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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 11 月 28 日 (No. 121)


    訂閱一年12期 / 1,490元 (定價3,000元,打5折)
    訂閱二年24期 / 2,790元 (定價6,000元,打4.7折)
    訂閱一年12期 / 1,790元 (定價4,320元,打4.1折)
    訂閱二年24期 / 3,490元 (定價8,640元,打4折)

    1. fruit stand 水果攤 8. strawberry (strawberries) 草莓 15. bell fruit/wax apple 蓮霧
    2. mango 芒果 9. cherry (cherries) 櫻桃 16. apple pear/Chinese pear
    3. pomelo 柚子 10. peach 水蜜桃   水梨
    4. pineapple 鳳梨 11. durian 榴槤 17. papaya 木瓜
    5. passion fruit 百香果 12. grape(s) 葡萄 18. guava 芭樂;番石榴
    6. cantaloupe 哈密瓜 13. kiwi 奇異果 19. watermelon 西瓜
    7. grapefruit 葡萄柚 14. persimmon 柿子    
    1. orange 柳橙;柳丁
    2. tangerine 橘子;柑橘
    3. lemon 檸檬
    4. lime 萊姆
    5. nectarine 油桃;玫瑰桃
    6. honeydew melon 香瓜
    7. pear 梨子
    8. pomegranate 石榴
    9. plum 李子
    10. longan 龍眼
    11. lychee 荔枝
    12. star fruit/carambola 楊桃
    13. avocado 酪梨
    14. tomato 番茄
    15. blueberry (blueberries) 藍莓漿果;藍莓
    16. ripe (水果、穀物等)成熟的
    17. rotten 腐爛的
    18. bruised (水果等因受到碰撞)有碰傷、壓傷的
    19. juicy 多汁液的
    20. a bad spot 蔬果中腐壞、被撞傷、或是有蟲蛀的部份
    21. seed 種子
    22. pit 果核
    23. pesticide(s) 農藥;殺蟲劑
    24. organic 有機的
    25. skin [n] 水果或蔬菜的表皮
    26. peel [n] (水果或蔬菜在食用前會剝掉、削掉的)外皮
    27. peel [v] 剝掉(或削掉)水果、蔬菜等的皮
    28. weigh [v] 重量有……
    29. weight [n] 重量
    30. scale 磅秤
    31. per pound (lb) 每磅
    32. per kilogram (kg) 每公斤
    33. gift basket (如水果籃之類)裝滿禮品的籃子
    34. fruit salad 水果沙拉
    35. dozen 一打;十二個
    36. half dozen 半打;六個
    37. fruit fly(ies) 果蠅
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • This piece of fruit looks delicious. 這個(顆)水果看起來很好吃。
    I would like to buy a dozen apples. 我要買十二顆蘋果。
    This peach is rotten. 這顆水蜜桃爛掉了。
    I bought my grandmother a fruit gift basket for her birthday.  
    I prefer to eat organic fruit and vegetables. 我比較喜歡吃有機蔬果。
    Wash that apple well. There might be pesticides on the skin.
    There are lots of fruit flies flying around those rotten bananas.
    I like to eat grapes as a healthy after-school snack. 
    Peel the skin off those apples. I want to make an apple pie.
    There is a bad spot in this persimmon. 這顆柿子有一處壞掉了。
    This persimmon has a bad spot. 這顆柿子有一處壞掉了。
    These cherries cost a dollar forty-five per pound. 這些櫻桃一磅一塊四毛五美金。
    I love to eat pomegranates, but they are difficult to peel. 
    Cut that nectarine into four pieces and then take out the pit. 
    This plum tastes so sweet and juicy! 這顆李子真是香甜多汁!
  • 成語 Idioms
  • bear fruit 有了成果
    bear 在此為動詞,表示「產生;結(果實)」的意思,因此 bear fruit 便是「結成果實」,可引申指「事情的進展有了成果」。
      The woman's many years of work did not bear fruit until after she died.
    Dialogue 1 
    Carlie and Steve are buying some fruit at a fruit stand.
    Carlie: This fruit stand offers a great selection of fruit at cheap prices. 卡莉: 這家水果攤有好多種便宜的水果喔。
    Steve: The prices sure are reasonable. Hey! I just noticed that all of the fruit sold here is organic. 史提夫: 價格真的很合理。嘿!我剛剛發現這裡賣的水果全都是有機水果呢。
    Carlie: That's a real plus. Now, let's stop looking and start buying. 卡莉: 那真是不錯的附加價值,嘿,我們別光顧著看,快買些水果吧。
    Steve: We need a bunch of bananas, half a dozen apples, some cherries, and half a watermelon. 史提夫: 我們要一串香蕉,半打蘋果,一些櫻桃,還要半個西瓜。
    Carlie: Let's not buy these peaches. They don't look ripe yet. 卡莉: 別買這些桃子,看起來還沒熟。
    Steve: OK. These kiwis over here look, smell, and feel ripe. Let's buy a dozen! 史提夫: 好吧,這邊這些奇異果,從外觀、味道和觸感看來,好像已經熟了。我們買一打吧!
    Carlie: Be careful, Steve. We can't buy too much fruit. We only brought thirty dollars, remember? 卡莉: 史提夫,注意一下,我們不能買太多,你記不記得我們只帶了三十塊錢?
    Dialogue 2 
    Tony is helping his wife, Alice, make a fruit salad.
    Tony: I'll start by washing these strawberries, peaches, and apples, and then I'll cut them up. 東尼: 我會先把這些草莓、水蜜桃和蘋果洗乾淨,然後切塊。
    Alice: Thanks, honey. I'll cut up this watermelon and remove all of the seeds. 艾莉絲: 親愛的,謝啦。我來切這個西瓜,並把籽清乾淨。
    Tony: Yuck! I just tried a little piece of this apple. It tastes sour, and there is a bad spot in it. 東尼: 好噁喔!這顆蘋果我剛試吃了一小片,吃起來酸酸的,還有一塊地方壞掉了。
    Alice: Be sure not to put the pieces of that apple in the salad. How about those bananas? They look nice and ripe. 艾莉絲: 注意不要把那顆蘋果切片放到沙拉裡。那些香蕉怎麼樣?看起來挺不錯,好像已經熟了。
    Tony: OK, I'll peel a couple and cut them up. Hey! I almost forgot about the blueberries. Can we add some of them? 東尼: 好,那我會剝幾根香蕉,再切片。嘿!我差點忘記還有藍莓。我們加一些藍莓好嗎?
    Alice: Sure, but make sure to wash them well. A lot of pesticides are used to grow blueberries. 艾莉絲: 當然好啊。不過要洗乾淨喔,種藍莓時都會用到很多農藥。
    Tony: Don't worry. It says here on the label that these blueberries were organically grown. 東尼: 別擔心,貼標上說這些藍莓是經過有機種植的。
    Alice: Great! If that's the case, put all of them into the salad! 艾莉絲: 太棒了,這樣的話,把它們全都放進沙拉裡吧!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. organic b. peel c. fruit salad d. kiwi e. durian
    f. pomelo g. ripe h. tomato i. pit j. pound
      This type of Southeast Asian fruit is famous for its strong smell.
      In the United States, this is the unit of measurement for buying fruit.
      You do this to a piece of fruit when you take the skin off it.
      New Zealand is famous for this kind of fruit.
      Many people think this round red fruit is a vegetable.
      Chinese people like to eat this large, yellow and green fruit during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
      Fruit grown without pesticides is described in this way.
      This is a big type of seed that is inside some kinds of fruit.
      You can describe fruit this way if it looks good and is ready to eat.
      You make this by cutting up different kinds of fruit and mixing them together.
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