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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
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    2003 年 9 月 26 日 (No. 112)
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      週年慶特惠價3,880元  (立即省1880元)
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      週年慶特惠價2,990元  (立即省1330元)
    CNN互動英語 Live互動英語

    1. emergency room (ER) 7. medicine 13. doctor 醫生
      急診室 8. pill(s) 藥丸 14. recovery area 恢復室
    2. nurse 護士 9. operating room (OR) 手術房 15. X-ray X 光片
    3. wheelchair 輪椅 10. surgical mask 16. gurney (推送病人的)
    4. crutch(es) 拐杖   外科手術用口罩   救護輪床
    5. pharmacy 藥房;藥局 11. patient 病人    
    6. cast 石膏 12. IV (為 intravenous 的縮寫)靜脈注射;打點滴
    1. cut 切傷;割傷;傷口
    2. injury 傷害
    3. bandage 繃帶
    4. Band-Aid OK
    5. broken bone 骨折
    6. wound 傷口
    7. cane 手杖
    8. concussion 腦震盪
    9. heart attack 心臟病發作
    10. nausea 噁心;反胃
    11. vomiting 嘔吐
    12. diarrhea 腹瀉
    13. surgery 手術
    14. surgeon 外科醫生
    15. test(s) 檢驗
    16. lab result(s) 檢驗結果
    17. recover (v.) 復原;痊癒
    18. recovery (n.) 復原;痊癒
    19. stitch(es) 縫合(傷口)
    20. health insurance 健康保險
    21. ambulance 救護車
    22. paramedic (在第一時間進行急救以及協助護理人員的)
      急救人員(作此義解時,與 EMT 同);醫護人員
    23. EMT 急救人員(為 emergency medical technician 的縮寫)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I hurt myself and I think I need to go to the emergency room.
    That cut on your arm might need stitches. 你手臂上的傷口可能需要縫合。
    The cut on my leg needed ten stitches. 我腿上的傷口需要縫十針。
    I think I need to go to the hospital. 我想我需要去醫院。
    My mom had an operation yesterday. 我媽昨天動手術。
    Billy injured himself playing baseball. 比利打棒球時受傷了。
    Andrea ate some bad food and now she has diarrhea.
    The doctor took an X-ray of my arm. 醫生為我的手臂照了 X 光。
    The doctor said I was dehydrated, so she gave me an IV.
    Eric broke his arm, so the doctor put a cast on it.
    I've never broken a bone before. 我以前從沒骨折過。
    I need to go get some medicine at the pharmacy. 我得到藥房買些藥。
    My family and I have excellent health insurance. 我的家人和我都有完善的健保。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • just what the doctor ordered 正是……所需要的
    just what the doctor ordered 字面的意思是「正是醫生所指示的」,醫生通常會根據病人的病況,開給病人處方箋,後來這個片語便引申為「正是……所需要的」的意思。
      A night out having fun with my friends is just what the doctor ordered.
    Dialogue 1 
    Jason accidentally cut himself with a knife. His wife, Carlie, takes him to the emergency room.
    Jason: I cannot believe that I cut myself so badly. I was just making myself a sandwich for lunch when the knife slipped. 傑森: 真不敢相信我的傷口居然這麼深。我本來只是要做個三明治當午餐,結果刀子滑了下去。
    Carlie: That knife you were using is very sharp. 卡莉: 你用的那把刀子非常利。
    Jason: I know. I'm glad the cut finally stopped bleeding. 傑森: 我知道。還好傷口終於不再流血了。
    Carlie: That cut is definitely going to need a few stitches. Have you ever had stitches before? 卡莉: 那個傷口一定要縫幾針。你以前有縫過傷口嗎?
    Jason: No, but I broke my arm once when I was twelve. I fell off my bike. 傑森: 沒有。不過我十二歲的時候,有一次因為騎腳踏車摔倒而跌斷了手臂。
    Carlie: There's always a first time for everything. In the future, I just hope that you'll learn to be more careful with knives. 卡莉: 凡事都有第一次。我只希望你以後用刀時能更小心一點。
    Dialogue 2 
    Terry's mom just got out of surgery. Terry is talking to the surgeon who performed the operation.
    Terry: How did the operation go, Doctor? 泰瑞: 醫生,手術進行得如何?
    Surgeon: It went quite smoothly, Terry. Don't worry. I am confident that your mother will recover fully. 外科醫生: 泰瑞,手術進行得很順利。別擔心。我有信心你母親會完全康復的。
    Terry: I'm so glad to hear you say that, Doctor. I was so worried. 泰瑞: 醫生,很高興聽你這麼說。我剛才真的好擔心。
    Surgeon: We'll need to do some more tests every couple of days to make sure all is going well with her recovery. 外科醫生: 我們接下來每隔幾天都得再做一些檢查,以確定她的恢復情況良好。
    Terry: How long will she have to spend in the hospital before I can take her home? 泰瑞: 她還要在醫院裡待多久我才能帶她回家?
    Surgeon: I would like her to stay another three or four days at least. 外科醫生: 我想讓她在這裡至少再待個三四天。
    Terry: I understand. Thank you so much for everything that you have done for my mother. 泰瑞: 我知道了。真的很謝謝你替我母親所做的一切。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. bandage b. X-ray c. nausea d. pharmacy e. ambulance
    f. surgical mask g. wheelchair h. emergency room i. stitches j. crutches
      If you get hurt, this kind of vehicle will take you to the hospital.
      This is the feeling that you have when you feel like throwing up.
      A doctor might need to give you some of these if you have a bad cut.
      Go here if you suddenly become injured and need to see a doctor.
      This special kind of picture shows a doctor the inside of your body.
      If you hurt your feet or your legs, you might need to use these.
      Doctors and nurses wear one of these on their faces in hospitals.
      Patients who cannot walk well need to use this kind of chair.
      You put this on a wound to keep it clean and help it heal.
      Go to this place to get the medicine that you need.
    倒 數 4 天,
    敬 請 把 握!!
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