Card 美國運通卡
    19. bank manager 銀行經理
    20. bank robber 銀行搶匪
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I'd like to make a deposit. 我要存錢。
    I'd like to make a withdrawal. 我要提錢。
    What are the exchange rates today? 今天的匯率是多少?
    I would like to apply for a loan. 我想要申請貸款。
    What are the loan rates at this bank? 這家銀行的貸款利率是多少?
    Your loan has been approved. 您的貸款申請已經通過了。
    I would like to update my bankbook. 我要補登存摺。
    I would like to write a check. 我要開一張支票。
    I would like to pay my credit card bill. 我要付信用卡帳單。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • break the bank 使人傾家蕩產
    the bank 在此是指「莊家的賭本」,因此 break the bank 是指「賭博贏得的錢多到連莊家都賠不起」,後來引申形容「東西的價格昂貴,使人傾家蕩產」,也常誇張地用來表示價昂。
      That new suit I bought was cheap, so it didn't break the bank.
    Dialogue 1 
    Evelyn is in a bank making a deposit.
    Teller: Welcome to our bank. How may I help you? 出納員: 歡迎光臨本行。請問您需要什麼服務?
    Evelyn: Hello. I would like to deposit this cash into my account. 艾弗琳: 你好,我想把這筆現金存到我的帳戶裡。
    Teller: Would you like to deposit the money into your checking account or into your savings account? 出納員: 您想存到支票帳戶還是儲蓄帳戶呢?
    Evelyn: I would like to deposit it into my savings account, please. 艾弗琳: 請幫我存到我的儲蓄帳戶。
    Teller: OK. Have you filled out a deposit slip yet? 出納員: 好的,請問您填好存款單了嗎?
    Evelyn: Yes, here you go. 艾弗琳: 是的,在這裡。
    Teller: Great. I'll deposit the money right away. 出納員: 好的,我馬上就把錢存進去。
    Evelyn: Oh, and please update my bankbook for me. Thanks. 艾弗琳: 喔,麻煩你幫我補登存摺,謝謝。
    Dialogue 2 
    Stephanie is in a bank applying for a loan for her business.
    Stephanie: Hello. I would like to apply for a small loan. 史黛芬妮: 你好,我要申請小額貸款。
    Bank Manager: OK. And what amount would you like the loan to be? 銀行經理: 好的,請問要貸多少錢?
    Stephanie: I'm planning to buy some new computers and office equipment for my home business, so I'll only need about ten thousand dollars. 史黛芬妮: 我想為家裡開的公司添購些新電腦和辦公室設備,所以只需要一萬元左右就行了。
    Bank Manager: That sounds reasonable. Are you a customer at this bank? I mean, do you have any accounts at this bank? 銀行經理: 聽起來很合理。您是本行的客戶嗎?我的意思是,您在本行有開戶嗎?
    Stephanie: Yes, I have both a checking and a savings account. I also have two credit cards through this bank: a MasterCard and a Visa. 史黛芬妮: 是的,支票帳戶和儲蓄帳戶我都有。我還有兩張這家銀行發行的信用卡,一張萬事達卡和一張威士卡。
    Bank Manager: You'll need to fill out these loan application forms and you also need to go through a credit check. 銀行經理: 您需要填寫這些貸款申請表格,還要通過信用審核。
    Stephanie: When can I find out if my loan has been approved or not? 史黛芬妮: 我什麼時候可以知道貸款有沒有通過?
    Bank Manager: If all goes well, I should be able to approve the loan in about a week to ten days. 銀行經理: 如果一切順利的話,我應該可以在七至十天內核准這筆貸款。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. deposit slip b. ATM machine c. bankbook d. traveler's checks e. exchange rate
    f. checking account g. interest h. checks i. checkbook j. credit check
      It is a good idea to take these special checks with you when you go traveling.
      When you write a check, the money is most often withdrawn from this account.
      You can use this machine twenty-four hours a day to get cash.
      Americans write a lot of these to buy things and pay bills.
      If you apply for a loan, the bank will probably do one of these on you.
      A teller will use this information to change money for you.
      Fill out this form if you want to make a deposit.
      Keep all of your checks in one of these.
      This word means the money you earn when you save money in a bank.
      Use this little booklet to keep a record of all your deposits and withdrawals.
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