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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 12 月 5 日 (No. 122)
    1. action figure 活動人偶 7. remote-control car 遙控車 12. dollhouse (可放小玩偶、
    2. toy airplane 玩具飛機 8. squirt gun 水槍   玩具傢俱等)
    3. scooter 9. block(s) 積木 13. hula hoop 呼拉圈
      滑板車;踏板車 10. model train(包含軌道、火 14. teddy bear 泰迪熊
    4. rocking horse   車、車站等整組的)火車模型 15. yo-yo 溜溜球
      (給小孩騎坐可前後 11. jack-in-the-box (打開盒蓋 16. top 陀螺
      搖動的)玩具馬;木馬   後就會彈出玩偶的)嚇人箱 17. Slinky 彈簧玩具
    5. Barbie doll 芭比娃娃        
    6. rubber duck (通常為黃色,擠壓時會吱吱叫的)塑膠玩具鴨    
    1. puzzle 拼圖
    2. board game 紙上遊戲
    3. deck of cards 一副紙牌
    4. jump rope 跳繩
    5. Frisbee 飛盤
    6. video game(s) 電動玩具
    7. GameBoy 遊戲小子(一種電動玩具的主機名)
    8. Hacky Sack(玩法類似踢毽子的)沙包
    9. figurine(s)(用陶土或石刻製成的)小人像
    10. toy sword 玩具劍
    11. domino(es) 骨牌
    12. checker(s) 西洋棋
    13. Lego(s) 樂高積木玩具
    14. squirt (v.) 噴射
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • I got some new toys for Christmas. 我在聖誕節時收到一些新玩具。
    I love to take my little brother to the toy store. 我很喜歡帶小弟弟去玩具店。
    I put all of my dolls in my dollhouse. 我把我所有的娃娃都放在娃娃屋裡。
    Let's go outside and play with our hula hoops. 我們到外面玩呼拉圈吧。 
    I got a new set of Legos for my birthday. 我生日時收到一套新的樂高玩具。
    Christy is playing on her rocking horse. 克莉絲蒂正在騎玩具馬。
    My father and I built a model train together. 我爸爸和我一起組裝模型火車。
    Would you like to ride my new scooter? 你想不想騎我的新滑板車?
    I can do a lot of tricks with my yo-yo. 我會用溜溜球玩很多花招。
    Let's go play my new board game together. 一起來玩我新買的紙上遊戲吧。
    Don't squirt me with your squirt gun! 不要用你的水槍射我啦!
  • 成語 Idioms
  • toy with (something) 不很認真地考慮(某事)
    toy 在此為動詞用法,表「隨便想想;不很認真考慮(某事)」之意。
      I am toying with the idea of joining a school club.
    Dialogue 1 
    Liz and her husband, Barry, are in a toy store buying a birthday gift for their son, Timmy.
    Liz: I know Timmy likes video games, but I want to buy him something different for his birthday. 麗茲: 我知道提米喜歡玩電動,不過我想買給他不一樣的生日禮物。
    Barry: There are lots of toys to choose from. I was thinking that we could get him a scooter and maybe a set of Legos. What do you think? 貝瑞: 有很多玩具可以選啊,我本來是想可以買給他一台滑板車,或許再加上一套樂高玩具,妳覺得怎麼樣?
    Liz: I don't think he would like Legos. He doesn't like things with little pieces. The scooter, on the other hand, is a great idea. 麗茲: 我覺得他不會喜歡樂高玩具,他不喜歡一個個小零件的東西,不過滑板車這點子倒是不錯。
    Barry: We shouldn't get him a squirt gun. I know he would run around the house squirting everyone with it. 貝瑞: 我們不能買水槍給他,我想他可能會拿著水槍屋子裡到處跑,見人就射。
    Liz: Good call. Now, what about a yo-yo, or a top? Those are two simple toys that lots of little boys like to play with. 麗茲: 說的沒錯。嘿,你覺得溜溜球或陀螺怎麼樣?很多小男孩都愛玩這兩種簡單的玩具喔。
    Barry: I just don't think that Timmy would like them. Let's keep looking around the store. 貝瑞: 我只覺得提米不會喜歡,我們繼續在店裡找找吧。
    Dialogue 2 
    Mary is talking to her son, John, and telling him to clean up his room.
    Mary: John, your room is a mess! There are toys everywhere. 瑪莉: 約翰,你的房間真亂!到處都是玩具。
    John: I like to keep my toys on the floor of my room, Mom. That way I know where they all are. 約翰: 媽,我喜歡把玩具都放在房裡的地板上,這樣我才曉得玩具在哪裡。
    Mary: I'm sorry, John. Other people have to walk on the floor. They might hurt themselves. You need to put all your toys away. 瑪莉: 約翰,不好意思囉,還有其他人要在這裡走動,他們可能會受傷。你必須把玩具全都收好。
    John: OK, but only if you help me, Mom. 約翰: 好啊,媽,不過你要幫我。
    Mary: It's a deal. I'll put all of your action figures, teddy bears, and figurines on that shelf. 瑪莉: 那就說定了,我要把你的活動人偶、泰迪熊和小人偶都放到那個架子上。
    John: I'll put my scooter and rocking horse next to my bed, and then I'll pick up all my blocks, Legos, and toy cars, and put them in the right boxes. 約翰: 我要把滑板車跟木馬放在我的床邊,然後我會把所有的積木、樂高玩具和玩具車都撿起來,放在該放的盒子裡。
    Mary: What should we do about your model train? It doesn't look like it's working. 瑪莉: 我們該怎麼處理你的模型火車?這火車看起來好像跑不起來。
    John: You're right. It's not working now. Let's clean up everything else while I think about what to do with it. There are lots of other toys that can be put away first. 約翰: 對啊,它確實跑不起來。我們先把其他東西都清乾淨,我再一邊想想要怎麼辦。我們還有很多玩具可以先收拾。


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. scooter b. blocks c. squirt gun d. action figure e. jack-in-the-box
    f. rocking horse g. Barbie doll h. dollhouse i. teddy bear j. puzzle
      This type of toy has arms and legs that move.
      You can sit on this and move it from front to back.
      Put the pieces of this together to make a picture.
      This type of doll is popular all over the world.
      Use these square pieces of plastic or wood to build things.
      Many little kids like to hold this kind of stuffed animal when they sleep.
      A clown pops out of this boxs when you turn the arm on the side.
      This type of two-wheeled vehicle is popular with kids.
      Little girls play with and keep their dolls here.
      This type of fake gun is fun to play with on a hot summer day.


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