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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 10 月10 日 (No. 114)
    726個常用單字  829個相關用語及例句   88篇實用會話
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    1. microwave 微波爐 6. oven 烤箱 12. stove (range)
    2. toaster 烤麵包機 7. cleaver 菜刀   (烹調用的)電爐或瓦斯爐
    3. kitchen knife 切食物的長刀 8. frying pan 平底(煎)鍋 13. blender 果汁機;攪拌器
    4. kettle (燒開水用的) 9. range hood 抽油煙機 14. coffeemaker 咖啡機
      熱水壺 10. cutting board 砧板 15. refrigerator (fridge) 冰箱
    5. wok 炒菜鍋 11. sink (廚房的)水槽    
    1. kitchen appliance(s) 廚房器具
    2. food processor(可切肉、絞肉、打蛋、揉麵團等多功能的)食物調理機
    3. bottle opener 開瓶器
    4. can opener 開罐器
    5. potato peeler 馬鈴薯削皮刀
    6. dishwasher 洗碗機
    7. dish towel(擦碗盤用的)抹布
    8. apron 圍裙
    9. bread machine(只需放入麵粉等材料,即可自動做出麵包的)製麵包機
    10. juice machine 果菜榨汁研磨機
    11. cupboard(s) 碗櫥;食品櫥
    12. counter(s) 流理台
    13. pot(s) 罐;壺;盆
    14. pan(s)(通常只有長柄、蓋子的)鍋;平底鍋
    15. prepare (v.) 準備好食物以烹調
    16. grill (v.)(用烤架)燒烤
    17. boil (v.) 煮沸;用開水煮熟
    18. fry (v.) 炸;煎
    19. deep-fry (v.) 油炸
    20. stir-fry (v.)
    21. bake (v.) 烘焙;烤(麵包等)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I'll be in the kitchen if you need to find me. 要找我的話,我會在廚房。
    There's nothing good to eat in the refrigerator. 冰箱裡沒什麼好吃的。
    What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 早餐/_午餐/_晚餐吃什麼?
    Have you seen the kitchen knife? I can't find it anywhere.
    Put the kettle on the stove so that we can make some coffee.
    I like to blend fruit juice and yogurt in the blender.
    Turn on the range-hood fan. It's getting smoky in here.
    Let's grill some chicken breasts and vegetables for dinner.
    I just bought a new bread machine. 我剛買了一台新的製麵包機。
    You need to bake apple pies for thirty minutes at 375 degrees.
    Please hand me that glass over there on the counter.
    Use the potato peeler to peel these potatoes. 用削皮刀把這些馬鈴薯的皮削掉。
    My dinner got cold. I'll put it in the microwave to warm it up.
  • 成語 Idioms
  • If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. 如果承受不了壓力,就乾脆放棄吧。
      Mark thinks that I play too rough when I play basketball with him, so I said to him, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
    Dialogue 1 
    Tiffany and Ted are in their kitchen cooking dinner.
    Tiffany: I'm starving! What should we make for dinner? 蒂芬妮: 我快餓死了!我們晚餐該煮什麼?
    Ted: I was thinking that we could make spaghetti. We have all the ingredients and it won't take too long. 泰德: 我想我們可以做義大利麵。該有的材料我們都有,而且不會花太多時間。
    Tiffany: That sounds delicious. What kind of vegetable should we prepare to go with the spaghetti? 蒂芬妮: 聽起來滿好吃的。那要煮什麼菜配義大利麵?
    Ted: Let's make steamed broccoli. I also want to add a couple of cut-up chicken breasts to the spaghetti sauce while it is cooking. 泰德: 做蒸花椰菜吧。我還想在做義大利麵的醬汁時,在裡面加上一些雞胸肉丁。
    Tiffany: OK. You take care of cooking the spaghetti sauce and the pasta. I'll wash the broccoli, cut it up, and steam it. 蒂芬妮: 好。那你負責做醬汁和麵條,我來洗花椰菜,切好再拿去蒸。
    Ted: That sounds fair to me. But please hurry up, because all this talk about food is really making me hungry! 泰德: 聽起來很公平。不過拜託快一點,因為光是講這些吃的就讓我覺得餓了。
    Dialogue 2 
    Frank and Lucy are planning to remodel their kitchen.
    Lucy: I really want to put in all new counters. I also want to install a brand new dishwasher. 露西: 我真的好想裝全新的流理台,我還想要裝新的洗碗機。
    Frank Those ideas sound great to me. My main focus for the remodeling of our kitchen is putting in all new wooden cupboards. 法蘭克: 那些主意聽起來都很棒。我想我們改裝廚房的重點是要裝全新的木製碗櫥。
    Lucy: I definitely need more space for my favorite kitchen appliances. 露西: 廚房一定要有更多的空間來放我喜歡的廚房器具。
    Frank: I also hope that we can put in a new microwave. Our old one is too big and noisy. 法蘭克: 我還希望能裝一台新的微波爐。我們的舊微波爐又大又吵。
    Lucy: The only other major change that I want is to put in a new stove. I want to put in a new gas model. 露西: 另外我還想做的大改變,就只剩下裝一個新的爐子了。我想裝個新的瓦斯爐。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. counters b. cupboards c. bottle opener d. kettle e. range hood
    f. apron g. kitchen appliances h. boil i. bake j. stir-fry
      Wear this special piece of clothing in the kitchen to keep clean.
      This is how you cook pies and other foods in an oven.
      You put dishes into these, and they are above and below counters.
      You cook pasta in a pot by doing this to it.
      If you cook food in a wok with a little oil, you cook food in this way.
      Use this to heat water for coffee and tea.
      These are the flat surfaces in a kitchen.
      These are the machines in a kitchen that are used to prepare food.
      This is above a stove and it often has a fan in it.
      Use this when you want to open a bottle.
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